Romo One - Antes del Si - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Romo One - Antes del Si

Antes del Si
Before the Yes
Ya no me basta con mirarte y ni siquiera saludarte
It's no longer enough just to look at you, not even to greet you
Ya no basta con tropezar contigo y disculparme
It's no longer enough to bump into you and apologize
Ya no basta con esperar cada año, cada invierno
It's no longer enough to wait every year, every winter
Ya no basta buscar un pretexto pa decir te quiero
It's no longer enough to find an excuse to say I love you
Ya no basta con escribir en mi cuaderno tu nombre
It's no longer enough to write your name in my notebook
Ya no basta con decir que mi corazón se hace enorme
It's no longer enough to say that my heart grows huge
Entiendes? por eso me escondo a veces
Do you understand? that's why I hide sometimes
Tengo miedo de hablarte y ni si quiera me peles
I'm afraid to talk to you and you don't even pay attention to me
¿Vez? al Chile ya no se que hacer
See? honestly I don't know what to do
Me desvelo me atormento que belleza de mujer
I stay up late, I torment myself, what a beautiful woman
Aquí empiezo, mi reto hoy es conquistarla
Here I begin, my challenge today is to conquer her
Terminare con un beso y de la mano tomarla
I will end with a kiss and holding her hand
El primer paso era pensar que decir
The first step was to think about what to say
Y yo le digo ¿quieres conmigo salir?
And I tell her, would you like to go out with me?
Ella responde si como no mucho gusto
She replies yes, of course, nice to meet you
Espero se divierta y no causar disgusto
I hope you have fun and don't cause displeasure
Planee la cita todo iba saliendo bien
I planned the date, everything was going well
Que se descuida y hasta un beso le robe
She gets careless and I even steal a kiss
Fija mirada el tiempo se detiene
Fixed gaze, time stops
Esta pensando sera que en verdad me quiere
She's thinking, I wonder if she really loves me
Como hare si quiero conquitarte
How will I do it if I want to conquer you
Como hare si yo quiero besarte
How will I do it if I want to kiss you
Si te paso pensando el día
If I spend the day thinking about you
Eres tu quien me da la alegría
You are the one who gives me joy
Como hare si quiero conquitarte
How will I do it if I want to conquer you
Como hare si yo quiero abrasarte
How will I do it if I want to embrace you
Si no soy ni capaz de hablarte
If I'm not even able to talk to you
Como hare si quiero enamorarte
How will I do it if I want to make you fall in love
Sigue la cita te voy conociendo mas
The date continues, I'm getting to know you more
No se que tienes pero me haces suspirar
I don't know what you have, but you make me sigh
Yo no controlo el corazón se vuelve loco
I can't control it, my heart goes crazy
Solo me acerco y tu cara te toco
I just get closer and touch your face
Te ves hermosa sueltas una sonrisa
You look beautiful, you let out a smile
Solo tu dices me gusta tu camisa
You just say I like your shirt
Te pones tensa nerviosa solo tiemblas
You get tense, nervous, you just tremble
Aqui el nervioso soy yo no lo recuerdas
Here the nervous one is me, don't you remember
Entre la platica me empiezo a soltar mas
Between the conversation I start to let go more
Dime tu vida y que no pueda faltar
Tell me about your life and what can't be missing
Que te disgusta que te gusta o que te asusta
What you dislike, what you like, or what scares you
Que desde ahora te has convertido en mi musa
That from now on you have become my muse
Fin de la cita ahora andamos quedando
End of the date, now we're seeing each other
Llega el momento quiero decirte algo
The moment arrives, I want to tell you something
Me pongo nervioso me afecta la memoria
I get nervous, my memory is affected
Deja decirte algo quisieras ser mi novia
Let me tell you something, would you like to be my girlfriend
Como hare si quiero conquitarte
How will I do it if I want to conquer you
Como hare si yo quiero besarte
How will I do it if I want to kiss you
Si te paso pensando el dia
If I spend the day thinking about you
Eres tu quien me da la alegria
You are the one who gives me joy
Como hare si quiero conquistarte
How will I do it if I want to conquer you
Como hare si yo quiero abrasarte
How will I do it if I want to embrace you
Si no soy ni capaz de hablarte
If I'm not even able to talk to you
Como hare si quiero enamorarte
How will I do it if I want to make you fall in love

Writer(s): Jose Manuel Cota Romo

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