Rubberband - 城記 - traduction des paroles en anglais

城記 - Rubberbandtraduction en anglais

City Ballad
City Ballad
監製:雷頌德.Rubber Band
Producer: Mark Lui · Rubber Band
巨型幕牆裂開 叢林蓋著昨天月台
Giant curtain walls crack, jungle covers yesterday's platform,
數十里外那 鐵巨塔早晚碎開
Dozens of miles away, the iron giant tower will crumble sooner or later.
這片廢墟 當初記載 世人注滿溺愛
This wasteland, once recorded, was filled with the world's doting love,
天線蔓延密佈 然而拒絕接通線路
Antennas spread densely, yet refuse to connect the lines,
過濾最後那 熾熱跳動過遠方信號
Filtering the last burning, pulsating signal from afar.
風中顫抖 催生出鐵銹 廢地八百幾畝
Trembling in the wind, giving birth to rust, eight hundred acres of wasteland.
Ooh…維港終於枯乾變土丘 早已荒廢的天星碼頭
Ooh…Victoria Harbour finally dried up and turned into a mound, the long-abandoned Star Ferry Pier,
A leopard has climbed the city tower.
人在拼命走 盼望能找到新出口
People are running desperately, hoping to find a new way out,
城牆鋼鐵太厚 怎麼呼救
The city walls are too thick with steel, how can they call for help?
當中多少個能逃走 我望不到神庇佑
How many of them can escape, I can't see God's blessing.
天氣不再預報 孩童也沒有新地圖
The weather is no longer forecast, and the children have no new maps,
那壞了電腦 永沒法會料到 這種劫數 終於困守
The broken computer could never have predicted this kind of disaster, finally trapped.
殘存在最後 哪裡會有解咒 哪裡有
Remaining in the end, where is the solution, where is it?
維港終於枯乾變土丘 早已荒廢的天星碼頭
Victoria Harbour finally dried up and turned into a mound, the long-abandoned Star Ferry Pier,
A leopard has climbed the city tower.
人在拼命走 盼望能找到新出口
People are running desperately, hoping to find a new way out,
城牆鋼鐵太厚 怎麼呼救
The city walls are too thick with steel, how can they call for help?
當中多少個 能逃走
How many of them can escape?
我望一天能出走 可否撐得到盡頭
I hope one day I can escape, can I make it to the end?
太想觸到彩虹 除掉漆黑那感動
I want to touch the rainbow so much, remove the touch of darkness,
這秒鐘 圍城卻滿天虛空
This second, the siege is full of empty sky.
如果出手開啟那按鈕 一發火箭炸開這宇宙
If you push the button, a rocket will blow up the universe,
A second flashes by and everything starts over.
然後有路走 最後能找到新出口
Then there is a way to go, finally finding a new way out,
逃離了困獸鬥 一一得救 呼吸到空氣 能長久
Escaped the trapped beast fight, one by one saved, breathing the air, able to last.
十年劫數到最後 終可撐得到盡頭
Ten years of disaster finally came to an end, finally able to reach the end,
別人說我很荒謬 終可撐到最後
People say I'm ridiculous, but I can finally hold on to the end.
Lalalalala 一一得救 Lalalalala 終於得救
Lalalalala one by one saved, Lalalalala finally saved,
Lalalalala 一一得救 Lalalalala 一天得救
Lalalalala one by one saved, Lalalalala one day saved.

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