Rubberband - 海.地 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rubberband - 海.地

Sea and Land
擋隔著視線 訊息路上中斷 橫越為著再見
Mountains block the view, messages are lost on the way, I cross them to see you again.
大海 風與浪萬變 瞬間方位紛亂 眼閉起亦看見
The vast sea, wind and waves change endlessly, direction lost in an instant, even with closed eyes, I see you.
同時出發 同時打拼 迷途的 仍隨影 你在某處呼應 yeah!
We set off together, we strive together, those who are lost still follow their shadows, you echo somewhere, yeah!
城堡 守駐舊日霸氣 要隔開目的地 抗爭為遇到你
The castle, guarding the dominance of the old days, wants to separate us from our destination, I fight to meet you.
這戰場 冠冕未及戴上 轉身又敗了仗 請謹記這方向
This battlefield, the crown is not yet worn, I turn around and lose the battle again, please remember this direction.
同時出發 同時打拼 迷途的 仍隨影 你在某處呼應 yeah!
We set off together, we strive together, those who are lost still follow their shadows, you echo somewhere, yeah!
填平滄海 挪移山嶺 攔路的一一擊破
Fill the vast sea, move the mountains, break through all obstacles.
去連結你跟我 就算再痛也跨過
To connect you and me, even if it hurts, I will overcome it.
散落清溪與岸邊 散落寸土裡面
Scattered in the clear streams and shores, scattered in every inch of the land.
散落四周烽煙 也會再相見
Scattered amidst the smoke of war, we will meet again.
封閉昨日勇氣 信心若漸飄離 難誠實面對你
My heart, closed off yesterday's courage, if faith drifts away, it's hard to face you honestly.
自己 堅信著道理 置身壯闊天地 無懼萬丈百里
Myself, firmly believing in the truth, standing in the vast world, fearless of the endless miles.
同時出發 同時打拼 迷途的 仍隨影 你在某處呼應 yeah!
We set off together, we strive together, those who are lost still follow their shadows, you echo somewhere, yeah!
填平滄海 挪移山嶺 攔路的一一擊破
Fill the vast sea, move the mountains, break through all obstacles.
To connect you and me.
終於走出了世界盡頭 終於天黑已接上白晝
Finally walked out of the end of the world, finally the night has turned into day.
終於觸摸到你兩手 剎那震撼已 很足夠
Finally touched your hands, the momentary shock is enough.
終於握緊了哪會動搖 終於打通了哪怕乾擾
Finally grasped what will not waver, finally got through despite all the interference.
來日的 同步走 成全了 戰友 你我 戰友
In the days to come, we walk in sync, fulfilling the role of comrades, you and me, comrades.

Writer(s): 6th, ching, ni meng

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