Rubberband - 老人與海 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rubberband - 老人與海

The Old Man and the Sea
/ 監:RubberBand
Arranged & Produced by: RubberBand
到這次再抱恙 想起出生家鄉
Feeling unwell again, I remember my hometown,
青春裡有著你 彷彿記憶很長
My youth with you feels like a long memory.
怕你已變了樣 手執這一幅相
Fearing you've changed, I hold this photo,
當天滿臉稚氣 早添層層風霜
Our once young faces now etched with time.
A lifetime of battles across hundreds of miles,
In the end, I just want to revisit our old places with you.
一家幾口也 美滿吧
Our family, a few of them, are doing well, right?
孫子長高了 俊俏吧
The grandchildren have grown tall, handsome, haven't they?
分開的際遇也 可以淡然聊著笑
Even the times we were apart, we can talk about with a smile,
只要安好對嗎 這刻海邊坐下
As long as we're well, that's all that matters, right? Sitting here by the sea,
載過你去上學 單車走得顛簸
The bicycle I rode you to school on was bumpy,
親手送我便當 哼起了那首歌
You handed me lunch, humming that song,
笑看老去世代 總可捉緊當初
Looking back on the passing generations, we can still hold onto the beginning.
躺於晦暗病榻 畫面卻越清楚
Lying on the dim sickbed, the memories become clearer.
A lifetime of battles across hundreds of miles,
In the end, I just want to revisit our old places with you.
一家幾口也 美滿吧
Our family, a few of them, are doing well, right?
孫子長高了 俊俏吧
The grandchildren have grown tall, handsome, haven't they?
分開的際遇也 可以淡然聊著笑
Even the times we were apart, we can talk about with a smile,
只要安好對嗎 這刻海邊坐下
As long as we're well, that's all that matters, right? Sitting here by the sea,
天真的賭氣 當笑話
Our childish arguments become jokes,
輕率的吵架 不記下
Our hasty quarrels forgotten.
假使將散席了 跟你淡然聊著笑
If it's time to say goodbye, I'll talk to you with a smile,
只要安好對嗎 很想海邊坐下
As long as we're well, that's all that matters, right? I want to sit by the sea.
感激可跟你 再對話
Grateful to be able to talk to you again,
將一生都能 放得下
To let go of everything in this life.
分開的際遇也 可以淡然聊著笑
Even the times we were apart, we can talk about with a smile,
知你身邊有他 天天 安心回家
Knowing you have him by your side, coming home safe every day.
天真的賭氣 當笑話
Our childish arguments become jokes,
多輕率的吵架 記不下
Our many hasty quarrels forgotten.
假使將散席了 跟你淡然聊著笑
If it's time to say goodbye, I'll talk to you with a smile,
知你身邊有他 終於 不必念掛
Knowing you have him by your side, finally, I don't have to worry.

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