Se que no te tengo y te quiero decir que si te sientes sola te acuerdes de mi,
I know I don't have you, but I want to say, if you ever feel alone, remember me,
Pasaran mil horas pensando en ti aunque me lo niegues se que piensas en mi (Bis)
A thousand hours will pass thinking of you, even if you deny it, I know you think of me (Repeat)
- Se que aun me quiere que me extraña que me piensa en las mañanas,
- I know you still love me, that you miss me, that you think of me in the mornings,
Que la visión se le empaña
That your vision blurs
Cuando cierra las pestañas
When you close your eyelashes
Que me ama que hasta su propio orgullo le reclama
That you love me, that even your own pride calls out for me
Y que me piensa entre la gente al mirar por la ventana que me busca, que pregunte por ella eso le gusta quiere ser fuerte pero es débil por eso sola se frustra
And that you think of me among the people, looking through the window, that you look for me, that you ask about me, you like that, you want to be strong, but you're weak, that's why you get frustrated alone
Ella me ama ella me odia me adora me tiene fobia no es un caso de locos no estoy loco era mi novia
You love me, you hate me, you adore me, you have a phobia of me, it's not a case of crazy, I'm not crazy, you were my girlfriend
Y la perdi me gustaría que estes conmigo y jugar que estaba muerto y en zombi me converti que te perseguí,
And I lost you, I would like you to be with me and pretend that I was dead and turned into a zombie, that I chased you,
Y que te mordí el cuello mientras tu riéndote jalándome el cabello no lo olvido o te preocupes no me olvidare,
And that I bit your neck while you laughed pulling my hair, I don't forget it, or don't worry, I won't forget,
De tenerte conmigo casi no pierdo la fe te encontre como de suerte en una ocasión para mi eso no fue
To have you with me, I almost don't lose faith, I found you as if by luck on one occasion, for me that wasn't
Suerte pa mi fue un bendición yo te amo de verdad eso nunca lo dudes tu sabes muy bien que hice todo lo que pude y hasta ahora sigo
Luck for me, it was a blessing, I truly love you, never doubt that, you know very well that I did everything I could and until now I still
Pensándote en exceso con la única esperanza sacarte otro beso
Think of you excessively with the only hope of getting another kiss from you
Se que no te tengo y te quiero decir que si te sientes sola te acuerdes de mi pasaran mil horas pensando en ti aunque me lo niegues se que piensas en mi (Bis)
I know I don't have you, and I want to say, if you ever feel alone, remember me, a thousand hours will pass thinking of you, even if you deny it, I know you think of me (Repeat)
No fue culpa tuya(no) tampoco culpa mia discúlpame si al cien por cien no te conocía
It wasn't your fault (no), it wasn't my fault either, forgive me if I didn't know you one hundred percent
Tenia la mania de mirarte dormida y de complacerte pidas lo que me pidas a veces no podía pero tu me comprendias
I had the habit of watching you sleep and pleasing you, whatever you asked of me, sometimes I couldn't but you understood me
Recuerdo tu boca extraño lo que me decias ese punto tal vez no esteemos juntos
I remember your mouth, I miss what you used to say, at this point maybe we're not together
Pero ten por seguro que sigues siendo mi mundo yo te adoro por eso te escribi por eso el coro
But be sure that you are still my world, I adore you, that's why I wrote to you, that's why the chorus
Si me pides que te abraze te juro que no demoro tu eres mia
If you ask me to hug you, I swear I won't delay, you are mine
Y lo que mas me molestaría es que le digas a el como a mi me decias
And what would bother me the most is that you tell him the same things you used to tell me
Ojala no haya el y me quieras solo a mi disculpa mis locuras pero te quiero para mi
Hopefully there is no him and you only want me, excuse my madness, but I want you for myself
Sigo esperado pase mucho pase poco en el mismo lugar sentado aunque me digan loco
I keep waiting, whether it's a long time or a short time, sitting in the same place even if they call me crazy
Se que no te tengo y te quiero decir que si te sientes sola te acuerdes de mi pasaran mil horas pensando en ti aunque me lo niegues se que piensas en mi (Bis)
I know I don't have you, and I want to say, if you ever feel alone, remember me, a thousand hours will pass thinking of you, even if you deny it, I know you think of me (Repeat)
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