Ruhi Su - Prolog - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ruhi Su - Prolog

Bir oba kalkýp da yola koyuldu mu
When a tribe pulls up stakes and sets out on the road
Hayvanlarýn çanlarý baþlarmýþ konuþmaya!
The bells on their animals begin to chatter!
Önde giden devenin çaný:
The camel leading the way's bell:
"Benim aðam zenginnndir! Benim aðam zenginnndir!"
"My master is wealthy! My master is wealthy!"
Diye ötermiþ.
Would chime.
Ortada giden devenin çaný: "Neden neden neden neden? "
The camel in the middle's bell: "Why, why, why, why?"
Diye ötermiþ.
Would chime.
Arkadan gelen devenin çaný da: "Ondan bundan
The camel following behind's bell: "From that, from this
Ondan bundan ondan bundan ondan bundan"
From that, from this, from that, from this, from that, from this"
Diye ötermiþ...
Would chime...
Bizim bu ozan dilimiz, doðru gören doðru söyleyen
Our poet's tongue, seeing and speaking truth
Sazýmýz, dertlilere derman arayan Þaman dualarýndan beri
Our saz, seeking healing for the afflicted, from the shamanic prayers of long ago
Böyle yargýlayýp geliyor...
Has judged and spoken thus...
Aldý Alaca daðýn, kara daðýn akan sularýn ayincisi.
He who divinates the waters flowing from Mount Alaca, the dark mountain.
Hem ayincisi, hem de oyuncusu olan Þaman kocasý.
Both the diviner and the performer, the shaman.
Bakalým ne dedi:
Let us see what he said:
" Allah, Bismillah! Ey Tanrým yanýldýðýmda bana yardým et!
"Allah, Bismillah! O my God, help me when I err!
Ey kopuzum! Doðru gör, doðru söyle!
O my kopuz! See truly, speak truly!
Üyengi aðacýnýn kökünden oyarak aldýðým kopuzum!
My kopuz, carved from the root of the aspen tree!
Kýzýl çalý tobulgadan perdelerini yaptýðým kopuzum!
My kopuz, with frets made from the stems of the red sandalwood!
Yürük atýn kuyruðundan tel yaptýðým kopuzum!
My kopuz, with strings made from the tail of the swift horse!
Doðru gör, doðru söyle!
See truly, speak truly!
Söylenene uymazsan kulaklarýný burarým!
If you disobey what is said, I will twist your ears!
Seni yere çalarým! Oynayýp durduðum andýr bu an!
I will strike you to the ground! This is the moment, this moment in which I play!
Çam kopuzumu elime aldým. Su yýlaný gibi dolandým döndüm..." Deyip kesti.
I took up my pinewood kopuz. I twisted and turned like a water snake..." He stopped.
At ayaðý çabuk, ozan dili çevik olur derler.
They say the horse's foot is swift, the poet's tongue is nimble.
Biz gelelim Kara Hoca′nýn oðlu Dedem Korkut'a.
Let us come to Grandfather Korkut, son of Kara Hoca.
Dedem Korkut′tan bir yiðit damar sürüp getirelim
From Grandfather Korkut, let us bring a vein of valor
Köroðlu'na. Aldý Çardaklý Çamlýbel'in kýrk delisinden biri,
To Köroğlu. He took one of the forty madmen of Çardaklı Çamlýbel,
Yusuf′un oðlu Koç Köroðlu.
Yusuf's son, Koç Köroğlu.
Bakalým o da nasýl bir öðüt verdi, ne söyledi:
Let us see how he counseled, what he said:

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