Rytmus feat. Miky Mora - Co - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rytmus feat. Miky Mora - Co

Slabí reperi pýtajú sa, že čo?!,
Weak rappers ask, "What?!"
Keď dávam toto divné flow,
When I drop this strange flow,
Do hudby od Hajtkoviča,
To Hajtkovich's music,
Bo na parkete vrtí sa každá pi*a.
Cause every bitch on the dance floor is already shaking it.
Slabí reperi pýtajú sa, že čo?!,
Weak rappers ask, "What?!"
Keď dávam toto divné flow,
When I drop this strange flow,
Do hudby od Hajtkoviča,
To Hajtkovich's music,
Bo na parkete vrtí sa každá pi*a.
Cause every bitch on the dance floor is already shaking it.
Pi*ky sa nepýtajú, že čo?!,
Bitches don't ask, "What?!"
Keď dáva Hajtko a Miky Mo,
When Hajtko and Miky Mo drop it,
Káždá vie, že to je to,
Every girl already knows it's what,
čo na párty jej chýbalo,
she was missing at the party,
Všetky zadky v klube hýbu sa na tento hit,
All the asses in the club are moving to this hit,
Ko*oti bez fantázie povedia, že to je párty shit,
Idiots without imagination will say it's party shit,
No moja odpoveď na to je plný klub pí*,
But my answer to that is a club full of bitches,
Na to záruka je Miky Mo a Hajtkovič.
Miky Mo and Hajtkovich are the guarantee for that.
Dneska hráme svoju show,
Today we're playing our show,
Zavreme pi*e degešov,
We'll lock up bitches with cash,
S frajerkami egrešov,
With girlfriends with gooseberries,
Bavíme sa muzikou.
We're having fun with music.
Pijeme drinky, ku*vy nás obletujú v boxe,
We drink drinks, whores flock around us in the box,
Nechcú konvalinky, idú po sláve a kokse,
They don't want lilies of the valley, they're after fame and coke,
Chceli by byť v klipe, že vraj ukážu aj riť,
They want to be in the video, they say they'll even show their ass,
Potreba byť diplomat, aby sa nezačali biť.
You need to be a diplomat so they don't start fighting.
Slabí reperi pýtajú sa, že čo?!,
Weak rappers ask, "What?!"
Keď dávam toto divné flow,
When I drop this strange flow,
Do hudby od Hajtkoviča,
To Hajtkovich's music,
Bo na parkete vrtí sa každá pi*a.
Cause every bitch on the dance floor is already shaking it.
Slabí reperi pýtajú sa, že čo?!,
Weak rappers ask, "What?!"
Keď dávam toto divné flow,
When I drop this strange flow,
Do hudby od Hajtkoviča,
To Hajtkovich's music,
Bo na parkete vrtí sa každá pi*a.
Cause every bitch on the dance floor is already shaking it.
Hýbu sa telá, na parkete vznikla mela,
Bodies are moving, a brawl has broken out on the dance floor,
Hajtko je kapela a Miky akapela,
Hajtko is the band and Miky is a cappella,
Nejedná pi*a by sa rada o mňa trela,
More than one bitch would like to rub against me,
Ja jej na to ty veľa by si chela.
I tell her, "You wish, girl."
Všetky ruky hore,
All hands are up,
Každý v nóbl úbore,
Everyone in fancy attire,
Káre chlapcov v pozore,
Guys' cars on alert,
Bo strašné lubne na obzore.
Cause there are some hotties on the horizon.
My žijeme hudbou, hudbou sa bavíme,
We live by music, we have fun with music,
Robíme strašné veci, vždy inak ich spravíme,
We do crazy things, we always do them differently,
A to svojich ľudí nikdy my nenudíme,
And we never bore our people,
Po víkendoch v kluboch život budíme.
We bring life to clubs on weekends.
Reči, že táto skladba je zlá,
Talk that this song is bad,
pre mňa len blá blá blá.
Is just blah blah blah to me.
Dnes vám tu Miky Mo a Hajtko hrá,
Today Miky Mo and Hajtko are playing for you here,
Párty nekončí, ale začína.
The party doesn't end, it just begins.
Slabí reperi pýtajú sa, že čo?!,
Weak rappers ask, "What?!"
Keď dávam toto divné flow,
When I drop this strange flow,
Do hudby od Hajtkoviča,
To Hajtkovich's music,
Bo na parkete vrtí sa každá pi*a.
Cause every bitch on the dance floor is already shaking it.
Slabi raperi pytaju sa ze co
Weak rappers ask, "What?!"
Ked davam toto divne flo
When I drop this strange flow,
Do hudby od hajtkovica
To Hajtkovich's music,
Bo na parkete vrti sa uz kazda pi*a
Cause every bitch on the dance floor is already shaking it.
Mŕtvi reperi sa pýtajú, že čo?!,
Dead rappers ask, "What?!"
Keď dávam toto drblé flow,
When I drop this stupid flow,
Do hudby od Hajtkoviča,
To Hajtkovich's music,
Bo na parkete je každá smradlavá pi*a.
Cause every stinky bitch is on the dance floor.
Enten tiky dva špendlíky,
Eeny meeny miny moe,
Vyletel čert z elektriky,
The devil flew out of the electricity,
Baba sa ho zlakla, na kolená klakla
The girl got scared, she knelt down
Otrčila bulu, oprdzela mu hubu.
She stuck out her ass and farted in his face.
Blažo je napi*u reper,
Blažo is a drunk rapper,
Nosí zapravený sveter,
He wears a tucked-in sweater,
Lízal môjmu otcovi osraný anál,
He licked my father's shitty asshole,
Teraz ci smrdzí chrapa jak kanál,
Now his throat stinks like a sewer,
Inteligentom som oščal tváre,
I pissed on the faces of intellectuals,
Vaše mamy šlapú za doláre,
Your moms are working for dollars,
Robím pasáka na diskotéke,
I'm a pimp at the disco,
Vaše mamy evidujem v mojej kartotéke.
I have your moms registered in my card file.
Prokopčáková mama včera skapala (ku*va),
Prokopčáková's mom died yesterday (bitch),
Lebo sa s vlastným synom je*ala (pi*a),
Because she fucked her own son (whore),
Zomrela na aids a rakovinu,
She died of AIDS and cancer,
Ty gádžo, poviem ti to na rovinu,
You gypsy, I'll tell you straight up,
Všetci závidia môj štýl,
Everyone envies my style,
Môj rap je úplne real,
My rap is completely real,
Zarábam viac, jako študovaný otec,
I earn more than my educated father,
Na jeho malý ko*ot som pripal šlopec,
I put a slipper on his little dick,
medzi nohami detskú porciu,
He has a child's portion between his legs,
Spláca celý život svoju zavretú Daciu.
He's been paying off his locked-up Dacia all his life.
Tento text som robil na kolene,
I made this text on my knee,
Preto nám to dobre je*e.
That's why it fucks us so well.

Writer(s): hajtkovic, rytmus, miky mora

Rytmus feat. Miky Mora - Si zabil
Si zabil
date de sortie

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