Rytmus feat. Maxo - Bengoro je spátky - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rytmus feat. Maxo - Bengoro je spátky

Bengoro je spátky
Bengoro is Back
V hlave mám milión, no na srdci zilión
I have a million in my head, but a zillion on my heart
A tých ciest ani neviem kam
And so many roads, I don't even know where they lead
Môžem po nich iba rásť, si navykám, yah
I can only grow along them, I'm getting used to it, yeah
Daj si čas, easy boy, yeah-e-yeah
Take your time, easy boy, yeah-e-yeah
On ma smie súdiť, len on ma smie súdiť, yeah
Only He can judge me, only He can judge me, yeah
Koľko král si, toľko sám si kým, bude ako v máji
As much of a king as you are, you're still alone until it's like May
Po zime starší, yeah, viem že, že okay
Older after the winter, yeah, I know, I know, it's okay
Vo vlnách byť a kým nás to spáli
To be in the waves until they burn us
Okay, chcem iba to dobré
Okay, I just want what's good
Yeah, Bengorom to celé začalo, aj skončí
Yeah, it all started with Bengoro, and it will end with him
kým nezatvorím poslednýkrát oči (Yeah)
Until I close my eyes for the last time (Yeah)
Maratón a dlhé trate, film sa točí
Marathon and long distances, the film is rolling
Je to moja kronika, kde zapisujem každý pocit (Yeah)
It's my chronicle, where I write down every feeling (Yeah)
Nový Bengoro je autentický opis (Opis)
The new Bengoro is an authentic description (Description)
Príbehov, ktoré som zažil za tie roky
Of the stories I've lived over the years
Kto sa zasekol v roku 2006, tak nech to rýchlo vypne
Whoever is stuck in 2006, turn it off quickly
Lebo nikoho nenútim, prosím
Because I'm not forcing anyone, please
Dvadsaťdeväť ročný Bengoro bol zlosyn
Twenty-nine-year-old Bengoro was a villain
Čávo nemal rešpekt, extrémne to hrotil
Dude had no respect, he pushed it to the extreme
Preto nečakaj, že v štyridsaťšestich budem nasilu zlý
So don't expect me to be forcibly bad at forty-six
Svojich démonov som dávno skrotil
I tamed my demons long ago
Spolu sme to začali, a preto dokým
We started this together, and that's why as long as
Tu budete so mnou ja, nikdy neskončím (Nikdy)
You are here with me, I will never end (Never)
Aj keď žijem vo vilovej štvrti
Even though I live in a villa district
Nezabúdam, odkiaľ som, toto navždy v mojom srdci nosím
I don't forget where I come from, I carry this forever in my heart
Koľko král si, toľko sám si kým, bude ako v máji
As much of a king as you are, you're still alone until it's like May
Po zime starší, yeah, viem že, že okay
Older after the winter, yeah, I know, I know, it's okay
Vo vlnách byť a kým nás to spáli
To be in the waves until they burn us
Okay, chcem iba to dobré
Okay, I just want what's good
Yeah, dnes žijem ten život, o ktorom som sníval
Yeah, today I live the life I dreamed of
Chvála pánu Bohu za to, že som miliónkrát zlyhal (Yeah)
Praise God that I failed a million times (Yeah)
Vychovávam štvorročného syna
I'm raising a four-year-old son
Snažím sa ho naviesť, aby za každých okolností sny mal
I try to guide him to have dreams under all circumstances
Našiel som pravú, ktorú Boh mi vybral
I found the right one, the one God chose for me
Hľadal odpovede, kto je vlastne sídliskový cigán
I was looking for answers, who is this housing project gypsy
Utláčané traumy v sebe priznal
Admitted the suppressed traumas within himself
Išiel hlbšie do seba a začal odznova jak čistá kniha
Went deeper into himself and started over like a blank book
V urážaní neni moja sila
My strength is not in insults
Moju pozornosť si musíš zaslužiť lebo žijem inak
You have to earn my attention because I live differently now
Odpoveďou bude vždy rodina
The answer will always be family
Všetko ostatné je nepodstatné ako na podrážke špina (Yeah)
Everything else is irrelevant, like dirt on the sole of a shoe (Yeah)
Zasa za dvadsať rokov budem spomínať
In twenty years, I'll be reminiscing again
Aká bola aktuálna moja Bengoro verzia (Yeah)
What my current Bengoro version was like (Yeah)
Každá doba ma vždy ovplyvnila
Every era has always influenced me
Každá z nich mi dovolila odomknúť komna' trinásť
Each of them allowed me to unlock room thirteen
V hlave mám milión, no na srdci zilión
I have a million in my head, but a zillion on my heart
A tých ciest ani neviem kam
And so many roads, I don't even know where they lead
Môžem po nich iba rásť, si navykám, yah
I can only grow along them, I'm getting used to it, yeah
Daj si čas, easy boy, yeah-e-yeah
Take your time, easy boy, yeah-e-yeah
On ma smie súdiť, len on ma smie súdiť, yeah
Only He can judge me, only He can judge me, yeah

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