Rytmus - Krstný Otec - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rytmus - Krstný Otec

Krstný Otec
Delorean DMC cestujem časom
Delorean DMC, I travel through time
Zoberem ťa späť do budúcnosti trasou
I'll take you back to the future, on a route
Plnou otrasov od basou a jej masou
Full of shocks from the bass and its mass
Živou krásou beatov údermi pod pásom
The living beauty of beats, with blows below the belt
'89 štart opona padá
'89 start, the curtain falls
Prvý satelit mala v robote mama
My mom had the first satellite at work
Yo MTV Raps kukal jak malý harant
Yo MTV Raps, I watched like a little brat
Každý štvrtek o pátej do tranzu padal
Every Thursday at five, I fell into a trance
Presne to bolo to čo mi v srdci hralo
That was exactly what played in my heart
Prvé rapy pred zrkadlom rýchlo zvládol
Quickly mastered the first raps in front of the mirror
Prvé breaky na koberci v izbe hravo
First breaks on the carpet in the room, playfully
Cítil som že to chcem ukázať pred davom
I felt that I wanted to show it to the crowd
V '91 som vošiel dnu
In '91 I entered
Na diskotéke sa zrazu spravil kruh
Suddenly a circle formed at the disco
Nabehol som tam a lietal jako vzduch
I ran in there and flew like air
Footwork helikoptéry zmizol jak duch
Footwork helicopters, disappeared like a ghost
Zrazu zavolal mi čávo menom Čečo
Suddenly a guy named Čečo called me
Že vraj počul o mne len tak medzi rečou
That he heard about me just in passing
Potrebuje tanečníka a že kde som
He needs a dancer and where am I
Bratislava Juventa represent X Boys
Bratislava Juventa represent X Boys
Prvý streetball v hlavnom meste bol tam Fredy
The first streetball in the capital, Fredy was there
Bol to pre mňa vzor čo vtedy tomu velil
He was a role model for me, who commanded it back then
Že sa dal so mnou do reči som neveril
I couldn't believe he talked to me
Chlapcovi sa splnil sen šťastný jak debil
The boy's dream came true, happy like an idiot
Do roka som bol členom Fredy's dance group
Within a year I was a member of Fredy's dance group
Kamery svetlá a show na pódiu
Cameras, lights, and a show on stage
Ukázal mi čo je to hráť profi hru
He showed me what it's like to play a pro game
V dobe kedy vychádza RAP steady crew
In the era when RAP steady crew is coming out
Tanečná show v Kolíne nad Rýnom s nami
Dance show in Cologne with us
Za gramcami skrečoval Senecký Dávid
Senecký Dávid scratched behind the turntables
Na skúške mikrofónu ma pustil na beat
He let me on the beat during the microphone check
Ukázal som mu schopnosti že viem zabiť
I showed him the skills that I can kill
Pozývá ma k sebe domov prestrih Senec
He invites me to his house, cut to Senec
Vyše 2000 platní doma ti jebe
Over 2000 records at home, it's crazy
Ukázal mi že aj po slovensky je RAP
He showed me that there's RAP in Slovak too
Začíná sa história ďalší level
History begins, another level
Zvuky ulice prvý vážny projekt
Sounds of the street is the first serious project
Definujeme slovenský rap jak v škole
We define Slovak rap like in school
Deka luky 300 ludí ruky hore
Deka, bows, 300 people, hands up
Ver mi nigdy nezabudnem na ten moment
Believe me, I will never forget that moment
Bol to deň kedy sa narodila scéna
It was the day the scene was born
Jako decká chodili tam dnešené mená
Today's names used to go there as kids
Hajtko Slipo Dano Bacil Šegy Dena
Hajtko, Slipo, Dano, Bacil, Šegy, Dena
Bitka slov vyhratý freestyle ďalšia zmena
Battle of words, won freestyle, another change
S názvom stavby stojím na pódiu v Prahe
With the name of the construction, I stand on stage in Prague
Špinavý HR produkt beatbox mám v hlave
Dirty HR product, beatbox in my head
Legendary beatbox battle jeezus v manes
Legendary beatbox battle, jeezus in manes
Osudové stretnutie Ego a Aneš
Fateful meeting, Ego and Aneš
Vrbové zraz breakerov o čo sa jedná
Vrbové, meeting of breakers, what's it about
Prvý koncert KF rok 2001
The first KF concert, year 2001
Raketovo stúpame hore ku hviezdam
We're skyrocketing towards the stars
V rock café dobili Prahu čistá zberba
In Rock Café, they conquered Prague, pure scum
Čistý Hip Hop beatbox DJing a RAP
Pure Hip Hop, beatbox, DJing, and RAP
Niečo nové nevýdané v tejto hre
Something new, unheard of in this game
Stretnutie s Romeom posúvá nás vpred
Meeting Romeo moves us forward
Prelomový klip sme natočili hned
We shot a groundbreaking video right away
Nová éra rapu rok 2003 brácho
New era of rap, year 2003, bro
Otvárame brány KF Dává mi brácho
We're opening the gates, KF gives me, bro
Rozjebáva kluby aj hitparády brácho
Smashing clubs and charts, bro
Vydavaťelstvá sa bijú za náš hit
Labels are fighting for our hit
2004 vychádzá album E.R.A.
2004, the album E.R.A. is released
Vážne to začalo vyzerať od teraz
It seriously started to look like this from now on
Autá kluby štvrte mestá je nás vela
Cars, clubs, neighborhoods, cities, there's a lot of us
Všetko podmanili 3 špinavé mená
3 dirty names conquered everything
Sólo album Bengoro 2006
Solo album Bengoro 2006
Vagabundská doba mi dáva potlesk
Vagabond times give me applause
Sídliskový stokár dotýká sa hviezd
Housing estate hustler touches the stars
Album ulíc definuje ešte dnes
The album of the streets still defines today
Bozk na rozlúčku KF 2007
Kiss goodbye, KF 2007
Kokotkovia čakali že dáme menej
The assholes were waiting for us to give less
Nate Dogg na feate a rapy iný level
Nate Dogg on the feature and raps, another level
Ovládáme východ západ juh a sever
We rule the east, west, south, and north
'09 druhé sólo album KRAL
'09 second solo album KRAL
Predbehol som dobu scénu tvoril sám
I was ahead of my time, I created the scene myself
Za hranice sídlisk toto nebol plán
Beyond the borders of the housing estates, this wasn't the plan
Číslo 1 showbiznis nestrácám tvár
Number 1 showbiz, I'm not losing face
2011 album Fenomen
2011 album Fenomen
Nový zvuk hightek a new school prečo ne
New sound, high-tech, and new school, why not
Multitalentovaný čávo to vie
Multi-talented guy knows it
Doba hitov milióny views top RAP
The era of hits, millions of views, top RAP
2013 pre Kontrafakt album Navždy
2013 for Kontrafakt, album Navždy
Zase pochybovali a zhorel každý
They doubted again, and everyone burned
Také flowy rýmy štýly že sa zblázniš
Such flows, rhymes, styles that you'll go crazy
Nikdy nerobil to pre lóve otáznik
Never did it for the money, question mark
Dnes tu stojím brácho a stále sa starám
Today I stand here, bro, and I still care
Neni som tvoj tato ale myslím na vás
I'm not your dad, but I think of you
Idem ďalej dokonalý zmysel hladám
I'm moving on, looking for the perfect meaning
Krstný Otec posledný k stolu si sadám
Godfather, I sit down at the table last

Writer(s): Patrik Vrbovsky

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