Rytmus - Rázny Básnik 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rytmus - Rázny Básnik 2

Rázny Básnik 2
Rhyming Bard 2
Som tvoja nočná mora,
I'm your nightmare,
Prichádzam vždy len z dola,
I always come from below,
Tvoje deti sa ma boja,
Your children are afraid of me,
Som vôľa tvoja,
I'm your will,
Som víťaz tvojho boja,
I'm the victor in your fight,
Moji vojaci tu stoja
My soldiers stand here
** Chci len pravdu za mojou neľútostnú bandu a slobodu o ktorej ty nemáš ani šajnu
** I just want the truth for my ruthless gang and freedom that you have no clue about
Prechádzam ulicou,
I walk down the street,
Vidim dobitych psov,
I see beaten dogs,
Iba vychudnute tela,
Just emaciated bodies,
Z vašich tvárí zmizla viera,
The faith has disappeared from your faces,
Ostala iba faloš,
Only falsehood remains,
čo sa to s vami stalo?
What happened to you?
** Chci len pravdu za mojou neľútostnú bandu a slobodu o ktorej ty nemáš ani šajnu
** I just want the truth for my ruthless gang and freedom that you have no clue about
Pokúšali sa ma zabiť,
They tried to kill me,
Chceli na mňa hádzať špinu,
They wanted to throw mud at me,
Pokúsili sa ma raniť,
They tried to hurt me,
Nedávam jim to za vinu,
I don't blame them,
Oni chceli sa ma zbaviť,
They wanted to get rid of me,
Nikdy nezabudnem synu
I'll never forget my son
** Chci len pravdu za mojou neľútostnú bandu a slobodu o kterej ty nemáš ani šajnu
** I just want the truth for my ruthless gang and freedom that you have no clue about
Toto je moje srdce,
This is my heart,
Vytrhnuté z mojej hrude,
Ripped out of my chest,
Nikto sa pozrieť nechce,
No one wants to look,
Len boh pri ma bude,
Only God will be with me,
Ja tu ostanem večne,
I'll stay here forever,
Odchádzam sám v klude
I'm leaving alone in peace
** Chci len pravdu za mojou neľútostnú bandu a slobodu o kterej ty nemáš ani šajnu
** I just want the truth for my ruthless gang and freedom that you have no clue about

Writer(s): Patrik Vrbovsky

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