Umiljati,
veseli,
umobolni
frikovi
Flattering,
cheerful,
crazy
freaks
tako
kazu,
samo
budale
i
konji
znaju,
psi
pricaju,
ljudi
laju,
svi
snivaju
mi
budni
po
kraju,
na
kraju
se
glupani
kaju,
novine
gotivne,
ove
godine
godi
da
te
gotive,
ti
kazes
sta
volis,
sta
mislis
da
mislis
sve
znaju,
ove
godine
je
hladno
u
kraju,
greje
zelja
da
mislim
o
dobrom,
Djordje,
pisi
ovo,
imas
ljude
da
sa
njima
visis,
ponovo
nema
idola,
smaknuti
su
lovom,
a
sed
zivot,
i
sve
zivo,
ni
moj
ni
njen
ni
tvoj,
tvoj
broj
koji
ceka
da
bude
izvucen
a
tada
zivot
opominje
ljude,
to
tada
vreme
opominje
mudre,
slusaj
vamo,
slusaj
to
And
so
they
say,
only
fools
and
horses
can
tell,
dogs
talk,
people
bark,
everyone
dreams,
we
wake
up
by
the
end,
fools
repent
in
the
end,
stupid
newspapers,
this
year
it's
fun
for
them
to
mock
you,
you
say
what
you
love,
what
you
think
you
think,
everyone
knows,
it's
cold
this
year,
desire
warms
me
to
think
about
good
things,
George,
write
this,
you
have
people
to
hang
out
with,
again
there
are
no
idols,
they
are
killed
by
hunting,
but
life,
and
all
living
things,
are
neither
mine
nor
hers
nor
yours,
your
number
waiting
to
be
drawn,
and
life
reminds
people,
time
reminds
the
wise,
listen
up,
listen
to
this