S.H.E - 波斯猫 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction S.H.E - 波斯猫

Persian Cat
Persian Cat
Lyrics: Wu Xiong
Composition: Wang Zhi Ping
思念思念 危險危險
Longing, longing, dangerous, dangerous
敷衍敷衍 纏綿纏綿
Pretend, pretend, entangled, entangled
眼瞇成一條線 輕輕踮著腳尖 屋頂上的瓦片是他的琴鍵
Eyes narrowed into a line, tiptoes lightThe roof tiles are his piano keys
一步步 一點點 遊走在愛情邊緣
Step by step, little by little, wandering on the edge of love
想出現就出現 想不見就不見 想睡就睡一天不理任何人
Appearing when he wants to appear, disappearing when he wants to disappearSleeping for a day, ignoring everyone
不回電 不上線 不會和任何人爭辯
Not answering calls, not going onlineWon't argue with anyone
愛上他危險危險 不愛他思念思念 他總是若即若離若隱若現
Falling in love with him is dangerous, dangerousNot loving him is longing, longing, he is always aloof, elusive
有時候沈默冰冷 有時候溫柔靦腆 任誰都不會是他愛情的主人
Sometimes silent and cold, sometimes gentle and shyNo one can be the master of his love
靠近時纏綿纏綿 離開時敷衍敷衍 他總是忽熱忽冷忽近忽遠
When close, entangled, entangledWhen leaving, pretending, pretending, he is always hot and cold, near and far
他可以一成不變 也可以瞬息萬變 但是他不會為你做任何改變
He can stay the same or change in an instantBut he won't change for you
波斯貓瞇著他的雙眼 波斯貓踮著他的腳尖
Persian cat, squinting its eyes, Persian cat, tiptoeing
波斯貓守著他的愛戀 一轉眼卻又看不見
Persian cat, guarding his love, but in a blink of an eye, it disappears
什麼他都看見 什麼都沒看見 無謂的聳聳肩是他的消遣
He sees everything, he sees nothingShrugging his shoulders is his pastime
左一遍 右一遍 等待著他的有情人
Left and right, waiting for his lover
愛上他危險危險 不愛他思念思念 他總是若即若離若隱若現
Falling in love with him is dangerous, dangerousNot loving him is longing, longing, he is always aloof, elusive
有時候沈默冰冷 有時候溫柔靦腆 任誰都不會是他愛情的主人
Sometimes silent and cold, sometimes gentle and shyNo one can be the master of his love
靠近時纏綿纏綿 離開時敷衍敷衍 他總是忽熱忽冷忽近忽遠
When close, entangled, entangledWhen leaving, pretending, pretending, he is always hot and cold, near and far
他可以一成不變 也可以瞬息萬變 但是他不會為你做任何改變
He can stay the same or change in an instantBut he won't change for you
~Sing together~
波斯貓瞇著他的雙眼 波斯貓踮著他的腳尖
Persian cat, squinting its eyes, Persian cat, tiptoeing
波斯貓守著他的愛戀 一轉眼卻又看不見
Persian cat, guarding his love, but in a blink of an eye, it disappears
La la la-------------
波斯貓瞇著他的雙眼 波斯貓踮著他的腳尖
Persian cat, squinting its eyes, Persian cat, tiptoeing
波斯貓守著他的愛戀 一轉眼卻又看不見
Persian cat, guarding his love, but in a blink of an eye, it disappears
In a blink of an eye, it disappears
La la la-la la-la la la

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