S.O.S. - Candomblé - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction S.O.S. - Candomblé

Lütet die neu Aera i
Unveiling the new era
S.O.S-Crew ds isch e Läbensstil
S.O.S-Crew, it's a way of life
Mittufinger ufe für di lutschende Toys
Middle finger up for the useless toys
HRD REC ds isch mini Family
HRD REC, that's my family
Papa het mir gseit er isch stolz uf mi
My father told me he's proud of me
Wüu ig weiss was ig wott und ig nie ufgibe
'Cause I know what I want and I never give up
Ig z'Läbe wie e bar mizwa
I live like a bar mitzvah
Du chasch mir nüt wüu ig FIGGE
You can't break me, 'cause I'm FIGGE
Nur wüu dir löiet sit dir keni Löie
Just because you're lazy doesn't make you a lion
Ig ha Hunger bis ig isse und wenn ig isse
I'm hungry until I eat, and when I eat
De teil ig mit mine Brothers
I share with my brothers
Dini Brothers sini mini - sis si cini minis SWEETS
Your brothers are mine - they're my SWEETS
Word uf Willi - Word uf Questi
Word to Willi - Word to Questi
Whacka Putos rest in peace
Whacka Putos, rest in peace
- D Welt schenkt dir nüt usser Birefiggs
- The world gives you nothing but headaches
Doch mir löh üs nid la abezieh
But we won't let ourselves be taken advantage of
Mittufinger geg die "fils de pute"
Middle finger to the "sons of bitches"
Ds isch Musig vor Seele für dini Seele
This is music from the soul for your soul
Ds isch Musig für d'Lüt
This is music for the people
Mir repräsentiere alli und alles - was richtig isch
We represent everyone and everything - that's right
S.O.S - Di neu Aera
S.O.S - The new era
Ds isch di Breh, dini Sis und di Papa u dini Mama
This is your brother, your sister, your father and your mother
S.O.S - Seg was wöi si üs mache
S.O.S - Tell me what they want to make of us
Seg mir was wöi si mache
Tell me what they want to make of us
Am Schluss si mir alli...
In the end, we are all...
S.O.S - Di neu Aera
S.O.S - The new era
Ds isch di Breh, dini Sis und di Papa u dini Mama
This is your brother, your sister, your father and your mother
S.O.S - Seg was wöi si mache
S.O.S - Tell me what they want to make of us
Seg was wöi si üs mache
Tell me what they want to make of us
Am Schluss si mir alli S.O.S
In the end, we are all S.O.S
Candomblé Candomblé - Brujeria
Candomblé Candomblé - Witchcraft
Hüenerfüessgang Hüenerfüessgang
Chicken feet dance, chicken feet dance
S.O.S Guerilla
S.O.S Guerillas
Prägt mit dr Fust z'mitzt id Frässe vo de Konservative
Punching the conservatives right in their faces
Sie si alli "maldito mamaguevos"
They are all "damned bastards"
So wie 99% vo dene Rappers
Just like 99% of these rappers
Es isch Gottes gmixt mit dr Arbeitswis vom Tüfu
It's God mixed with the work ethic of the devil
Das hie geit id Büecher
This is going down in history
Mir hei üsi 10'000 Stund i ds innegsteckt
We put our 10,000 hours into this
Oh wenn dr Rap üs nid zrügg liebt
Oh, if rap doesn't love us back
S.O. - S.O. - S
S.O. - S.O. - S
S.O. - S.O. - S
S.O. - S.O. - S
S.O.S - S.O.S
S.O.S - S.O.S
Liebe - blüete - gränne - ässe bis ig platz
Love - blossom - grow - eat until I burst
Ig wott es Chisse pflanze - ärnte
I want to plant a weed - harvest it
Ig wott ds dürrezieh oh we mir broke blibe bis zur Rente
I want to smoke it even if we stay broke until we retire
Ig wott ds useschreie bis ig bleich
I want to scream it out until I'm pale
Wirde wie dr schwarz Michael Jackson
Respect like the black Michael Jackson
Candomblé - Candomblé - Brennessle Tee
Candomblé - Candomblé - Nettle tea
We mir choche wäre Quest sini Beats zumne Wäg und die Wörter zu Teer
If we cook, Quest's beats would be the road and these words the asphalt
S.O.S - Di neu Aera
S.O.S - The new era
Ds isch di Breh, dini Sis und di Papa u dini Mama
This is your brother, your sister, your father and your mother
S.O.S - Seg was wöi si üs mache
S.O.S - Tell me what they want to make of us
Seg mir was wöi si mache
Tell me what they want to make of us
Am Schluss si mir alli...
In the end, we are all...
S.O.S - Di neu Aera
S.O.S - The new era
Ds isch di Breh, dini Sis und di Papa u dini Mama
This is your brother, your sister, your father and your mother
S.O.S - Seg was wöi si mache
S.O.S - Tell me what they want to make of us
Seg was wöi si üs mache
Tell me what they want to make of us
Am Schluss si mir alli...
In the end, we are all...

Writer(s): Marin Gruendler, Thierry Gnahore, Danilo Rosario

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