SAINT EDYN - Darkblade - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SAINT EDYN - Darkblade

Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Volaj ma skurvený Selfmade!
Call me fucking Selfmade!
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Moja bitch môže byť playmate.
My bitch could be a playmate.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Sekám tie hlavy jak darkblade.
I chop the head off like darkblade.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Volaj ma skurvený Selfmade!
Call me fucking Selfmade!
Lavičky, fľaše a kluby a holky a byty a pili z tej čaše
Benches, bottles and clubs and girls and flats and we drank from that cup
A vstávame v čase keď idú beh z práce
And we wake up when they leave work in time
A robíme stále, no pritom sa hráme
And we do it all the time, but we play at the same time
A sme v cudzom meste no vždy vedia presne, že kto sme a čo sme
And we are in a foreign city but they always know exactly who we are and what we are
A pýtam sa že či sme vo sne,
And I ask if we are in a dream,
Keď ležíme v objatí pod nami postel,
When we lie in each other's arms the bed beneath us,
Vravia že naspievaj gospel.
They say sing a gospel.
Dala si toho moc ale vraví, že to bola najlepšia noc,
She had too much but says it was the best night,
Dala si toho moc ale vraví, že to bola najlepšia noc,
She had too much but says it was the best night,
Dala si toho moc ale vraví, že to bola najlepšia noc,
She had too much but says it was the best night,
Mal som toho moc, ale skončila u mňa a triasla sa postel.
I had too much, but she ended up with me and the bed shook.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Volaj ma skurvený Selfmade!
Call me fucking Selfmade!
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Moja bitch môže byť playmate.
My bitch could be a playmate.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Sekám tie hlavy jak darkblade.
I chop the head off like darkblade.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Volaj ma skurvený Selfmade!
Call me fucking Selfmade!
Jahody na perách,
Strawberries on the lips,
Ríbezle vo víne,
Currants in the wine,
Stojím vo dverách a tečú ti slzy a pýtaš sa že kto je na vine,
I stand in the doorway and tears are streaming down your face and you ask who is to blame,
Hovorím že, nechcem aby to bolo mnou,
I say that I don't want it to be me,
Cítim tu bolesť vždy keď som s ňou
I feel the pain here whenever I am with her
A odchádza jedine keď pijem shot, ou
And it only goes away when I drink a shot, ou
Predo mnou kamoš, ale za mnou shadow trash,
In front of me a friend, but behind me a shadow trash,
A teraz chcem byť tu lebo vidíš že mám cash,
And now I want to be here because you see that I have cash,
A pre mňa si mŕtvy brácho, nepomôže flash
And for me, you're already dead bro, flash won't help
A neznášam tie hoes čo si myslia že fresh
And I hate those hoes who think they are fresh
A pritom jak keby boli na kreku,
And they are yet as if they were on crack,
Poznám ju dve minúty no bozkáva ma na krku
I know her for two minutes but she kisses me on the neck
A prikladám jej ľad na telo, aby bola v rozpaku
And I put ice on her body so that she is confused
A náckovia pre mňa zaseknutí v praveku.
And the Nazis are stuck in the Stone Age for me.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Volaj ma skurvený Selfmade!
Call me fucking Selfmade!
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Moja bitch môže byť playmate.
My bitch could be a playmate.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Sekám tie hlavy jak darkblade.
I chop the head off like darkblade.
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Selfmade, Selfmade,
Volaj ma skurvený Selfmade!
Call me fucking Selfmade!
Haha, ty si čert!
Haha, you are a devil!

Writer(s): Saint Edyn

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