SBO - Mrk - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais SBO - Mrk

Poglej, kaj smo se naučili z leti
Look, what we learned over the years
Začelo se je s pomanjkanjem samospoštovanja
It started with a lack of self-esteem
Na kolenih v kleti
On our knees in the basement
B'li smo zadeti
We were hit
B'li smo zadeti
We were hit
B'li smo zadeti (mrk, mrk)
We were hit (mrk, mrk)
B'li smo zadeti
We were hit
B'li smo zadeti (n'č, n'č)
We were hit (n'č, n'č)
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Nestrpen, vedno prvi, živ sem
Impatient, always first, I'm alive
Ne vidm nč,
I don't see anything,
Crkn', crkn'
Crkn', crkn'
Včasih lajf, vedno scene
Sometimes life, always scenes
Ne vem a spet referenca na gudro, al' so stene
I don't know if it's another reference to gudro, or are these walls
Pekel čaka igranko, pack v pak, šljiva u đigero
Hell awaits the play, pack in a pack, plum in the jigger
Teram čez granico, prekeren starac, organi preganjajo
I'm crossing the border, an old geezer, the organs are chasing
Metastaze žvižgajo
Metastases are whistling
Kolo, sladko kolo, Jäger colo, megayolo
Wheel, sweet wheel, Jäger colo, megayolo
Suvereno vračam lansko leto, srednjo šolo
Confidently returning last year, high school
Retrogudrizem, pardon, techno trese čolo
Retrogudirizem, sorry, techno shakes the head
Šušti šuškavac, ori rat, silovanje pač
Rustling, a rat, rape, of course
Pravica na madrac, teta Justi faše rac
Justice on the mattress, Aunt Justi catches ducks
Višnu se opustio, shitstorm, u klubu darude
Vishnu gave up, shitstorm, in the club darude
Višjim darujem bubreg
I donate my kidney to the higher ones
Eno dobro delo, tri kuge
One good deed, three plagues
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Nestrpen, vedno prvi, živ sem
Impatient, always first, I'm alive
Ne vidm nč,
I don't see anything,
Ne vidm nč,
I don't see anything,
Turn off
Crkn', crkn', crkn'
Crkn', crkn', crkn'
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Ne vidm n'č, n'č
I don't see anything,
Ne vidm n'č, n'č
I don't see anything,
Ne vidm n'č, n'č, sam vidim mrk
I don't see anything, nč, but I see mrk
Adijo, sine, ni me, zginim za grm (kva)
Goodbye, son, I'm not here, I disappear behind the bush (kva)
Dviga se zvezda nad hrib, posije čezenj
A star rises above the hill, shines over it
Sam da uzrem, oslepim, hitr' je temen
But I catch a glimpse, I go blind, it's fast, dark
Prešine rdečica, oblije hrbet
A redness passes, bathes my back
Fak kok mi sede prat, ribe pod dežjem
Fak, how it sits on me, fish under the rain
Nimaš šans, če si amaterski opazoval'c
You have no chance, if you're an amateur observer
Ne vidiš kdaj ti lastnino maknim
You don't see when I take your property
Čist spimpan zlikan slick ovratnik
A clean, ironed slick collar
Zgrešiš ko si sinus splahnim
You miss when I splash my sine
Palim na zidu bakle
I'm palming torches on the wall
Pobiru takse
Collecting taxes
Delavcem narisu štrafte
Drawing up fines for workers
Samo weekend brate
Just a weekend, brother
Samo vikend after
Just a weekend after
Insta stiki, pipkajo psihiči
Insta contacts, psychics are pawing
Impro spiki afte
Impro spiki afte
Delam dobro delo, ni druge
I'm doing a good deed, there's no other
El chapo
El chapo
En tulec
One cartridge
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
En narod, en fudex
One nation, one fudex
(En narod, en fudex)
(One nation, one fudex)
(En narod, en fudex)
(One nation, one fudex)
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Nestrpen, vedno prvi, živ sem
Impatient, always first, I'm alive
Ne vidm nč,
I don't see anything,
Ne vidm nč,
I don't see anything,
Turn off
Crkn', crkn', crkn'
Crkn', crkn', crkn'
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Okrog je sam še nada
All around is just hope
Mrk, mrk
Mrk, mrk
Slep metak esmeralda
Blind emerald bullet
¿Que pasa? Nada
¿Que pasa? Nada
A ne razumeš več me
Don't you understand me anymore
Teč pičko, reč mi: "Reči ne."
Run bitch, tell me: "Say no."
Ne besede
No words
Daj mi polne sklede
Give me full bowls
Pička je še polna
The pussy is still full
Pa še notr' med je
And there is honey inside
Jst k' medo
I'm like honey
Grem v čredo
I go to the herd
Ovce vse nategnem
I'll tighten all the sheep
Na banki vzamem kredo
I'll take chalk at the bank
Na ul'ci vzamem belo
I'll take white on the street
Vzamem kelo
I'll take kelo
V Bauhaus zjutri veselo grem na delo
I'll go to Bauhaus tomorrow cheerfully to work
Jupol na policah
Jupol on the shelves
Na polici belo
White on the shelf
Gremo vse je za dobro za jelo
Let's go, it's all for good for eating
V Tuniziji guzijo kamelo
They fuck camels in Tunisia

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