SBO - Trnow III / Povratek v Trnow - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SBO - Trnow III / Povratek v Trnow

Trnow III / Povratek v Trnow
Trnow III / Return to Trnow
Zbudim se v svoji pojstli v fletu je tišina
I wake up in my bed, silence in the flat
Sonce rešeta okna u glavi mi razbija
The sun sifts through the windows, my head is pounding
Dvignem se zaliman se pogledam v obrz
I get up hungover, I look in the mirror
Špegu mi prav pizda hud dan za smrt
The reflection shows a really shitty day to die
stopm vn iz sobe čudn se mi zdi
Whatever I step out of the room, it seems strange to me
Da je kuhna prazna in televizor gori
That the kitchen is empty and the TV is on
Gor vidm ludi pred parlamentom je hudč
I see people upstairs, in front of the parliament it's bad
Mene zvije v želodcu damn moram srt
My stomach twists, damn, I have to take a shit
Usedm se na školko strmim v ploščice
I sit down on the toilet, staring at the tiles
Z-zw in pol me flashne kva smo delal use
Z-zw and then it flashes me what we were all doing
Učer zvečer pred Jallo na Meti
Last night in front of Jalla's on Metelkova
Zupan in jst obadva čist na tabletih
Zupan and I both high on ecstasy
Glej jih vse te bejbike tle
Look at all these babes here
Zupan Sieg Heila eni k ma pirse po seb
Zupan's doing the Sieg Heil to one with her tits out
Dere se Big Daddy Hakelkreuz panic-attack
Big Daddy yells Hakelkreuz, panic attack
Bejbi je skeri ker je leftie patosira ga prec
The babe is almost crying because she's a leftie he kicks her out
Uglavnem da previjem naprej
Anyway, fast forward
U Tifli Dino komentira prav da zihr ni gej
In Tifli, Dino comments that he's definitely not gay
En Pab klientela dela isti DJ
One Pab clientele, the same DJ is working
Čak mal sam kva je pa ta preplah pred WCji
Wait a minute, what's this commotion in front of the toilets
Da fak k se prerinm med ldi
Oh fuck, I squeeze through the people
U kabini vidm Zupana k se mi smeji
In the cubicle, I see Zupan laughing at me
Oba gola do kolen z uno lubico od prej
Both naked to the waist with that chick from before
Prst ji tiši u ritno luknco kr fejst
He's sticking his finger pretty deep in her asshole
Pejzda dobr ga poriva
The landscape’s good, he's really going at it
Seveda prepirsana bejba zgleda da uživa
Of course, the pierced babe looks like she's enjoying it
Vibrira telefon mi pade na zaslon
The phone vibrates, a notification pops up on the screen
Dino piše da beži z enim fantom v dvanajstko
Dino's writing that he's running away to block 12 with some dude
Shiiieeet začutm svoj zadah
Shiiit, I can feel my breath
Znajdem se nazaj v jutru na ploščicah
I find myself back in the morning on the tiles
Flat je prazen sedim na školjki moker
The flat is empty, I'm sitting on the toilet, wet
Še zmeri mi ni jasn kam je zginu moj fotr
I still don't understand where my old man disappeared to
Še en dan, spet prbit na faksu
Another day, stuck at uni again
Folk predava, k da je na aftrju
People are lecturing like they're at an afterparty
Zravn mene frendica krizira
Next to me, my friend is freaking out
Rečm: Juca ne bit taka sekira
I say: Juca, don't be so uptight
Napolno škil, začne se pent iz ust
Halfway through school, foam starts coming out of her mouth
Pizda zgleda da ga dons res ona čut
Damn, it looks like she's really feeling it today
Na hard me pobira, morm urgirat
She's coming on to me hard, I have to get out of here
Čis napsihiran, iz klasa pičim k strela
Totally freaked out, I shoot out of class like an arrow
Se mi vleče ta hodnik, na poti dol me zaloti
This hallway is dragging on, on my way down I'm caught by
Juca k zlomleno hodi za mano flossa k kronik
Juca who's limping behind me, flossing like crazy
Se po štengah podira, na steno krivo opira
She's stumbling, leaning against the wall
Vidno je shirana, slino požira in me nadira
She's visibly wasted, swallowing spit and staring at me
Jebeš ta fuckin šit, spizdim iz faksa yo
Fuck this fuckin' shit, I'm out of uni, yo
Itak sm zmenen, da peljem Dinca v dvanajstko
I'm supposed to be taking Dinc to block 12 anyway
Pride Zupan, me pokupi, v avtu posluša Björk
Zupan arrives, picks me up, listens to Björk in the car
Tablete kup na puf, nafuka se v avtu, človk
Buys pills at the gas station, she's hooking up in the car, man
Whoa, v Šiško nacvikan prevaža me
Whoa, he's driving me to Šiška, all drugged up
Me pusti na mali pumpi, hop!, v En Paba grem
Drops me off at the small gas station, hop!, I'm going to En Pab
Zupan gre neki na Meto, prav da ni fuku dolg
Zupan's going somewhere on Metelkova, says it's not for long
Js pa muvam v Pabu na Bubo pa Jalo ful slow
And I'm chilling in Pab, waiting for Buba and Jala, real slow
Ob treh na tleh, v dvanajstki lopovi
At three on the floor, in block 12's dens
Modeli iz Eurota, SUAŠa, narkosi
Models from Europark, SUAŠ, narcotics
Dve mtki uočim, gotov se bližam njim
I spot two chicks, I'm definitely approaching them
K v moj osebn prostor vidm, da vdira Dinc
When into my personal space I see Dinc entering
Dinc, model, kje si ti model
Dinc, model, where are you, model
Baje je parti v Mednu, tm k je hotel
Apparently, there's a party at Medno, where that hotel is
Kva? OK, ne vem, če bi lih šou
What? OK, I don't know if I'd go
Nimaš izbire izsrku ti bom dušico
You have no choice, I'll suck your soul out
Đijeee modeli pogrešam fotrčka
Geez, models, I miss my old man
Stopm vn iz bloka odprem si Monstrčka
I step out of the block, open my Monster
Slutnja me zadane kje ga loh najdm
A hunch hits me where I can find him
Tu-tu-ru-tutu zvoni kliče me Frank!
Tu-tu-ru-tutu ringing Frank's calling me!
Model čist sem broke a loh do Šentvida pridš
Model, I'm totally broke, but can you come to Šentvid
So me vrgl iz kluba, Dinota zdavni ni več
They kicked me out of the club, Dino is gone now
Zabrijala sva punim, pipku me je po ćuni
We got wasted with this chick, she kissed me on the cheek
Zavrnu sem ponudbo, tip je pol šu z drugim
I refused the offer, so the dude left with someone else
Kva, ey frajer, tripaš ga preveč
What, hey dude, you're tripping too much
Dinc pipka ribe, valda da mam zate keš
Dinc is hitting on chicks, of course I have cash for you
Poklicu ti bom taksi, glih hodm zdele peš
I'll call you a taxi, I'm just walking now
U Moste po fotra zajebu mi je flash
To Moste for my old man, I have a flashback, damn
Lepa, u taxiju sedim
Nice, I'm sitting in the taxi
Voznik mi govori kako lepo je blo bit skin
The driver is telling me how great it was to be a skinhead
Mi zamori še dobr da na cilju smo
He's boring me good thing we're at our destination
Nad Mostami se oblaki zgrinjajo
Above the bridges, the clouds are gathering
Klerofašistu fuknem zehnerja
I throw a tenner at the clero-fascist
Na lice mi pade prva kaplca
The first drop falls on my face
S konterja skoč ranjen mačk
A wounded kitten jumps off the trash container
Hvala ti Benotti da si taxi plaču
Thank you Benotti for paying for the taxi
Mačk naju gleda svetjo se mu oči
The kitten looks at us, its eyes shining
Spregovori: ovde nema budućnosti
It speaks: there is no future here
Hm kr naenkrat začne ful lit
Hmm, suddenly it starts pouring
Dviga se Lublanca z neba pada kri
Ljubljana rises, blood falls from the sky
K čez tržnco beživa drevesa oživijo
As we run across the marketplace, trees come alive
V trešah dol z vej mlada trupla visijo
Young bodies hang from the branches down
Fak šit človk poscou se bom
Oh fuck, man, I'm gonna puke
Vse okol odmeva pesem Avsenikov
All around, Avsenik's song echoes
In pol tla se kr odprejo zaveje po žveplu
And then the ground opens up, a gust of sulfur blows
Iz razpok zajokajo ujeti u peklu
From the cracks, the trapped souls in hell cry out
U borbi za obstanek naju Zupanov fejs
In the struggle for survival, Zupan's face
Ful načvokan sprašuje kam gremo naprej
Totally wasted, asks where we're going next
In busna gori u zubljih folk ga miga
And the bus is burning, people are swaying in its teeth
Iz Jollya se nama črna dlan bliža
A black hand reaches out to us from Jolly
Skočva v Lublanco, prežene naju molk
We jump into the Ljubljanica, silence chases us
In odplavava proti toku v Trnow
And we float downstream to Trnow

Writer(s): Benjamin Krnetić, Peter Frankl, Vid Greganovic

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