SEAMO - One Memory - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SEAMO - One Memory

One Memory
One Memory
近くのものをもっと想うべきだ きっと愛を何処かに置いてきた
I should have cherished those close to me more I must have misplaced my love somewhere
何もかも君任せ 時には泣かせ 気づかなかったこのバカめ
I left everything up to you sometimes made you cry I was such a fool for not noticing
思えば手も握ってあげてない 寝ないで待ってくれても冷たい態度
I didn't hold your hand or stay up waiting for you I was cold and heartless
とったよ毎度 まるで台本通り動いたタレント
I acted like a script-driven actor
電話もメールも一方通行 返答待ってたんだろう ずっと
The phone calls and emails went one way you must have been waiting for a response
仕事に遊びに飛び回り 大切なものに気づかず時は経ち
I was busy with work and play I didn't notice what was important and time passed by
疲れ愛に包まれたくて だけど帰る家はもうなくて
I became tired and wanted to be enveloped in love but the home I had to return to was no more
無くして気づいた愛情 身勝手振舞った自分への代償
I lost and then I realised the love the price I paid for my selfishness
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady 忘れることはなく心のメモに
Woo Lady I'll never forget them they're etched in my heart
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady Woo Lady
Woo Lady Woo Lady
確かにお前を嫌いと言ったよ そんなの嘘に決まってんだよ
I admit I said I hated you but that was a lie of course
左様 好きに決まってんだよ 上手く表現出来なかったけど
Of course I loved you I just couldn't express it properly
常に君は僕の中に いい女と自慢してたよ仲間に
You were always in my heart I bragged to my friends about what a great woman you were
愛することはとてもシンプル それが出来なかったのは真実
Loving you should have been simple but I failed to do so
コップいっぱいの水は溢れ それぞれの道へ今日から明日ヘ
A cup filled with water overflows From this day forth our paths diverge
ボートは簡単に失うバランス もう目指すことないバカンス
A boat easily loses its balance It's no longer a vacation worth pursuing
二人ならばその海渡れたのに 美しい日々の思い出を辿り
Together we could have crossed that sea I trace the memories of our beautiful days
願わくば時間よ戻れ あの楽しい日々をもとに戻せ
I wish time could be rewound I wish I could bring back those happy days
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady 忘れることはなく心のメモに
Woo Lady I'll never forget them they're etched in my heart
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady Woo Lady
Woo Lady Woo Lady
目を閉じれば今もなお 君が笑顔のまま そこにいるようだ
When I close my eyes I still see you smiling as if you were right there
人目はばからず 手を握ろう 24時いつでも好きと言おう
I'll disregard what others think I'll hold your hand and tell you I love you at any time of day or night
いつでも同じ映画観よう 目的も無く海へ行こう
Let's always watch the same movies Let's go to the beach for no reason
大切な気持ちを歌にこめた どこかで聞いていてくれているといいな
I poured my precious feelings into this song I hope you're listening somewhere
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady 忘れることはなく心のメモに
Woo Lady I'll never forget them they're etched in my heart
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady Woo Lady
Woo Lady Woo Lady
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady 忘れることはなく心のメモに
Woo Lady I'll never forget them they're etched in my heart
Woo Baby 大切な記憶を残すメモリー
Woo Baby Cherished memories remain in my memory
Woo Lady Woo Lady
Woo Lady Woo Lady

Writer(s): 高田 尚輝

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