SES - A Chamuscada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SES - A Chamuscada

A Chamuscada
The Scorched One
A chamuscada foi como me alcumaron
The scorched one was how they nicknamed me
Porque a pólvora queimou as miñas mans,
Because the gunpowder burned my hands,
Toda a revolta vivín entre disparos,
I lived through the whole revolt amidst gunfire,
As súas pegadas xamais se borraran.
Its traces will never be erased.
Non houbo home ou soldado ao que quixera,
There was no man or soldier I desired,
Dentro da tropa ningún me namorou,
Among the troop none made me fall in love,
a meu pai, eu lle fun leal soldadeira
Only to my father, I was a loyal soldier
E na contenda unha bala o alcanzou.
And in battle a bullet struck him.
E cando escoito cantar esta tonada
And when I hear this tune being sung
Sinto de súpeto as lágrimas brotar,
I feel the tears suddenly well up,
Pero non choro, pois son son a chamuscada
But I don't cry, because I am the scorched one
Que por valente, cheguei a xeneral.
Who, through valor, became a general.
Eu vin meu pai morrer entre os meus brazos
I saw my father die in my arms
E vin tamén o traidor que o matou,
And I also saw the traitor who killed him,
Ao misarábeldinlle catro balazos
I gave the wretch four bullets
Coma unha criba deixeille o corazón.
Left his heart like a sieve.
Desde aquel día xa non fun soldadeira,
From that day on I was no longer a soldier,
Tiven repleta acanana eo fusil,
I kept my pouch full and my rifle ready,
E nas batallas fun sempre a primeira,
And in battles I was always the first,
A balanceirafacíame sorrir.
The balance made me smile.
E cando escoito cantar esta tonada
And when I hear this tune being sung
Sinto de súpeto as lágrimas brotar,
I feel the tears suddenly well up,
Pero non choro, pois son son a chamuscada
But I don't cry, because I am the scorched one
Que por valente cheguei a xeneral.
Who, through valor, became a general.

Writer(s): María Xosé Silvar, Xose Lois Rivas Cruz

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