No
se
si
es
hambre
o
que
me
estoy
cagandosolo
se
que
este
calambre
me
inpide
que
ande
y
estoy
flipandomenos
mal
que
todo
va
deprisa,
cuando
el
jefe
avisa,"client
vip
del
telepizza"gran
noticia,
entonces
todo
se
armoniza,
pagara
usted
en
efectivo
o
con
visa,
le
regalamos
una
sonrisa,
o
dos
bebidas
isotonicas,
ademas
de
pesetas
en
tarjetas
telefonicas,
no
se
moleste,
ofertas
las
conozco
toas,
solo
ponga
champiñones,
ternera
y
salsa
barbacoa,
y
digale
al
repartidor
que
con
la
prisa
no
se
confunda
de
planta
y
le
de
mi
pizza
a
la
marisa,
minutos
mas
tarde
un
vespino
rojo
cruza
la
avenida
y
arde,
en
direccion
ami
quelyahora
toca
ser
cobarde,
en
lugar
de
perder
la
cara
porque
vienen
dos
con
un
yog
a
robarle,
comienza
la
pelicula
taxi
en
pinomontano,
huele
a
estopa
quemada,
aqui
llorar
no
sirve
de
nada,
es
plata
quemada,
lo
que
fuman
los
horteros,
a
sonado
el
portero,
y
si
no
es
por
el
juan
no
me
enterosana
y
salva,
mi
pizza
yega
a
mi
casa,
el
oscar
ya
esta
dando
voces
feroces
por
la
terrazacon
el
rollo
del
euro
no
se
que
dar
de
propina,
ademas
dije
masa
gruesa
y
me
la
pusieron
fina,
error
en
la
cocina,
la
reparticion
bendita,
mitad
pa
mi,
mitad
pa
mi
gordita,
largo
las
manos
las
quita,
yenemos
el
techo
de
estalactitas
gapos
verde,
gapos
verde.
que
lo
jumah!
(pasame
una
calá)que
lo
jumah!
(no
me
calma
na)que
lo
jumah!
(nada
pa
volar)que
lo
jumah!
que
lo
jumah!
que
lo
jumah!
(pasame
una
calá)que
lo
jumah!
(no
me
calma
na)que
lo
jumah!
(nada
pa
volar)que
lo
jumah!
que
lo
jumah!
que
te
lo
jumah!
don't
know
if
it's
hunger
or
if
I'm
shitting
myselfI
only
know
that
this
cramp
is
preventing
me
from
walking
and
I'm
freaking
outBut
luckily
everything
is
going
fast,
when
the
boss
says,
client
from
Telepizza"Great
news,
then
everything
is
harmonious,
Will
you
pay
in
cash
or
with
Visa,
We'll
give
you
a
smile,
or
two
isotonic
drinks,
as
well
as
pesetas
in
phone
cards,
Don't
bother,
know
all
the
offers,
Just
put
mushrooms,
beef
and
barbecue
sauce,
And
tell
the
delivery
boy
not
to
get
confused
about
the
floor
in
a
hurry
and
give
my
pizza
to
Marisa,
minutes
later
a
red
Vespa
crosses
the
avenue
and
burns,
towards
my
quelynow
it's
time
to
be
a
coward,
Instead
of
losing
face
because
two
guys
with
a
yogurt
come
to
steal,
The
movie
Taxi
starts
in
Pinomontano,
It
smells
like
burnt
tow,
Crying
is
useless
here,
It's
silver
burnt,
What
the
horteras
smoke,
The
doorman
has
rung,
And
if
it
wasn't
for
Juan
wouldn't
have
heard
himHe
saves
me
and
my
pizza
arrives
at
my
house,
Oscar
is
already
shouting
fiercely
from
the
terraceWith
the
euro
thing
don't
know
what
to
give
him
for
a
tip,
Besides
said
thick
crust
and
they
made
it
thin,
Kitchen
error,
The
blessed
delivery,
Half
for
me,
half
for
my
girl,
Let
go
of
your
hands,
And
we
have
the
ceiling
of
stalactites
Green
caps,
Green
caps.
You
jumah!
(pass
me
a
pull)You
jumah!
(it
doesn't
calm
me
down)You
jumah!
(nothing
to
fly)You
jumah!
You
jumah!
You
jumah!
(pass
me
a
pull)You
jumah!
(it
doesn't
calm
me
down)You
jumah!
(nothing
to
fly)You
jumah!
You
jumah!
You
jumah!