Yeah, the crisis, it's all anyone talks about anymore.
No hay derecho a que mi padre trabaje 14 horas cada dia
It's not right that my father works 14 hours every day
y que su sueldo siempre llegue con demora
and his paycheck always arrives late
no hay derecho a que casillas gane en
2 minutos parando un balon
It's not right that Casillas earns in
2 minutes stopping a ball
lo que no gana mi padre en toda su vida
what my father doesn't earn in his whole life
Que digan que no hay dinero para pagar a los trabajadores
They say there's no money to pay the workers
Y si lo hay para fichar a los mejores!?
But there is to sign the best players!?
No hay dinero para el peon
There's no money for the laborer
Ni el carpintero ni el pintor
Nor the carpenter nor the painter
Pero si para concursos televisivos sin rigor
But there is for frivolous TV contests
No hay derecho a que nos bajen los sueldos
It's not right that they lower our salaries
A que nos suban los precios
That they raise prices
A que nos cobren por todo Y
That they charge us for everything and
que tengamos que pagar siempre por nada
that we always have to pay for nothing
La crisis se nota en tu cartera
The crisis shows in your wallet
Pero muchisimo mas en tu mirada
But much more in your eyes
No puede ser que mi familia no tenga un triste capricho
It can't be that my family can't afford a simple treat
Que tengamos que pagar para acabar dentro de un nicho
That we have to pay to end up inside a niche
cada vez es menos la gente que puede seguir
Fewer and fewer people can keep up
Y mas los que gritamos en vano
And more of us scream in vain
Aunque nadie nos quiere oir
Even though nobody wants to listen to us
No hay derecho
It's not right
A seguir con esta desigualdad
To continue with this inequality
No hay derecho
It's not right
A combatir con miedo la realidad
To face reality with fear
No hay derecho
It's not right
A que no ofrezcan ninguna oportunidad
That they don't offer any opportunity
No hay derecho
It's not right
A que no digan nunca la pura verdad
That they never tell the whole truth
No hay derecho
It's not right
No hay derecho sin mas,
It's simply not right,
Nadie nos va escuchar
Nobody is going to listen to us
De momento sigo y grito
For now I keep going and I shout
Rogando piedad
Begging for mercy
No hay derecho a que mi madre tenga que estar siempre en casa
It's not right that my mother has to always stay home
Sin salir
Without going out
Por el dinero
Because of the money
que solo la hace sufrir
That only makes her suffer
No hay derecho a que lo poco que nos dan
It's not right that the little they give us
Sea para pagar recibos,
Is to pay bills,
La Luz, El Agua, La Basura Y el Gas
Electricity, Water, Garbage and Gas
Que tenga que ser testigo
That I have to witness
De como mi propio hermano
How my own brother
No logra reunir dinero
Can't gather enough money
Para abastecer sus pagos
To cover his payments
Que mi sobrina crezca
That my niece grows up
En medio de esta crisis
In the midst of this crisis
Y que yo no tenga ni para darle un solo regalo!
And that I don't even have enough to give her a single gift!
Ya basta no!?
Enough is enough, right!?
Dejar de jugar con nuestras pobres ilusiones
Stop playing with our poor illusions
Solo quiero vivir y no sobrevivir
I just want to live and not survive
Volar, Y digo pobres ilusiones
To fly, and I say poor illusions
Porque con este nivel de vida no se puede ni soñar!
Because with this standard of living you can't even dream!
No hay derecho a que 50 cent tenga millones y millones
It's not right that 50 Cent has millions and millions
Por una sola cancion
For a single song
O si?
Or is it?
Dime si me equivoco, pero, no estoy de acuerdo con estas cosas (Y)
Tell me if I'm wrong, but, I don't agree with these things (And)
No es por nada sabes pero tambien soy MC!
It's not for nothing you know but I'm also an MC!
No hay derecho
It's not right
A seguir con esta desigualdad
To continue with this inequality
No hay derecho
It's not right
A combatir con miedo la realidad
To face reality with fear
No hay derecho
It's not right
A que no ofrezcan ninguna oportunidad
That they don't offer any opportunity
No hay derecho
It's not right
A que no digan nunca la pura verdad
That they never tell the whole truth
No hay derecho
It's not right
No hay derecho sin mas,
It's simply not right,
Nadie nos va escuchar
Nobody is going to listen to us
De momento sigo y grito
For now I keep going and I shout
Rogando piedad
Begging for mercy
"La crisis no son solo cifras, son cambios radicales en la vida de la gente, (escucha) empresas que cierran o no pagan a sus trabajadores, familia ahogadas por las deudas."
"The crisis is not just numbers, it's radical changes in people's lives, (listen) companies that close or don't pay their workers, families drowning in debt."
No pedimos nada mas
We don't ask for anything more
Que aquello que nos corresponde,
Than what we deserve,
Conocemos el problema,
We know the problem,
Ellos tambien,
They do too,
Pero lo esconden!
But they hide it!
Escuchame una vez!
Listen to me once!
Yo solo quiero lo que es mio!
I just want what's mine!
Y si el gobierno no lo entiende
And if the government doesn't understand
Es porque no sufre el vacío!
It's because they don't suffer the void!
Somos gente honrada, simple
We are honest, simple people
Con una vida sencilla
With a simple life
Y solo nos queda esperar a que esto cambie,
And all we can do is wait for this to change,
Sere fiel,
I will be faithful,
Y si seguimos en las mismas
And if we continue in the same way
Y no vemos soluciones
And we don't see solutions
Porque el culpable de esto,
It's because the culprit of this,
Nunca estuvo en nuestra piel!
Never walked in our shoes!
asi es,
that's how it is,
la Crisis.
the crisis.
ya no se hablao de otra cosa,
it's all anyone talks about anymore,
Shé, La historia de mi vida
Shé, The story of my life
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