SHU-THE - anatagakaishawoyamerutoki - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SHU-THE - anatagakaishawoyamerutoki

エステの受付け立つ お前の声が 今日震えない事を祈る
Your voice at the reception of the beauty salon, I pray it doesn't waver today
知ってるよ 別に朝の吐き気も 変わらない出社時間 泣いても
I know that the morning nausea, and the unchanging commuting time remain the same, even if I cry
一日掛かった養生 台風19号 全て奪って
The recuperation that took a whole day, Typhoon 19 completely took away
The foreman told me, "If the deadline is missed, you apologize to the supervisor"
4階まで運び 居留守使われ 行き場失くなった 天然水
Carry it to the 4th floor, get ignored, and have nowhere to go, natural water
It's quicker to give up and apologize "I told you it was after 12 o'clock, didn't I?"
At the interview, I was told "Factory workers can earn money by working overtime," without joking
子供が熱で「代わり探して?」 私の目も見ない 歯車達
When a child has a fever, "Can you find a replacement?" The cogs don't even look me in the eye
太い beat の木陰で多くの人が 羽を休めるかな
Many people rest beneath the shade of a fat beat
言葉に重さが在れば 満員電車 揺れても立っていられた
If there was weight to the words, I could stand up in a swaying crowded train
もう逃げたいと思った時 イヤホン通って そこに飛んで行く
When I wanted to run away, it goes through the earphones, and flies there
出来るのはそこまでだ 石の上から降りろ 十分堪えた
That's all I can do, get off the stone, I've endured enough
もういいんだ お前は堪えた 十分だ
That's enough, you've endured enough
Please listen to my story properly
「まだたった半年でしょう?」は 私にとっての5年
"It's only been half a year?" is like 5 years to me
人により時間の流れは違う もめても和解でも 若さは燃える
The flow of time is different for everyone, even if we argue or reconcile, youth burns
Supervisor は神妙な面持ちで 早期退社のデメリットを語る
The supervisor explains the disadvantages of early retirement with a serious face
この3ヶ月 常時、退職願いをジャケに忍ばせていた 私の覚悟だ
For the past 3 months, has always had a resignation letter tucked away in my jacket, my resolve
夕暮れに匂いがある事 帰り道 気付いて感動した
There's a scent at dusk, I noticed it on the way home and was moved
張り過ぎた 琴線が緩む ずっと心が自分を守っていた事
The taut heartstrings loosen, all along my heart protected me
とても一人で来た気がしない Spotify 膨大なプレイリスト
It doesn't feel at all like I come alone, Spotify, a huge playlist
折れそうな時 いつも鳴ってた 何てジャンルかも知らないのにさ
When I was about to break, it always plays, I don't know what genre it is
太い beat の木陰で多くの人が 羽を休めるかな
Many people rest beneath the shade of a fat beat
言葉に重さが在れば 満員電車 揺れても立っていられた
If there was weight to the words, I could stand up in a swaying crowded train
もう逃げたいと思った時 イヤホン通って そこに飛んで行く
When I wanted to run away, it goes through the earphones, and flies there
出来るのはそこまでだ 石の上から降りろ 十分堪えた
That's all I can do, get off the stone, I've endured enough
もういいんだ お前は堪えた 十分だ
That's enough, you've endured enough
...わらでもいい 笑われてもいい 喉から出る手で それは離すなよ
...Even if it's a straw, even if it's laughable, don't let go with the hands coming out of your throat
辞めても大丈夫だって 飽きたら走り出す
You can quit anytime, if you get bored start running
That's what you always did, isn't it?
らしさだけ失くさないで そのお茶汲みはきっと貴方でしか出来ないよ
Just don't lose your essence, that tea making, surely only you can do it
またダメだ 私なんか でも何故か 茶柱が
I messed up again, but somehow, some tea leaves
またダメだ 私なんか でも何故か 茶柱が
I messed up again, but somehow, some tea leaves

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