Shé feat. H0lynaight - El sótano - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shé feat. H0lynaight - El sótano

El sótano
The Basement
Abro los ojos vuelvo a despertar sin ganas sin nada
I open my eyes, I wake up again with no desire, with nothing
No puedo abrirla puerta y estan tapiadas las ventanas
I can't open the door, and the windows are boarded up
Yo siento que me ahogo algo falla en mi
I feel like I'm drowning, something is wrong with me
No se que he echo mal solo quiero salir de aqui
I don't know what I've done wrong, I just want to get out of here
Quizas me porte mal es un castigo y fingir
Maybe I misbehaved, it's a punishment, and to pretend
He empezado el dia de nuevo sin animos para vivir
I've started the day again with no desire to live
Me duelen las mejillas todavia sangra mi nariz
My cheeks hurt, my nose is still bleeding
Tantos traumas malos tratos abren mas la cicatriz
So many traumas, mistreatments, open the scar even more
Me abririas la cabeza pa callarme a palos
You would open my head to shut me up with blows
En tu mano la cerveza y te preparas para darme mi regalo
Beer in your hand, you prepare to give me my gift
Un puño bien serrado
A tightly clenched fist
Pa obligarme a abrir las piernas
To force me to open my legs
Tus caricias mas tiernas son mis morados
Your most tender caresses are my bruises
Me pregunto si es normal sufrir asi si
I wonder if it's normal to suffer like this, yes
Esta es la vida que me toco pero jamas la que elegi
This is the life I got, but never the one I chose
Ni elegiria mi alegria interpretada cual actriz
Nor would I choose my happiness, interpreted as an actress
Cada dia mas segura de que no hay final feliz.
Every day more sure that there is no happy ending.
Cuantos niños enjaulados siguen presos
How many caged children are still prisoners
Cuantos pudieron salir y cuantos pueden contar eso
How many were able to escape and how many can tell that story
Dime quien coño les piensa devolver ahora sus vidas
Tell me who the hell is going to give them back their lives now
Son historias que pasan pasan desapercibidas.
These are stories that happen, that go unnoticed.
Cuantos niños no han visto la luz del dia
How many children have not seen the light of day
Cuantos (dime cuantos) cuantos por vivir suplicarian
How many (tell me how many) how many would beg to live
Es el miedo quien les guia la muerte se viste
Fear is their guide, death dresses up
La luz al final del tunel para ellos ya no existe.
The light at the end of the tunnel no longer exists for them.
He perdido la nocion del tiempo en silencio
I have lost track of time in silence
Nisiquera se mi nombre no se ni donde me encuentro
I don't even know my name, I don't even know where I am
No se cuantos años tengo
I don't know how old I am
No puedo hablar no entiendo
I can't speak, I don't understand
Nuca pude ver el sol ni sentir la brisa del viento
I could never see the sun or feel the breeze
Lo juro vivo desnudo y sudo
I swear I live naked and I sweat
Cada vez que suenan pasos que se acercan
Every time I hear footsteps approaching
Voy notandome inseguro este sitio siempre oscuro
I feel insecure, this place is always dark
Quizas algun dia detras de ese muro se abra la puerta
Maybe one day behind that wall the door will open
Y llegue por fin mi futuro
And my future will finally arrive
Voces escucho gritos atroces niños llorando de pena
I hear voices, atrocious screams, children crying in pain
Escucho golpes y mas golpes en cadena
I hear blows and more blows in a chain
Oigo palabras que piden escapar de la condena
I hear words asking to escape the sentence
Escucho voces desgarradas que de rencor estan llenas
I hear voices torn apart, full of resentment
Niños aqui dentro que quieren decir adios
Children in here who want to say goodbye
Terminar con la tortura de este el sotano ir con dios
End the torture of this basement, go with God
Puede que este delirando y que no existan
Maybe I'm delusional and they don't exist
Esas voces que escuchaba porque aqui dentro
Those voices I heard because in here
Solo estoy yo.
I'm all alone.
Cuantos niños enjaulados siguen presos
How many caged children are still prisoners
Cuantos pudieron salir y cuantos pueden contar eso
How many were able to escape and how many can tell that story
Dime quien coño les piensa devolver ahora sus vidas
Tell me who the hell is going to give them back their lives now
Son historias que pasan pasan desapercibidas.
These are stories that happen, that go unnoticed.
Cuantos niños no han visto la luz del dia
How many children have not seen the light of day
Cuantos (dime cuantos) cuantos por vivir suplicarian
How many (tell me how many) how many would beg to live
Es el miedo quien les guia la muerte se viste
Fear is their guide, death dresses up
La luz al final del tunel para ellos ya no existe
The light at the end of the tunnel no longer exists for them.
Dime cuantos pasos sin terrar tambien sin descubrir
Tell me how many steps without landing, also without discovering
Sin acertar ni dar ni tan solo una perseguida
Without getting it right, without giving, not even a chase
Acostumbrarse a respirar sobrevivir al malestar
Getting used to breathing, surviving the discomfort
De cada cuerpo de esos crios con trastornos de anciedad
Of each body of those children with anxiety disorders
Quien les dira si llegeran a conocer la claridad
Who will tell them if they ever get to know the light
Y la verdad de sus historias y ya no caminaran
And the truth of their stories and they will no longer walk
Ni lograran tal vez hablar y asi contar como llegaron al odiafono
Or maybe they won't be able to speak and thus tell how they got to the odiafono
Muchos lo conocen como el sotano
Many know it as the basement
Son vidas inocentes que va ya ni son vidas
They are innocent lives that are no longer even lives
Hablamos de palisas violaciones dolor en las heridas
We are talking about beatings, rapes, pain in the wounds
Me pregunto donde perdieron el alma
I wonder where they lost their soul
Y despues como cojones lo hacen pa dormir en calma
And then how the hell do they manage to sleep peacefully
(Como) sin corazon y sin motivos
(How) without a heart and without reasons
Dime que dios es tan compasivo que os permite
Tell me which god is so compassionate that he allows you
Seguir vivos (quien) crios encerrados soportando este calvario
To stay alive (who) locked-up children enduring this ordeal
Para el para el mundo solo un caso mas en el telediario.
For him, for the world, just another case on the news.
Cuantos niños enjaulados siguen presos
How many caged children are still prisoners
Cuantos pudieron salir y cuantos pueden contar eso
How many were able to escape and how many can tell that story
Dime quien coño les piensa devolver ahora sus vidas
Tell me who the hell is going to give them back their lives now
Son historias que pasan pasan desapercibidas.
These are stories that happen, that go unnoticed.
Cuantos niños no han visto la luz del dia
How many children have not seen the light of day
Cuantos (dime cuantos) cuantos por vivir suplicarian
How many (tell me how many) how many would beg to live
Es el miedo quien les guia la muerte se viste
Fear is their guide, death dresses up
La luz al final del tunel para ellos ya no existe.
The light at the end of the tunnel no longer exists for them.
Cuantos niños enjaulados siguen presos
How many caged children are still prisoners
Cuantos pudieron salir y cuantos pueden contar eso
How many were able to escape and how many can tell that story
Dime quien coño les piensa devolver ahora sus vidas
Tell me who the hell is going to give them back their lives now
Son historias que pasan pasan desapercibidas.
These are stories that happen, that go unnoticed.
Cuantos niños no han visto la luz del dia
How many children have not seen the light of day
Cuantos (dime cuantos) cuantos por vivir suplicarian
How many (tell me how many) how many would beg to live
Es el miedo quien les guia la muerte se viste
Fear is their guide, death dresses up
La luz al final del tunel para ellos ya no existe
The light at the end of the tunnel no longer exists for them.

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