Simon - Human Nature feat. PUSHIM - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Simon - Human Nature feat. PUSHIM

Human Nature feat. PUSHIM
Human Nature ft. PUSHIM
This is my life 二歳からここちょうどこの国が浮かれてた頃
This is my life. Since I was two, this country has been just floating around, high on itself.
名前の違いで区別されたこともあった 何が違ぇんだ?わからなかった
Sometimes, I was treated differently because of my name. I didn't get it. What's the difference?
でも時は経ってこの2つの血は 一つの激流になってく Real Blood
But as time went on, this mixed blood of mine became one surging force - Real Blood.
意味有る事と意味ない事 今ならやっとわかるよ
Now I finally understand what's important and what's not.
この国の一人 使えるはずもない兵器を持ってる
There's someone in this country who has weapons they can't even use.
この世界に一人 誰だって幸せを守りたい
And there's someone in this world who just wants to protect their happiness.
でもその影で 誰かが泣いてる 金と欲望 渦巻いてる
But in the shadows, someone's crying. Money and greed are swirling around,
奪ってまで手に入れるものに価値があるなら 中指立ててやる
If something you get by taking from others is valuable, then I'll give you the finger.
戦う相手は Myself
I fight against myself.
My thirsty heart is crying.
Hey 夢の途中必ずみつかる それはひとつ
Hey, on the way to my dream, I will surely find it. It's the one thing.
君に会った yesterday
I met you yesterday.
銃を捨てた brand new day
I put down my gun on that brand new day.
すべては Yes, it's love
Everything is yes, it's love.
Yes, it's love
Yes, it's love.
ボトルの残りが無くなる前に 祝福の乾杯してくれないか?
Before the bottle runs out, won't you bless us with a toast?
冷えたグラスに注ぐLoveは 奇跡のかけら 一気に溢れる
The love poured into the cold glass is a piece of a miracle. It overflows in an instant.
地球の真裏から海超え永住 まるでボリーバル たった一人の英雄
From the other side of the world, across the ocean, to a permanent home, like Bolivar, a hero all alone.
超えてぇよ まだかする程度 やるからには言い訳はしねぇよ
I will overcome it, even if it's just a little bit. If I'm gonna do it, I won't make excuses.
夜までいつも兄貴と鍵っ子 あの日があるから繋がる今日
My brother and I were always home alone until nightfall. That day is what connects us to today.
借りばっかで何にも返せてねぇ やるぜ 別れの前に笑えるように
I owe you so much and haven't repaid anything. I'll do it. Before we part, I want to make you laugh.
きれいなものだけじゃ現実は満たせない 権力と金で買えないものはない
Reality can't be filled with only beautiful things. There's nothing that power and money can't buy.
このシステム でもここにあるLoveは金じゃ買えない
This system. But the love here can't be bought with money.
戦う相手は Myself
I fight against myself.
My thirsty heart is crying.
Hey 夢の途中必ずみつかる それはひとつ
Hey, on the way to my dream, I will surely find it. It's the one thing.
君に会った yesterday
I met you yesterday.
銃を捨てた brand new day
I put down my gun on that brand new day.
すべては Yes, it's love
Everything is yes, it's love.
Yes, it's love
Yes, it's love.
Why do we fight each other? Why do we envy each other?
人は自分を保ちたいから 人は人を傷つける
People hurt each other because they want to protect themselves.
If we gotta feeling... 感じ合えたら
If we gotta feeling... If we could feel each other,
矛盾したシステムは終わる Yeah, it's love
The contradictory system will end. Yeah, it's love.
戦う相手は Myself
I fight against myself.
My thirsty heart is crying.
Hey 夢の途中必ずみつかる それはひとつ
Hey, on the way to my dream, I will surely find it. It's the one thing.
君に会った yesterday
I met you yesterday.
銃を捨てた brand new day
I put down my gun on that brand new day.
すべては Yes, it's love
Everything is yes, it's love.
Yes, it's love
Yes, it's love.

Writer(s): Jerrod Bettis, Steve Porcaro

Simon - Human Nature feat. PUSHIM
Human Nature feat. PUSHIM
date de sortie

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