STOKA - Balkanska Ruta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Balkanska Ruta - STOKAtraduction en anglais

Balkanska Ruta
Balkan Route
Bili smo mali i nismo puno znali a kriminal poceo je zesce da nas
We were young and naive, and crime started to pull us in.
Pali furali nas filmovi kvartovske spike radili smo s jonima i čicama
Movies and street talk fueled our desires, working with junkies and dealers.
Pređike poceli zivjet podzemlje uz ritam rep
We started living the underworld life, to the rhythm of rap.
Zike jos i danas mi se vracaju sve te jebene slike
Damn, even today, all those fucked-up images come back to me.
Sjecam se prve akcije prvi kiosk je pao u crnoj kronici naslov al
I remember our first action, the first kiosk fell, in the black chronicle headlines, but
Nitko nije znao sve je bilo moje nas troje svi nas se boje svi znaju
No one knew, it was all us three, everyone feared us, everyone knew
Za heroje sta ulicnu pravdu kroje
About the heroes who dispensed street justice.
Lovu broje ponosno stoje pa ludji ko je.
Counting money, standing proudly, so who's crazier?
Bam ekipa svi maloljetnog tipa izrokali smo enkog pizduna ukrali
Bam, the crew, all underage, we beat up some asshole, stole his
Dzipa al nije smio reci jer bili smo puno veci a da nam plati
Jeep, but he didn't dare say a word, we were much bigger, and to pay us the
Reket donio nam je pare u vreci a
Racket, he brought us money in a sack, and
Da nije donio gutu krv pocela bi teci
If he hadn't, blood would have started flowing.
Nitko ne zna gdje je kraj lazna
No one knows where the end is, fake
Sreca lazni sjaj sto nam nosi zivot taj.
Happiness, fake shine, what this life brings us.
Igra zivota smrti pakao ili raj.
The game of life and death, hell or heaven.
Samo jednom zamisli da se mora umrijeti...
Just imagine having to die...
Deset godina kasnije po cijeloj Europi nas znaju u svakom kraju sve
Ten years later, they know us all over Europe, in every corner, everything is
Daju zivot ko u raju nasa je murja nase su carine nasi su autoputi i
Given, life like in paradise, our cops, our customs, our highways and
Cestarine svi placaju sve na vrijeme jer znaju da ostali bi bez
Tolls, everyone pays, everything on time, because they know they'd be left without
Karine balkanska ruta zelena bijela il zuta naruci plati doci ce i
Their rides. Balkan route, green, white, or yellow, order, pay, it will come even
Ako treba par puta samo reci sta ti treba dobrog oruzja il treba
If it needs to a few times, just say what you need, good weapons or
Dobre droge dobrih autiju bombi da lete do neba roba prve klase za
Good drugs, good cars, bombs to fly to the sky, first-class goods for
Sve nacije i rase pa dajte para i zlata da napunimo nase kase jer
All nations and races, so give us money and gold, let's fill our coffers because
Nikad dosta novih akcija i posla,
We never have enough of new actions and work,
Hrvatska srbija bugarska njemacka bosna,
Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, Bosnia,
Tisuce odanih ljudi sto za nas rade ko ludi zato pazi sta pricas o
Thousands of loyal people who work for us like crazy, so watch what you say about
Nama, pst tiho budi da te ne popapa mrak jer to
Us, shh, be quiet, lest the darkness swallow you, because that's
Je tak da rafal presjece zrak i papa na pocinak
How it is, the burst cuts through the air, and off to sleep you go
Nitko ne zna gdje je kraj lazna
No one knows where the end is, fake
Sreca lazni sjaj sto nam nosi zivot taj.
Happiness, fake shine, what this life brings us.
Igra zivota smrti pakao ili raj.
The game of life and death, hell or heaven.
Samo jednom zamisli da se mora umrijeti...
Just imagine having to die...
Sve je bilo kao u bajci do jednog dana dok sva trojica nismo zajedno
Everything was like a fairytale, until one day when the three of us
Izasli iz stana a tada zaculo se mrtvo tijelo buraza sta pada na
Left the apartment together, and then we heard it, the dead body of our brother falling on the
Asfalt je legla jos jedna zrtva podzemlja grada,
Asphalt, another victim of the city's underworld,
Ne vjerujem u soku suza u oku desnom rukom vadim utoku sto uvijek je
I can't believe it, in shock, tears in my eyes, with my right hand I draw the gun that's always
Na boku sarzer praznim u nebo picko sad si najebo supcino mogo si
At my side, I empty the magazine into the sky, you fucker, now you're fucked, you piece of shit, you could have
Zivjet ubit ga nisi trebo ubit cu tebe pobit cu ti i prijatelje i
Lived, you didn't have to kill him, I'll kill you, I'll kill your friends and
Trebe jer jos nitko nije uspio ovako da zajebe a dva dana poslije
Family, because no one has ever managed to fuck up like this, and two days later,
Supak nasjeckan u vreci ostala je samo tuga buraz drugi i treci
The asshole chopped up in a bag, only sadness remains, brother two and three,
Uspomena na brata ni traga sreci a posao zove i donosi zrtve nove
A memory of a brother, no trace of happiness, and the work calls and brings new victims
Mogli smo zivjet sretan zivot a zivjeli smo
We could have lived a happy life, but we lived
Snove u znaku podzemlja kriminala droge i love.
Dreams marked by the underworld, crime, drugs, and money.
Nitko ne zna gdje je kraj lazna
No one knows where the end is, fake
Sreca lazni sjaj sto nam nosi zivot taj.
Happiness, fake shine, what this life brings us.
Igra zivota smrti pakao ili raj.
The game of life and death, hell or heaven.
Samo jednom zamisli da se mora umrijeti...
Just imagine having to die...

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