STOKA - Hrana - traduction des paroles en anglais

Hrana - STOKAtraduction en anglais

Najviše od svega na svijetu ja volim jesti
Most of all in the world I love to eat
A osjećaji gladi kod mene stvarno su česti
But the feeling of hunger for me is really frequent
Kad trbuh mi zasvira jelo na stol se servira
When my belly starts to rumble food is served on the table
A ti savršeni mirisi nedaju mi mira
And those perfect smells won't leave me alone
Kad slina mi poteće bilo to jutro il veće
When my mouth starts watering be it morning or evening
Kad do nosnica mi dođe miris jajca kad se peče
When the smell of eggs frying reaches my nostrils
Volim jesti, jesti, stojecki il sjesti
I love to eat, eat, standing or sitting
Il sam il s nekim il unutra il na cesti
Alone or with someone inside or outside
Volim paste, makarone sa sirevima na tone
I love pasta, macaroni with tons of cheese
Volim trpat u sebe dok glava pod stol ne klone
I love to stuff myself until my head falls under the table
Volim specijalitete, namaze, putre, paštete
I love delicacies, spreads, pâtés, and pies
Ma sva moguća jela što kuhari se sjete
All possible dishes that chefs can think of
Volim štkurkle, njoke, mlince, pure, koke
I love dumplings, gnocchi, pancakes, mashed potatoes, chickens
Brokulu, kelj, kupus, čušpajze, articoke
Broccoli, kale, cabbage, peppers, artichokes
Čevape s puno luka, sve dok nebude mi muka
Cevapi with lots of onions, until it becomes a pain
Ma pojeo bi sedam kozlica, patku i vuka
But I could eat seven kids, a duck and a wolf
Volim jaja na oko, tvrdo kuhano il meko
I love eggs sunny side up, hard-boiled or soft-boiled
Volim kornfleks, čokolino, čips I griz na mlijeko
I love cornflakes, chocolate cereals, chips and puffs with milk
Volim plodove iz mora, školjke su mi fora
I love seafood, shellfish is my thing
Mogo bi ih jest uz vino dok ne svane zora
I could eat them with wine until dawn
Volim kulenove seke, špeke peke, oblizeke
I love smoked sausage, bacon, pancetta, lollipops
A da nepričam o vepru što smaknut je s čeke
And not to mention the pig that was killed with a check
Volim graha, kobase, kremenadle, pečeno prase
I love peas, sausages, meatloaf, roast pork
Volim žderat ko stoka pa to barem zna se
I love to eat like a cow so at least that's known
Volim slatko, slano i kasno i rano
I love sweet, salty and late and early
Pjevo bi na kiši, volim te hrano!
I would sing in the rain, I love you food!
Volim jest ko stoka I sit napit se soka pa da vidiš sjaj od sreće u sred mog plavog oka za konkretno deserti moji zubi su eksperti mljac, mljac, njam, podrigivanje I ferti x2
I love to eat like a cow and drink juice until you see the shine of happiness in the middle of my blue eye for specific desserts my teeth are experts yum, yum, yummy, burping and done x2
Mmm... šta je fino, lješnjak, čokolino
Mmm... how delicious, hazelnut, chocolate cereal
Volim pojest kantu kokica kad s malom odem u kino
I love to eat a can of popcorn when I go to the cinema with my girl
Liz čokolade, pa ću kinderlade
Licking chocolate, then I'll eat candy bars
A onda sve to zalit čašom hladne limunade
And then wash it all down with a glass of cold lemonade
Vanilija, pistacija, njofra, snjeguljica, macha
Vanilla, pistachio, Nutella, snow white, matcha
Robin Stole Hood, lud krade škrinju neplaća
Robin Hood, crazy steals a chest doesn't pay
Slatko ko med i saća, na slatko uvijek se vraćam
Sweet as honey and honeycomb, I always come back to sweets
Ma pojeo bih bombonijeru veličine Brača
But I would eat a box of chocolates the size of Brač
Mmm. i još mi se ne povraća
Mmm. and I still don't feel sick
Da paća za meso sad opet želja je jača
That the duck for meat now the desire is stronger
Pa častit se ukradenim sendvičima izviđača
So treat yourself to stolen sandwiches from the scouts
Nažalost, moj apetit nitko ne shvaća
Unfortunately, nobody understands my appetite
Volim jest ko stoka I sit napit se soka pa da vidiš sjaj od sreće u sred mog plavog oka za konkretno deserti moji zubi su eksperti mljac, mljac, njam, podrigivanje I ferti x2
I love to eat like a cow and drink juice until you see the shine of happiness in the middle of my blue eye for specific desserts my teeth are experts yum, yum, yummy, burping and done x2

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