Suu - Lligar no és lo teu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suu - Lligar no és lo teu

Lligar no és lo teu
Lligar no és lo teu
Va ser una tarda molt llarga, no s'acabava mai
It was a very long afternoon, that was never going to end
Tu estaves sentat esperant-me vestit molt elegant
You were sitting there waiting for me, very elegantly dressed
Repentina't amb gomina, crec que vaig flipar
Suddenly with slick hair, I think I flipped out
Deixa anar les aparences, sense por em vaig apropar
Let go of appearances, fearlessly I came closer
Va ser una tarda molt llarga, no s'acabava mai
It was a very long afternoon, that was never going to end
Tu parlaves de la bellesa i a mi això m'es igual
You spoke of beauty and it's the same to me
La nit que et vaig conèixer em vas encantar
The night that I met you, you fascinated me
Però semblaves una altra persona quan et vas posar a parlar
But in person you were like another person
Portes un monyo molt maco
You wear a pretty bun
La samarreta et senta
The T-shirt looks good on you
Aquesta llum exentua el teu somriure
The light accentuates your smile
Estàs molt guapa, t'ho he dit o què
You're very beautiful, that's what I told you
Prefereixo que em passis la birra que em tiris la canya
I'd rather you passed me the beer than you proposed to me
Perdona'm si em ric però es que em fas molta gràcia
Forgive me if I laugh, but you really amuse me
Lligar no es lo teu
Flirting is not your thing
Em sap molt de greu
I'm very sorry
Prefereixo que em passis la birra que em tiris la canya
I'd rather you passed me the beer than you proposed to me
No em diguis bonica que tants cops em cansa
Don't call me beautiful, because I tire of it
Després de mitja hora escoltant-te m'estava cansant
After half an hour of listening to you, I was getting tired
Vaig dir porta'm a la plaça de sempre
I said take me to the usual place
Que duc la guitarra i vull desconectar
I'm bringing the guitar and I want to disconnect
Ai maca, quina bona idea, ets tan llesta, tan interessant
Oh, my dear, what a good idea, you're so clever
Sisplau marxeu, canvia el tema o seré jo qui acabi marxant
Please, leave, change the subject or I'll be the one leaving
Prefereixo que em passis la birra que em tiris la canya
I'd rather you passed me the beer than you proposed to me
Perdona'm si em ric però es que em fas molta gràcia
Forgive me if I laugh, but you really amuse me
Lligar no es lo teu
Flirting is not your thing
Em sap molt de greu
I'm very sorry
Prefereixo que em passis la birra que em tiris la canya
I'd rather you passed me the beer than you proposed to me
No em diguis bonica que tants cops em cansa
Don't call me beautiful, because I tire of it
Prefereixo que em passis la birra que em tiris la canya
I'd rather you passed me the beer than you proposed to me
Perdona'm si em ric però es que em fas molta gràcia
Forgive me if I laugh, but you really amuse me
Lligar no es lo teu
Flirting is not your thing
Em sap molt de greu
I'm very sorry
Prefereixo que em passis la birra que em tiris la canya
I'd rather you passed me the beer than you proposed to me
No em diguis bonica que tants cops em cansa
Don't call me beautiful, because I tire of it
Pensa que a mi m'agraden les coses senzilles i la sinceritat
I like simple things and sincerity
Que si em vols dir bonica que sigui de veritat
If you want to call me beautiful, then mean it

Writer(s): Susana Ventura

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