Sabor de Gracia - El Nen Que Creia Saber Volar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sabor de Gracia - El Nen Que Creia Saber Volar

El Nen Que Creia Saber Volar
The Child Who Believed He Could Fly
una miqueta menys de fortalesa
He has a bit less strength
Però ho supleix tenint un cor valent
But he makes up for it with a brave heart
Va néixer amb mala estrella i és un poc diferent
He was born under a bad star and is a bit different
És un ninet alegre que creu que pot volar
He is a cheerful little boy who believes he can fly
Tocar la lluna, besar la mar
Touch the moon, kiss the sea
Es pot dir que no amics, i és que no sap jugar
You could say he has no friends, because he doesn't know how to play
Al que ara juguen tots: És el futbol
What everyone is playing now: soccer
I amb els seus ulls petits no es cansa de mirar:
And with his little eyes he never tires of looking:
Enveja de ser el millor, córrer amb els altres nens
Envious of being the best, running with the other kids
Sentir-se estrella ser campió
Feeling like a star, being a champion
Però ells no podran mai, tocar la lluna
But they will never be able to, touch the moon
Ells no sabran com tu el què és volar
They won't know how to fly like you do
No podran escoltar el rossinyol cantar
They won't be able to hear the nightingale sing
Damunt un núvol, creuant el mar
On a cloud, crossing the sea
La mare que l'estima, li conta contes que van
The mother who loves him, tells him stories that go,
Omplint-lo d'aventures per imaginar
Filling him with adventures to imagine
I el seu capet somia en l'heroi que aviat vindrà
And his little head dreams of the hero who will soon come
I la malaltia sabrà curar
And the disease will know how to cure
És una personeta a qui costa parlar
He is a little person who finds it hard to talk
Però la seva cara et diu que et vol estimar
But his face tells you that he loves you
Voldria caminar, ser una mica més fort
He would like to walk, to be a little stronger
I poder arribar a un lloc on només compti el cor
And be able to reach a place where only the heart counts
I el què importi sigui l'amor
And what matters is love
Però ells no podran mai, tocar la lluna
But they will never be able to, touch the moon
Ells no sabran com tu el què és volar
They won't know how to fly like you do
No podran escoltar el rossinyol cantar
They won't be able to hear the nightingale sing
Damunt un núvol, creuant el mar
On a cloud, crossing the sea
La mare que l'estima, li conta contes que van
The mother who loves him, tells him stories that go,
Omplint-lo d'aventures per imaginar
Filling him with adventures to imagine
I el seu capet somia en l'heroi que aviat vindrà
And his little head dreams of the hero who will soon come
I la malaltia sabrà curar
And the disease will know how to cure
La mare que l'estima, li conta contes que van
The mother who loves him, tells him stories that go,
Omplint-lo d'aventures per imaginar
Filling him with adventures to imagine
I el seu capet somia en l'heroi que aviat vindrà
And his little head dreams of the hero who will soon come
I la malaltia sabrà curar
And the disease will know how to cure
La malaltia sabrà curar
The disease will know how to cure
La malaltia sabrà curar
The disease will know how to cure

Writer(s): Guíllem Samsó, Marina Rossell

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