Sabor de Gracia - Per A Tu, Serrat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sabor de Gracia - Per A Tu, Serrat

Per A Tu, Serrat
To You, Serrat
Ella em va estimar tant...
She loved me so much...
Jo me l'estimo encara.
I still love her.
Plegats vem travessar
Together we crossed through
Una porta tancada.
A closed door.
Ella, com us ho podré dir,
She, how can I tell you,
Era tot el meu món, llavors
Was my whole world, then
Quan en la llar cremaven
When in the hearth burned
Només paraules d'amor...
Only words of love...
Paraules d'amor senzilles i tendres.
Words of love, simple and tender.
No en sabíem més, teníem quinze anys.
We knew no more, we were fifteen.
No havíem tingut massa temps per aprendre'n,
We hadn't had much time to learn,
Tot just despertàvem del son dels infants.
We were just waking from the sleep of children.
En teníem prou amb tres frases fetes
We had enough with three ready-made phrases
Que havíem après d'antics comediants.
That we had learned from ancient comedians.
D'històries d'amor, somnis de poetes,
Of love stories, dreams of poets,
No en sabíem més, teníem quinze anys...
We knew no more, we were fifteen...
No en sabíem més, teníem quinze anys...
We knew no more, we were fifteen...
Ara que tinc vint anys,
Now that I am twenty,
Ara que encara tinc força,
Now that I still have strength,
Que no tinc l'ànima morta,
That my soul is not dead,
I em sento bullir la sang.
And I feel my blood boiling.
Ara que em sento capaç
Now that I feel capable
De cantar si un altre canta.
Of singing if another sings.
Avui que encara tinc veu
Today that I still have a voice
I encara puc creure en Déu...
And I can still believe in God...
Vull cantar a les pedres, la terra, l'aigua,
I want to sing to the stones, the earth, the water,
El blat i el camí, que vaig trepitjant.
The wheat and the path, that I tread upon.
A la nit, al cel, a aquest mar tan nostre,
To the night, to the sky, to this sea so much our own,
I al vent que al matí ve a besar-me el rostre.
And to the wind that comes to kiss my face in the morning.
Vull alçar la veu, per una tempesta,
I want to raise my voice, for a storm,
Per un raig de sol,
For a ray of sunshine,
O pel rossinyol
Or for the nightingale
Que ve a cantar al vespre.
That comes to sing in the evening.
Ara que tinc vint anys,
Now that I am twenty,
Ara que encara tinc força,
Now that I still have strength,
Que no tinc l'ànima morta,
That my soul is not dead,
I em sento bullir la sang.
And I feel my blood boiling.
Ara que tinc vint anys,
Now that I am twenty,
Ara que encara tinc força,
Now that I still have strength,
Que no tinc l'ànima morta,
That my soul is not dead,
I em sento bullir la sang.
And I feel my blood boiling.
I ara que tinc vint anys,
And now that I am twenty,
I ara que encara tinc força,
And now that I still have strength,
Que no tinc l'ànima morta,
That my soul is not dead,
I em sento bullir la sang.
And I feel my blood boiling.
Ara que tinc vint anys,
Now that I am twenty,
Ara que encara tinc força,
And now that I still have strength,
Que no tinc l'ànima morta,
That my soul is not dead,
I em sento bullir la sang.
And I feel my blood boiling.
Vull cantar l'amor. Al primer. Al darrer.
I want to sing of love. To the first. To the last.
Al que et fa patir. Al que vius un dia.
To the one that makes you suffer. To the one you live for a day.
Avui que encara tinc força
Today that I still have strength
Avui que tinc vint anys,
Today that I am twenty,
Cal oblidar la teulada vermella
It is necessary to forget the red roof
I la finestra amb flors.
And the window with flowers.
L'escala fosca i la imatge vella
The dark staircase and the old image
Que s'amagava en un racó.
That hid itself in a corner.
I el llit de fusta negra i foradada
And the bed of black and perforated wood
I els teus llençols tan nets
And your sheets so clean
I l'arribar suau d'una matinada
And the soft arrival of a morning
Que et desperta més vell.
That wakes you up older.
Però no vull que els teus ulls plorin:
But I don't want your eyes to cry:
Digue'm adéu.
Tell me goodbye.
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
I me'n vaig a peu.
And I go on foot.
(Lalelo la)
(Lalelo la)
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
I me'n vaig a peu.
And I go on foot.
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
I me'n vaig a peu
And I go on foot
I me'n vaig a peu.
And I go on foot.
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
I me'n vaig a peu.
And I go on foot.
I me'n vaig a peu
And I go on foot
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
El camí fa pujada
The path goes uphill
I me'n vaig a peu.
And I go on foot.
Per tu, Serrat
For you, Serrat
Jo vull cantar
I want to sing
Aquest homenatge et vull dedicar.
This tribute I want to dedicate to you.
(Lalelo lelo lelo la)
(Lalelo lelo lelo la)
Per tu, Serrat
For you, Serrat
Jo vull cantar
I want to sing
Aquest homenatge et vull dedicar.
This tribute I want to dedicate to you.

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