Sagopa Kajmer - Romantizma - Re-Mastered - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sagopa Kajmer - Romantizma - Re-Mastered

Romantizma - Re-Mastered
Romantizma - Re-Mastered
Çocukluk naftalinle gizli
Childhood hidden with mothballs
Hatıralar sarı benizli
Memories with a yellow complexion
Kim kerizdi?
Who was the fool?
Belki aklım bir denizdi, ben boğuldum
Maybe my mind was a sea, and I drowned
Kim sorumlu?
Who is responsible?
Gözlerimde hava bulutlu
The air in my eyes is cloudy
Yarına sansürü Tanrı koydu
God censored tomorrow
Filmler hep sinemaskoptu
Movies were always cinemascope
Son yabancım bir maskottu
My last stranger was a mascot
Geçmiş her zaman siyah beyaz
The past is always black and white
Hayatım enstrumental
My life is instrumental
Kalendarım duvar süsü
My calendar is a wall decoration
Bulantılarda midem
My stomach is nauseous
Çok sebep ürettim, fabrikalarım iflas etti
I produced so many reasons, my factories went bankrupt
Kim samimi?
Who is sincere?
Kim hakiki?
Who is real?
Bana cevap verin
Give me an answer
Özür bir borç gibiydi, en zor ödenen hali
An apology was like a debt, the most difficult kind to pay
Kalbi hacize verdim, oysa borçlu sendin
I gave my heart to foreclosure, even though you were the debtor
Bir bahaneden ibaret terkediş
Abandonment, just an excuse
Bilinen en son halim bir zavallı, yaşıyorum, bunu da bil
My last known state is a wretch, I'm alive, know this too
Gidiyorum adımı sil, açıyorum, yaramı deş
I'm leaving, erase my name, I'm opening, dig my wound
Varlığın yoğunla ve keşmekeş, bu yolda ölüme terk bin leş
Your existence is dense and chaotic, a thousand corpses abandoned to death on this path
Ve rüzgârımla yüzleş
And face my wind
Şafak yüzbeşte meşke daldı
Dawn fell into a stupor at five o'clock
Çilekeş uyku geç gelir, nöbette uyuma yok
Tortured sleep comes late, no sleeping on duty
Korku içime sorgu tıktı, satır başında kalbim hep kırıktı
Fear stuck an interrogation inside me, my heart was always broken at the beginning of the line
Gözlerimin içine bakamadınız, içiniz hep fesattı
You couldn't look into my eyes, your insides were always malicious
İçim dışıma çıktı, içimi kemiren her fare için bir kapan yarattım
My insides came out, I created a trap for every rat that gnawed at me
Şüpheli paranoyaktım
I was a suspicious paranoiac
Canımı yolda buldum, tuttum kolundan, evine soktum
I found my soul on the road, took it by the arm, and brought it home
Yarımı gömdüm, yarımı güneşe döndüm, kendimeydi küfrüm
I buried half of myself, turned the other half into the sun, my curse was to myself
Ve dikkat et, dilinde hep tükürdüğün
And be careful, what you always spit on your tongue
Sömürdüğün bu ruhta haykırışlar kördüğüm (kördüğüm)
The cries in this soul you exploit are a dead knot (a dead knot)
You were my excuse
Her suçumda hazretlerimdin, yalvarır oldum
You were my majesty in every crime, I started to beg
En son hâlim bir zavallıydı, şimdiki bene beni sorar oldum, vallah
My last state was a wretch, I started asking myself about myself, I swear
You were my custody
Karanlıklara bir şiir oldun, onca okundun
You became a poem to the darkness, you were read so much
En son hâlim bir yabancıydı
My last state was a stranger
Ozan-ı bedbaht kalemini kırdı
The unfortunate poet broke his pen
You were my excuse
Her suçumda hazretlerimdin, yalvarır oldum
You were my majesty in every crime, I started to beg
En son hâlim bir zavallıydı, şimdiki bene beni sorar oldum, vallah
My last state was a wretch, I started asking myself about myself, I swear
You were my custody
Karanlıklara bir şiir oldun, onca okundun
You became a poem to the darkness, you were read so much
En son hâlim bir yabancıydı
My last state was a stranger
Ozan-ı bedbaht kalemini kırdı
The unfortunate poet broke his pen
Sat-ı müdafa zorunlu
Defense is mandatory
Adalet karaman oyunu
Justice is a Karaman game
Sonunu bildiğim bu yol önüme serdi bilinmez uçurumu
This path, whose end I know, laid before me an unknown abyss
Gözlerim krater çukuru (yeah)
My eyes are crater pits (yeah)
Yine de elimde tek düze kalem, yazarım karamsar kompoziyonumu
Still, with a monotonous pen in my hand, I write my pessimistic composition
Getirin artık sonumu (getirin, getirin)
Bring my end now (bring it, bring it)
Onuru zedeler alaya vurulan her doğru
Every truth that is ridiculed, damages honor
Her geçen dakika metabolizma çökerten olgu (olgu)
Every passing minute is a metabolism-crashing phenomenon (phenomenon)
Şıkkı seçti ademoğlu
The son of Adam chose the option
Yanlışın gurur bıçaklar, orada duran o alçaklar yaşamın biberi tuzu
The pride of the wrong stabs, those scoundrels standing there are the salt and pepper of life
Huşu içinde yatsın ölü bebeklerim
May my dead babies lie in peace
Bir buğulu aynanın yörüngesinde
In the orbit of a foggy mirror
Ortalıkta dolaşan bu buğulu yansımalara hipnozum
My hypnosis to these foggy reflections wandering around
Ve uluya anlaşılmaz bir tavırla "Yorgunum!" demek neden?
And why say "I'm tired!" in an incomprehensible manner?
Umutsuzum bugünden
I'm hopeless from today
Al ve yerine koy hataları
Take and replace the mistakes
Ben her cevaba bir soruyla kafa da tuttum
I also questioned every answer with a question
Bir tüyoyla bir tiyatro kurdum
I built a theater with a feather
Kendim oynadım ve arenasında bir savaşçı buldum, kördü
I played myself and found a warrior in its arena, he was blind
Köprü ortadan bölündü, Sagopa gördü
The bridge split in half, Sagopa saw it
Yokluğun ki zoraki bir ölümdü
Your absence was a forced death
En derin yazarın olsun ellerim
May my hands be the deepest writer's
Aklımın odalarında yangın çıksın, beklerim serin
Let a fire break out in the rooms of my mind, I'll wait cool
Ben kimim ki, bilmemekteyim
Who am I, I don't know
Hayat kızgın boğa, ben kırmızı pelerin
Life is an angry bull, I am a red cape
You were my excuse
Her suçumda hazretlerimdin, yalvarır oldum
You were my majesty in every crime, I started to beg
En son hâlim bir zavallıydı, şimdiki bene beni sorar oldum, vallah
My last state was a wretch, I started asking myself about myself, I swear
You were my custody
Karanlıklara bir şiir oldun, onca okundun
You became a poem to the darkness, you were read so much
En son hâlim bir yabancıydı
My last state was a stranger
Ozan-ı bedbaht kalemini kırdı
The unfortunate poet broke his pen
You were my excuse
Her suçumda hazretlerimdin, yalvarır oldum
You were my majesty in every crime, I started to beg
En son hâlim bir zavallıydı, şimdiki bene beni sorar oldum, vallah
My last state was a wretch, I started asking myself about myself, I swear
You were my custody
Karanlıklara bir şiir oldun, onca okundun
You became a poem to the darkness, you were read so much
En son hâlim bir yabancıydı
My last state was a stranger
Ozan-ı bedbaht kalemini kırdı
The unfortunate poet broke his pen
Pesimist underground Hip-Hop
Pessimist underground Hip-Hop
Ne deler bilirsiniz, insan hep kendisi için iyi olanı yapmaz
You know what hurts, a person doesn't always do what's good for him
Bazen en kötüsünü de yapar
Sometimes he does the worst
Aklındaki o tuhaf sesi dinle
Listen to that weird voice in your head
Ve birden geç kaldığınızı anlarsınız çünkü o yanlış sizdir
And suddenly you realize you're late because that mistake is you
Aşk size bunu yaptırabilir
Love can make you do this

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