Saidax i Saltors - Quan T'Enyoro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Saidax i Saltors - Quan T'Enyoro

Quan T'Enyoro
When I Miss You
Quan t'enyoro, només tanco els ulls i et recordo,
When I miss you, I just close my eyes and remember you,
I el que vull donar-te t'ho dono.
And what I want to give you, I give you.
Tan sols ens fa falta un batec.
All we need is a heartbeat.
Necessito, l'amor a les mans per sentir-lo.
Need the love in my hands to feel it.
Mai vaig saber que tenint-lo, hem sentiria tan bé.
I never knew that having it, I would feel so good.
Tants i tants kilòmetres que ens separen,
So many miles that separate us,
Per telèfon no veig si somrius.
On the phone, I can't see if you smile.
Però sabem que no estem separats per sempre,
But we know that we're not separated forever,
Si a fora, hi ha boira, fes el que jo faig:
If there's fog outside, do what I do:
Quan t'enyoro, sempre tanco els ulls i et recordo,
When I miss you, I always close my eyes and remember you,
I el que vull donar-te t'ho dono.
And what I want to give you, I give you.
Només ens fa falta un batec.
All we need is a heartbeat.
No és gens fàcil si el destí és el que mana
It's not easy if destiny is what commands
I aquesta és la llosa que roseguem.
And this is the burden we gnaw on.
Però sabem que això no durarà per sempre,
But we know that this will not last forever,
Si a fora, hi ha boira, fes el que jo faig
If there's fog outside, do what I do
Quan t'enyoro.
When I miss you.
Necessito, l'amor a les mans per sentir-lo.
Need the love in my hands to feel it.
Mai vaig saber que tenint-lo, hem sentiria tan bé.
I never knew that having it, I would feel so good.
Quan t'enyoro, tan sols tanco els ulls
When I miss you, I just close my eyes
I llavors, et tinc al costat
And then, I have you by my side
I això ens fa sentir contents.
And that makes us feel happy.
I somio que vens
And I dream that you're coming
I somio que vens, i una altra vegada,
And I dream that you're coming, and once again,
Junts per estimar-te
Together to love you
I és que necessito tan sols l'impuls, un batec.
And all I need is the impulse, a heartbeat.

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