Saint Dog - Crime 2 Rhyme - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Saint Dog - Crime 2 Rhyme

Crime 2 Rhyme
Crime 2 Rhyme
You going down... ooo... ooo...
You're going down... ooo... ooo...
You going down... ooo... ooo...
You're going down... ooo... ooo...
You going down... ooo... ooo...
You're going down... ooo... ooo...
You going down... ooo... ooo...
You're going down... ooo... ooo...
We get on top, we get on top
We get on top, we get on top
Its not a crime, we spittin' rhymes
It's not a crime, we're spitting rhymes
Friend am verse
Friend am verse
Rima penuh taring, siap untuk bersaing/
Rhymes full of fangs, ready to compete/
Kualitas teratas, satu lagu langsung booming/
Top quality, one song directly booming/
Dikenal lewat karya tanpa harus sebar sticker/
Known through works without having to spread stickers/
Awakulo tak sekedar penghias flyer//
Awakulo is not just a flyer decoration//
Eksekusi total, di kota penuh sejarah/
Total execution, in a city full of history/
Tetap satu suara tanpa harus menjarah/
Stay one voice without having to plunder/
Teguhkan pendirian, takkan mudah goyah/
Strengthen your stance, won't easily waver/
Kami bukan bunglon yang mudah berubah//
We're not chameleons that easily change//
Setiap langkah yang terkayuh penuh konsep/
Every step that's paddled is full of concept/
Berpikir perfeksionis dalam setiap project/
Thinking perfectionist in every project/
Banyak yang diam-diam berikan respect/
Many secretly give respect/
Walau masih ada yang datang coba untuk mengejek//
Although there are still those who come and try to mock//
Kami melejit tanpa membawa kontroversi/
We soar without bringing controversy/
Im still here, tetap pada posisi/
I'm still here, stay in position/
Berpijak di tempat yang sama tanpa mengenal durasi/
Standing in the same place without knowing the duration/
Kreasi tak terbatas, tanpa mencari sensasi/
Unlimited creation, without seeking sensation/
M.e.b verse
M.e.b verse
Jangan banyak alasan dengar ini bukan kejahatan/
Don't make excuses, listen, this isn't a crime/
Orang tua bilang balas dengan kebaikan/
Parents say to reply with kindness/
Berparas tampan aku bukanlah pahlawan/
Handsome-looking, I'm not a hero/
Menyebar kebaikan (eiii), pembela kebenaran (eiii)//
Spreading kindness (eiii), defender of truth (eiii)//
Bukti dan tester sudah ada di versi awal/
Proof and tester are already in the initial version/
Semua sudah tau hasilnya pasti maksimal/
Everyone already knows the result will be maximum/
Ngga berharap lebih, apalagi soal nominal/
Not expecting more, especially about money/
Apa yg kalian dengar jangan dianggap kriminal//
What you hear, don't consider it criminal//
Lakukan sesuka hati, dengar banyak kritikan/
Do as you please, listen to a lot of criticism/
Kalo kalian minta bukti, kami akan tunjukkan/
If you ask for proof, we will show it/
Ngga boleh ada yg iri, ini baru hiburan/
No one should be jealous, this is just entertainment/
Aku bisa mengerti, ini lebih dari tuntutan//
I can understand, this is more than a demand//
Banjir pujian, itu sudah hukum alam/
Flooded with praise, it's the law of nature/
Aku bisa buktikan masa depanku ngga suram/
I can prove my future is not bleak/
Kujamin kali ini harus banyak waktu luang/
I guarantee this time you must have a lot of free time/
Rima terburuk pun ngga akan pernah aku buang//
I will never throw away even the worst rhyme//
Back to goof verse
Back to goof verse
Hidup minimalis, tapi karya fantastis/
Minimalist life, but fantastic work/
Otak semakin kronis, penuh dengan ide sadis/
The brain is getting chronic, full of sadistic ideas/
Meski situasi kritis, masih tetap nasionalis/
Despite the critical situation, still nationalist/
Biar bukan aktifis, tetap peduli sosialis//
Even if not an activist, still care about socialists//
Dari bawah tanah, kami mengukir sejarah/
From the underground, we carve history/
Berjuang lewat musik, jangan sampai salah arah/
Fighting through music, don't go astray/
Gak jaman pake fisik, jangan terpancing amarah/
It's not the era of using physical, don't be provoked by anger/
Berhenti mengukur masalah, mulailah membangun langkah//
Stop measuring problems, start building steps//
Persetan industri, kami ciptakan pasar sendiri/
Damn the industry, we create our own market/
Kemarin sempat pergi, kini aku telah kembali/
I left yesterday, now I have returned/
Masalah demi masalah, perkuat jati diri/
Problem after problem, strengthen your identity/
Tak mau menghakimi, biar tuhan yang beri sanksi//
Don't want to judge, let God give the sanctions//
Selalu konsisten, pertahankan kualitas/
Always consistent, maintain quality/
Masih bisa berontak, kalau sampai ada yang menindas/
Can still rebel, if anyone oppresses/
Kami diam menakutkan, bergerak mematikan/
We are silent scary, moving deadly/
Sendiri tak terkalahkan, bersama kau bisa bayangkan//
Alone invincible, together you can imagine//
Jav kai verse
Jav kai verse
Nggak lagi omong besar, karena sudah terbukti/
No more big talk, because it's been proven/
Lagu ini menyebar, hip hop butuh polisi/
This song is spreading, hip hop needs police/
Ngerap bagai kerasukan, beat kendalikan ragaku/
Rapping like possessed, the beat controls my body/
Tulus bukan tuk dapatkan anak gadis tetanggaku//
Sincerely not to get the neighbor girl//
Nggak minta perhatian, maaf keren berlebihan/
Not asking for attention, sorry, too cool/
Mengundang keramaian, mungkin sudah kesekian/
Inviting crowds, maybe for the umpteenth time/
Musik buat goyang, sampai lepas persendian/
Music to shake, until the joints come off/
Awakulo, jav kai, teman tuk cewek kesepian//
Awakulo, jav kai, friends for lonely girls//
Im a bad boy, bad boy, kau masih mau tiru/
I'm a bad boy, bad boy, you still want to copy/
Aku matahari kalau panggung langit biru/
I am the sun if the stage is the blue sky/
Silaukan mata, panas kau rasa,
Dazzling eyes, you feel the heat,
Rima bakar kau punya telinga/
Rhymes burn your ears/
Nggak paksa untuk suka, tolong jangan keliru//
Don't force yourself to like, please don't be mistaken//
We get it crunk, get-get-get it crunk/
We get it crunk, get-get-get it crunk/
5 crazy brothers spittin some crazy funk/
5 crazy brothers spitting some crazy funk/
Status permanen di rap game, kalian mungkin magang/
Permanent status in the rap game, you guys might be interns/
Lihat apa yang terjadi di saat kami datang//
See what happens when we arrive//
Back to akbar verse
Back to akbar verse
Aku masih tetap punya prinsip kebersamaan/
I still have the principle of togetherness/
Pasti nggak semua bisa seiring sejalan/
Surely not everyone can be in line/
Misi yang berbeda jelas beda pemahaman/
Different missions clearly have different understandings/
Wakili surabaya jelas satu kehormatan//
Representing Surabaya is clearly an honor//
Aku keras kepala, kalian baru tau/
I'm stubborn, you just found out/
Bermodal keyakinan kami maju tanpa ragu/
With the capital of belief, we move forward without hesitation/
Masih percaya bangsa ini kembali bersatu/
Still believe this nation will be united again/
Tanpa bawa bendera, garuda tetap di dadaku//
Without carrying the flag, Garuda is still in my chest//
Berdiri sama tinggi, dobrak setiap sekat/
Stand tall, break every bulkhead/
Walau terkadang emosi, gunakan akal sehat/
Even though sometimes emotional, use common sense/
Kalau ini revolusi, pasti di cap penjahat/
If this is a revolution, it must be branded a criminal/
Kepalan tangan di udara bukti kita semakin kuat//
Clenched fists in the air proof we are getting stronger//
Masih terdepan menolak jadi budak industri/
Still at the forefront of refusing to be a slave to the industry/
Independen bukan berarti nggak butuh materi/
Independent doesn't mean you don't need materials/
Musik bawah tanah bukan jalan untuk ngetop/
Underground music is not a way to be famous/
Kami alasan kenapa orang masih dengerin hip hop//
We are the reason why people still listen to hip hop//

Writer(s): Saint Dog

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