Sajadii - Ghor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sajadii - Ghor

خالی بود پشتم من هميشه
My back has always been empty
هيچوقت انتظار نداشتم از بقيه
I never expected anything from others
تو اين دنيای پُرِ نامرد فقط
In this world full of cowards
فهميدم كه مادرم مردترينه، آره
I realized that my mother is the bravest, yeah
اَ خيلی چيزا ميره حوصلم سَر
I am very bored with many things
من، مهمونِ گلوم كلی بغضه هرشب
Me, the guest of my throat, has a lot of resentment every night
بدجوری خستم از اين حال بيحالم
I am very tired of this state of weakness
از اينكه خيلی وقته ميارم هی پُشته هم بد
From the fact that I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself for a long time
ندارم من ديگه چيزی برا باختن
I have nothing left to lose
گذشتو حَل نكرد هيچيو زمان واسم
Time has not solved anything for me
ميدونی حتی نميتونم اصا خوش باشم الكی
You know, I can't even be happy for real
يجورايی كردم به دردام عادت، همچی
Somehow I got used to my pain, like that
هر روز برام ميشه بد و بدتر
Every day becomes worse and worse for me
يه روزی كلی توقع داشتم اَ خودم من
One day I had a lot of expectations from myself
ولی الان خبری اَ هيچی نيستو نميدونم
But now there is no news from anything and I do not know
برا حال خوب چقد صب كنم تَش؟
How long should I wait for a good mood?
خودمو تو خودم كوبيدم هی
I hit myself
خوش نه ولی زود ميگذره
Not happy, but it passes quickly
تنها دلخوشيم اينه كه هيشكی نميدونه
My only consolation is that nobody knows
چقد دلم گرفته و غصه تو سينمه
How much my heart aches and how much sadness is in my chest
كلی اينور اونور شدم صبح نه
This morning I went around in circles
شد و فكر ميكردم دِق ميكنه اما ذوق كرد و
And thought I would break down but I got excited and
گوه زَد به زندگيم و با رفتنش كاری كرد اون
S**t on my life and by leaving she did something
بدجوری ببازم من هرچی كه بُردم
I badly lost everything I won
هی آرِزوهام دونه دونه رفتن به دَرَك
Hey, my wishes went to hell one by one
ديدم همه از من، منم از همه زدم
I saw that everyone was away from me, and I also turned away from everyone
اونيكه نداره حالِ توضيح
The one who does not have the mood to explain
اونيكه هميشه توی جمعا كم حرفه منم
The one who is always not talkative in the company is me
همچيو يادمه من
I remember everything
اگه بد بودم اوضام ميشد شايد بهتر
If I was bad, the situation might have improved
برا آروم شدن از قرصا كمك ميگيرم
I take pills to calm down
يه چند باريم رفتم تا لبه مرگ
I've been to the brink of death several times
هميشه انگاری يكی ميزنه تو مغزم غر
It always seems like someone is growling in my brain
جای جيبم داره ميشه چوبخطم پُر
My pocket is becoming a tally
يه چند وقتی ميشه الان خوشحالی كه هيچی
For some time now, happiness is nothing
حتی نديده كسی اصلا پوزخندمو
Nobody even saw my grin
من فكر نميكنم به جبران اصلا
I don't think about compensation at all
ديوارا از مشتام خستن
The walls are tired of my fists
ميكشم هرچی كه دستم بياد
I pull on everything I can get my hands on
يه جوريكه يادم ميره كجام هرشب
In such a way that I forget where I am every night
نفهميدم من چجوری بچگيم رفت
I did not understand how my childhood went
انقد واستادم پا روياهام تا تَه كشيدن
I stood on my dreams until they were exhausted
خواستم ابرو خم نكنم خم شد كمرمو
I did not want to frown, but my back bent
دراز نشد سمتم دست هيچكس
No one reached out to me

Writer(s): Sajadii

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