Sajsi MC - Bmx - traduction des paroles en anglais

Bmx - Sajsi MCtraduction en anglais

BMX kloš
BMX clown
Poklonila sam sprej nakoksiranom klincu
I gave the spray paint to a cracked-out kid
Iz popravnog doma
From juvie
Nos mu se rascvetao kao proleće
His nose bloomed like spring
A bio je oktobar, vetar i smor
But it was October, wind and pollution
Bljutava hrana, prokleta deca i ja
Blighted food, wretched children and me
Šta po ovoj hladnoći da radim
What am I to do in this cold
U trenerkama iz devedeset prve
In a 1991 tracksuit
A moram na fax, ne mogu da vodim rasvetan nos okolo
And I have to go to college, I can’t go around with a lit-up nose
To je kao osmeh bez pratnje
That’s like a smile without a companion
klikeri na betonu, Slavija se pretvorila u smolu
Like jacks on concrete, Slavija has turned into bad luck
Ni on, ni ja nemamo lovu, al'imamo robu
Neither of us has money, but we have product
Džaba jer tek 10 a.m. otkucava
For free, because it’s only 10 a.m.
Ko se sinoć zgutao ni spavanje nije potpisao
Whoever laid down with him last night didn’t sign a sleep contract
Vučem sauh bez ambicije da krenem
I’m dragging myself but with no intention of leaving
Za inat pali iz prve, smanjujem za pola
Out of spite, it starts up on the first try, I cut the power in half
I čekam da nešto padne i smrska me
And wait for something to fall on me and crush me
Jedan meteor bi bio dovoljno dobro opravdanje
A meteor would be a good enough excuse
Da danas, to jest večeras, ne idem nigde
For today, or rather tonight, not to go out
BMX, skejt, koš i lanci
BMX, skate, basketball and chains
Huškamo druge da dobiju po faci
We stir up others so they get hit in the face
Ja mogu i bez matrice, ja mogu i bez majka
I can even without the matrix, I can even without my mother
Da bacim rime ti đubre sa osmoga sprata
To drop rhymes like you drop garbage from the eighth floor
Živim u naselju punom dece i staraca
I live in a neighborhood full of kids and old people
Svi ustaju rano i rano ležu
They all get up early and go to bed early
Baš ja kad spavam sve je u zenitu
Just when I’m sleeping, everything is at its peak
Cike i vriske, nesnosni su u parazitiranju
Whining and shouting, they’re unbearable parasites
Zašto svaka pesma koju počnem
Why does every song I start
Mora da se završi kao hejt, to je zato što mrzim ceo svet
Have to end as hate, that’s because I hate the whole world
U stvari ne!
Actually, no!
Ja mrzim bogove
I hate gods
I ove gore i ove dole i ove levo i ove desno
These above and these below, these to the left and these to the right
Ja bog nisam, ja sam trulo ljudsko meso
I’m not a god, I’m rotting human flesh
I nije tačno da generacije su sve gore i gore
And it’s not true that generations are getting worse and worse
Odavno je svet van kontrole
The world has been out of control for a long time
Brate, snobe
Man, snob
To što si ti odrastao na tome
Just because you grew up with it
Ne mora da bude najbolje, ne mislimo svi da si faca
It doesn’t have to be the best, not everyone thinks you’re cool
Tone nas je, na tone, svako u tripu svome
There are tons of us, so many, each one on his own trip
Fantomi me progone al' nije to najgore
Phantoms haunt me, but that’s not the worst of it
Gore od toga je disk koji se učitati ćene
Worse than that is the disk that will load
Kene ne gnjavi mene
Kene, don’t bother me
Ima barbika ko pleve
There are barbies like weeds
BMX, skejt, koš i lanci
BMX, skate, basketball and chains
Huškamo druge da dobiju po faci
We stir up others so they get hit in the face
Ja mogu i bez matrice, ja mogu i bez majka
I can even without the matrix, I can even without my mother
Da bacim rime ti đubre sa osmoga sprata
To drop rhymes like you drop garbage from the eighth floor
Kada čujem škripu kreveta
When I hear the bed creak
Uvek mislim na jedno
I always think of one thing
Kako se čedna Sofija ložila na pimping fazon
How chaste Sofia laid down on the pimp’s style
Dok još pimping zonfa nije došao u Srbiju
While the pimp zone still hadn’t come to Serbia
Tih dana se pričalo o rascvetalim krajevima
In those days, people talked about blossoming regions
Dve ulice dalje meni i maloj Sofi
Two streets away from me and little Sofia
Pune muške usne naređuju da budemo najlepše
Full male lips order us to be the most beautiful
I jesmo i širimo miris za lokalne blejače
And we are and we spread the fragrance for the local bleaters
Jer dugo je leto
Because the summer is long
Jer sve je tako konkretno
Because everything is so real
Jer raspust je i nama je dosadno
Because it’s vacation and we’re bored
Eee Miki
Hey, Miki
E brate evo me došô sam sad sa tekme znači
Hey man, here I am, I just came from the game
Bodem, zabadam, pržim, ne bi verovala brate
I’m scoring, penetrating, roasting, you wouldn’t believe it
Stvarnooo, i?
Really, and?
Pa šta šta iii
Well, what, what?
Popadali su svi i sve smo ih
They all fell and we
BMX, skejt, koš i lanci
BMX, skate, basketball and chains
Huškamo druge da dobiju po faci
We stir up others so they get hit in the face
Ja mogu i bez matrice, mogu i bez majka
I can even without the matrix, I can even without my mother
Da bacim rime ti đubre sa osmoga
To drop rhymes like you drop garbage from the eighth one

Writer(s): Mojne Selekta Dera

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