Sajsi MC - Frikovi (2021 Remaster) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sajsi MC - Frikovi (2021 Remaster)

Frikovi (2021 Remaster)
Weirdos (2021 Remaster)
Mozak mogu da ti vozim
I can ride your brain
Kao da je ponika
Like a pony
Ako ti je opušteno, onda bolje skloni ga
If it's relaxed, then you better put it away
Traži se raketa jer dobra sam koketa
Looking for a rocket because I'm a good flirt
Traže se jaka leđa
Looking for a strong back
On misli, on samo misli, da može da prizove sluzavu kišu misli
He thinks, he only thinks, that he can summon a slimy rain of thoughts
Klinci više ne igraju klikere
Kids don't play marbles anymore
Mame više ne piju likere
Mothers don't drink liqueur anymore
Nje nema prolaze sati, kako misliš da ti se ona vrati
He's not there for hours, how do you think she's going to come back to you
Što duže čekas
The longer you wait
Više joj se gadiš
The more she detests you
Daješ joj vremena da shvati
You're giving her time to realize
Slobodan si dečko i previše
You're a free guy and too much
Ti bi da zarobiš je, ali manevriše
You want to capture her, but she's maneuvering
Posle x godina setiš se, prekidaš tišinu
After x years, you remember, you break the silence
Sad bi da tešiš je
Now you want to comfort her
Izgubili smo šansu, ne baš za nijansu
We lost our chance, not by a shade
Razlika u godinama i socijalni status
Difference in age and social status
Matori bi sve na slamku
Oldies would put everything on a straw
Matori bi sve na slamku
Oldies would put everything on a straw
Kosti da li bole te kad usamljeni vetar
Do your bones hurt when the lonely wind
Šapuce da se nisi makao ni metar
Whispers that you haven't moved an inch
Usamljeni vetar, makao ni metar
Lonely wind, hasn't moved an inch
Razni frikovi vrebaju, lova namešta postelju
Various weirdos are lurking, love makes the bed
Puštam njegovu ruku, druga zvona dozivaju
I let go of his hand, other bells are calling
Razni frikovi vrebaju
Various weirdos are lurking
Seti se ja sam u prolazu
Remember, I'm just passing through
Skoro da ne postojim štikle same hodaju
I hardly exist, the stilettos walk on their own
Razni frikovi vrebaju
Various weirdos are lurking
Seti se ja sam u prolazu
Remember, I'm just passing through
Skoro da ne postojim štikle same hodaju
I hardly exist, the stilettos walk on their own
Chilex, nema drama, smak će sveta
Chilex, no drama, the end of the world
Klinci više ne igraju klikere
Kids don't play marbles anymore
Mame više ne piju likere
Mothers don't drink liqueur anymore
Slušaj ovako, nismo ortaci
Listen up, we're not buddies
Nema druženja držim se u šaci
There's no hanging out, I keep it in my pocket
Huliganski te volim to znači bez razuma
I love you in a hooligan way, that means without reason
Nuklearno ne vredi vam štanglica
Nuclear doesn't help you with a crutch
Riblja kost je erotičnija nego pletenica
A fishbone is more erotic than a braid
Kikice nose ljanke, dredove nose raste plus
Chicks wear flip-flops, dreadlocks grow on rastafarians
Urbani sinovi i kćeri bogate mame i tate
Urban sons and daughters of rich moms and dads
Uvek cu više rispekta imati za moje ljanke
I'll always have more respect for my flip-flops
One to iskreno vole takve su od osnovne škole
They genuinely love them, they've been like that since elementary school
A mene te jah jah fore redovno redovno smore
And the girls with those yeah yeah jokes regularly regularly piss me off
Razni frikovi vrebaju, lova namešta postelju
Various weirdos are lurking, love makes the bed
Puštam njegovu ruku, druga zvona dozivaju
I let go of his hand, other bells are calling
Razni frikovi vrebaju
Various weirdos are lurking
Seti se ja sam u prolazu
Remember, I'm just passing through
Skoro da ne postojim štikle same hodaju
I hardly exist, the stilettos walk on their own
Razni frikovi vrebaju
Various weirdos are lurking
Seti se ja sam u prolazu
Remember, I'm just passing through
Skoro da ne postojim štikle same hodaju
I hardly exist, the stilettos walk on their own
Razni Frikovi
Weird Ones
Razni frikovi
Weird ones
Prazni tripovi
Empty trips
Klasni džipovi
Classy jeeps
Glasni tipovi
Loud guys
Strasni sintovi
Passionate gypsies
Skupi mitovi
Expensive myths
Tupi umovi
Foolish minds
Klasni džipovi
Classy jeeps
Chilex, nema drama, smak će sveta
Chilex, no drama, the end of the world
Chilex, nema drama, smak će sveta
Chilex, no drama, the end of the world

Writer(s): Ivana Rašić, Novak Ašković

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