Sajsi MC - Mafia (mafia riddim) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sajsi MC - Mafia (mafia riddim)

Mafia (mafia riddim)
Mafia (mafia riddim)
Gubiš tlo, digni glavu sa poda
Loose your footing, lift your head off the floor
Skini te amajlije, izađi odmah
Take off those amulets, get out of here right now
Nedelja je, sad nema niko poznat
Sunday, there's no one you know out there now
Nek se širi priča, samo on da ne dozna
Let the story spread, just make sure he doesn't find out
Čiska, čiska, u prolazu vriska
Clean, clean, there's screaming all around
Jer došla je patrola da napravi čistka
'Cause the patrol's here to clean things up
Zato skači dok svega ima
So dance while you still can
Mojnetovih bitova i Đerinih hitova
To Mojneto's beats and Đerin's hits
Životinjsko carstvo svako dete jede slasno
In the animal kingdom, every child is a tasty treat
Svaki narkos hvali glasno
Every junkie sings its praises loud
Svaki over znači kasno
Every overdose means the end
Nikad više zid je beo
No more white walls
Nikad ševi ćune zvuk škripe gume
No more Chevys, just the sound of tires squealing
Nisam a i neću, jesam možda nekad
I'm not, and I won't be, maybe I once was
Tebra brate hoću početak
Brother, I need the beginning
Jedna doza, dve doze sada, padam, sloboda je mala
One dose, two doses now, I'm falling, freedom is small
Za sekund izgorim ali pokreti spori
I burn up in a second, but my movements are slow
Na ulici nikog, pizdim, nikog u kraju
No one on the street, I'm alone, no one around
Ispod prozora zviždim
I'm whistling under the window
Treći put kamen bacam jer doza nikad jača treba sada
Third time I'm throwing stones, 'cause I need a stronger dose now
Zato čiska čiska neko će da strada
So clean, clean, someone's gonna pay
Otimačina u sred bela dana
Mugging in broad daylight
Ovakva se ekipa ne izbacuje iz stana
A team like this doesn't just get kicked out of an apartment
Nauči malo da ga take it easy
Learn to take it easy
Nakriviš rimu kao toranj u Pizi
You're leaning your rhymes like the Tower of Pisa
Opušteno nema šta Sajsi sve zna
Relax, there's nothing to it, Sajsi knows it all
Opušteno nema šta Sajsi sve zna
Relax, there's nothing to it, Sajsi knows it all
Dugo sama i loša bila sam
I was alone and lonely for so long
Par njih želi da me zadivi sa par čivasa
A few want to impress me with some flashy words
Džaba, izgledaju ko par irvasa
It's useless, they look like a couple of deer
Odvedi me odavde ko zima leto iz Minhena
Take me away like winter takes summer from Munich
Reperi besne kad im rime kresnem
Rappers get mad when I drop my rhymes
Kad ih sretnem nikad ne pitam "gde ste"
When I see them, I never ask, "Where have you been?"
Deca bogataša glume da nemaju
Rich kids pretending they have nothing
Bogata deca o kriminalu kenjaju
Rich kids fantasizing about crime
Pazi se nesi zipa u kesi
Be careful, don't carry a wallet
Što nisi da jesi kada pitaš me gde si
You act like you're not there when you ask me where you are
Želis me jer ja sam san snova
You want me because I'm the dream of your dreams
Želis me i slušaš moje priče
You want me and you listen to my stories
Hoćeš baš mene jer moja bundica i čizmice
You want me because my jacket and boots
Odudaraju od sive ulice
Contrast with the gray of the streets
A ti gubiš tlo, digni glavu sa poda
But you're losing your footing, lift your head off the floor
Skini te amajlije i izađi odmah
Take off those amulets and get out of here right now
Nedelja je sad nema niko poznat
Sunday, there's no one you know out there now
Nek se širi priča samo on da ne dozna
Let the story spread, just make sure he doesn't find out
Nauči malo da ga take it easy
Learn to take it easy
Nakriviš rimu kao toranj u Pizi
You're leaning your rhymes like the Tower of Pisa
Opušteno nema šta Sajsi sve zna
Relax, there's nothing to it, Sajsi knows it all
Opušteno nema šta Sajsi sve zna
Relax, there's nothing to it, Sajsi knows it all
Opušteno nema šta Sajsi sve zna
Relax, there's nothing to it, Sajsi knows it all

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