Salah - Mentiras - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Salah - Mentiras

Con el tiempo ya me di cuenta de todo
With time I already realized everything
Y ahora que en ti no debí confiar
And now I know that I shouldn't have trusted you
Y las mentiras no se guardan para siempre
And the lies are not kept forever
Ahora lo sabes
Now you know
Ya no seré tu juguete nunca más
I won't be your toy anymore
Fueron mentiras
They were lies
Las cosas que decías
The things you were saying
Todo era fantasía
It was all fantasy
Toda una falsedad
All a falsehood
Decías que me querías
You said you loved me
Yo tonto lo creía
I foolishly believed it
Que crueles tus mentiras
How cruel your lies
Duele la realidad
Reality hurts
Recuerdo cuando
I remember when
decías que te ibas a encontrar
You said that you were going to find
Con tus amigas
With your friends
Ay que fácil me mentías
Oh how easily you lied to me
Reconozco que todito te creía
I admit that everyone believed you
Mientras con él salias
While you were going out with him
Lo veías a escondidas que tonto
You were watching it on the sly what a fool
Yo pensé que eras diferente
I thought you were different
Nunca le hice caso lo que decía la gente
I never paid attention to what people were saying
Yo solo confiaba ciegamente en ti
I just blindly trusted in you
Y me jodí
And I fucked up
Me decías que eras muy malvada
You used to tell me that you were very evil
No te importa nada
You don't care about anything
Yo nunca presté atención
I never paid attention
Me creía ese cuento de hadas
I believed that fairy tale
Que siempre contabas
That you always counted
Y te veía con gran ilusión
And I saw you with great enthusiasm
Y ahora veo que eres malvada
And now I see that yes you are evil
No te importa nada
You don't care about anything
Destrozaste mi corazón
You broke my heart
Traicionaste al hombre que te amaba
You betrayed the man who loved you
Al que más confiaba
The one I trusted the most
Lo cambiastes por un perdedor
You traded him for a loser
Fueron mentiras
They were lies
Las cosas que decías
The things you were saying
Todo era fantasía
It was all fantasy
Toda una falsedad
All a falsehood
Decías que me querías
You said you loved me
Yo tonto lo creía
I foolishly believed it
Que crueles tus mentiras
How cruel your lies
Duele la realidad
Reality hurts
Juro que nunca había sentido esto que siento
I swear I've never felt this I feel
Me encuentro solo y triste en un desierto
I find myself alone and sad in a desert
Era feliz y ahora me estoy muriendo
I was happy and now I'm dying
No vengas ahora con arrepentimiento
Don't come now with regret
Yo soy el de la culpa
I am the one to blame
Por creer todo tu cuento
For believing your whole story
El amor me volvió ciego
Love made me blind
Y por eso no vi lo que a mi espalda
And that's why I didn't see what behind my back
me estabas haciendo
You were making me
Me decían que eras muy malvada
They told me that you were very evil
Y no te importa nada
And you don't give a damn
Yo nunca presté atención
I never paid attention
Me creía ese cuento de hada
I believed that fairy tale
Que siempre contabas
That you always counted
Te veía con gran ilusión
I saw you with great enthusiasm
Y ahora veo que eres malvada
And now I see that yes you are evil
No te importa nada
You don't care about anything
Destrozaste mi corazón
You broke my heart
Traicionaste al hombre que te amaba
You betrayed the man who loved you
Al que más confiaba
The one I trusted the most
Lo cambiaste por un perdedor
You traded him for a loser
Fueron mentiras
They were lies
Las cosas que decías
The things you were saying
Todo era fantasía
It was all fantasy
Toda una falsedad
All a falsehood
Decías que me querías
You said you loved me
Yo tonto lo creía
I foolishly believed it
Que crueles tus mentiras
How cruel your lies
Duele la realidad
Reality hurts
Le creí todas sus mentiras
I believed all her lies
Y me jodí
And I fucked up
Dj Rasta
Dj Rasta
El Taita
The Taita
Dj Juan
DJ Juan
Negro music
Negro music
ya sabes quien soy yo
You already know who I am
Salah music
Salah music
The lion is loose, get safe
The lion is loose, get safe
Fueron mentiras
They were lies
Las cosas que decías
The things you were saying
Yo tonto me creía
I foolishly believed myself
Toda tu falsedad
All your falsehood

Writer(s): Salah Renteria

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