Sale Tru - Andjeo I Demon - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sale Tru - Andjeo I Demon

Andjeo I Demon
Angel and Demon
Najlepsi si andjeo
You are the most beautiful angel
Najruzniji demon
The most beautiful demon
Svojim prelepo ruznim rogovima
With your beautiful, ugly horns
Probadas oreol
You have pierced the halo
Sa nogama u paklu
With your feet in hell
Dok rukama pipas nebo
While your hands touch heaven
Kod tebe sve je uvek bilo
With you, everything has always been
Crno ili belo
Black or white
Poklanjam ti srce
I give you my heart
Jer se tebi tako htelo
Because that's what you wanted
Nema veze sto je mrtvo
It doesn't matter that it's dead
Kod tebe je to svejedno
With you, it's all the same
Uzela si dusu
You took my soul
Da bi prodala telo
To sell my body
Masi krilima, svetice
Mass with wings, saint
Uvek bices samo teror
You will always just be a terror
Jer andjeo i demon
Because angel and demon
U jednom si vecno
You are in one forever
Sta god ti bilo ko rek'o
Whatever anyone says to you
Ti si prokletstvo
You are a curse
Prokleti prokletima
Cursed by the cursed
Proklinju prokleto
The cursed curse the cursed
A ti si proklela
And you are cursed
Svakim svojim pokretom
With every move you make
Sto grobova si napravila meni
How many graves have you made for me
Sto jedan pravis sebi
How come you make one for yourself
Posle tebe, umr'o bi i feniks
After you, even a phoenix would die
Tuzno je kad srce pukne
It is sad when a heart breaks
Brzo kao staklo
As fast as glass
Jos tuznije kad vidis raj
Even sadder when you see heaven
A dotaknes pakao
And touch hell
I bolece te pogled u ogledalo
And it hurts to look in the mirror
Kad dodje vreme dotle voli sebe
When the time comes, love yourself
Ono sto boli mene, bolece i tebe
What hurts me, hurts you too
Neke ptice umiru dok lete
Some birds die while they fly
Neke price ubiju dok se smejes
Some stories kill while you laugh
Hteo sam da bude bolje
I wanted it to be better
Sta je gore
What's worse
Biti zaljubljen
Being in love
U kurve il' demone
With whores or demons
Ne poklanjaj mi suze
Don't give me your tears
Jer one se nikad ne kaju, vec love
Because they never repent, but hunt
Cudno je kad slike secanja
It's strange when pictures of memories
Ti prave kovceg
Make you a coffin
Prelepa si kad me lazes
You are beautiful when you lie to me
To i jeste problem
That's the problem
Pobedila si, bravo
You have won, bravo
Cao, zdravo-samo odem proboden i proklet
Goodbye, hello-I just left pierced and cursed
Voleo sam te
I loved you
Nikad opet
Never again
U zadnje vreme volim tvoj bol
Lately I enjoy your pain
Mrzim osmeh
I hate your smile
To nije ljubav, sreco
This is not love, honey
To je mrznja
This is hatred
I da ti oprostim za sve to
And if I forgive you for all that
Opet bi za mene bila mrtva
For me, you would be dead again
Jer smo hodali nebom
Because we walked in heaven
Pa smo probali jos jednom
And then we tried again
Propali kroz beton
We fell through concrete
Nista ne traje vecno
Nothing lasts forever
Da si me volela bar malo
If you loved me even a little
Da ti je stalo
If you cared
Ne bi me pravila budalom
You wouldn't make me a fool
I trazila od mene
And ask me
Da se kunem mrtvom mamom
To swear by my dead mother
Da te nikad nisam varao
That I never cheated on you
Dok si se klela bratom
While you swore on your brother
Znamo ko je koga slagao
We know who was lying to whom
Ne zovi nikad vise
Never call again
Necu ni ja tebe
I won't either
Jer sam te trebao kad si otisla
Because I needed you when you left
Kod drugog da te jebe
To someone else to fuck you
It's all good, bejbe, bejbe
It's all good, baby, baby
It's all good, bejbe, bejbe
It's all good, baby, baby

Writer(s): Aleksandar Lazić, Ivana Zecevic, Mitar Spasic Zuba

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