Sale Tru - Da Li Znas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sale Tru - Da Li Znas

Da Li Znas
Da Li Znas
Koj' me kurac opet cimaš
Why the hell are you bothering me again?
Imala si sve što sam bio
You had everything I had to offer
A sada kad sam ti niko ja ti prijam
But now that I'm nothing to you, you crave me
I svaki put kad kažem nešto slatko
And every time I say something sweet
Ja se igram
I'm just playing
Jer se primaš
Because you're falling for it
A ja sam igrač
And I'm a player
Srce je tu da ga pipam
Hearts are meant to be broken
I ulica je lepa kad je mrak
And the streets are beautiful at night
Osim kada stane sreća
Except when happiness ends
Uz rata-ta-ta
With gunshots
Idemo nazad na srca
We go back to hearts
Koje uvek kuca
That always beat
Kad god mi je neki drug
Whenever another one of my friends
Odjednom mrtav kao Luka
Is suddenly dead like Luke
I zamisli da imaš snagu
And imagine having the power
Da uzmeš sav bol osobe koju voliš
To take away all the pain of the one you love
I šta je to? To je ljubav
And what is that? That's love
Zamisli da srcem praviš pare
Imagine making money with your heart
A da je paket trave džabe, ipak
But even though weed is free, still
Svet je uvek bio kurva
The world has always been a bitch
I svi se plaše, nisi zbog toga pička
And everyone's scared, you're not a pussy because of that
Dobro, iako plačeš
Okay, even though you're crying
Znaj da suze nisu ništa novo
Know that tears are nothing new
Duša mi je kamen
My soul is stone
A opet tako od stakla
Yet so glass
Smeškam se sa bolom
I smile with pain
Kada naiđem na sekund pakla
When I face a second of hell
On ne zna za ljubav, ali zato zna za
He doesn't know about love, but he knows about
Smrt, smrt, smrt, smrt, smrt
Death, death, death, death, death
Ona ne zna za ljubav, ali zato zna za
She doesn't know about love, but she knows about
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Twerking, twerking, twerking, twerking, twerking
Da li si nekad video overdozu nekoga na dopu?
Have you ever seen someone overdose on dope?
Jebeš normalan život jer ja sam odrastao u bloku
Fuck a normal life because I grew up in the projects
Zato moram biti smiren kada moje oči vide
That's why I have to be calm when my eyes see
Prljave duše i kiše, komane, dilere, igle
Dirty souls and rain, hoods, dealers, needles
Ali najjače zaboli što i najviše nasmeje
But what hurts the most also makes me laugh the most
Sve u svoje vreme, da li volim kol'ko vole mene?
Everything in its own time, do I love as much as they love me?
Jer svi ljudi obećavaju nebo i cele sebe
Because all people promise heaven and all of themselves
A daju ti samo šuplje telo uz komad zemlje
But only give you an empty body with a piece of land
A ti i ja smo dva druga sveta
And you and I are two different worlds
Uvek je kraj taj koji je iskreniji od početka
The end is always more sincere than the beginning
A lepi bolje lažu zato pazi svoje dupe
And pretty people lie better so watch your butt
Gorim iznutra, a spolja ja sam nasmejan i super
I'm burning inside, but on the outside I'm smiling and great
I zamisli da svet stane na jedan trenutak
And imagine if the world stopped for a moment
I šta bi bilo da je stvarno ost'o živ Tupak?
And what if Tupac really had stayed alive?
Svejedno, poenta je
Anyway, the point is
Nisam ljut - ožiljci ne bole
I'm not mad - scars don't hurt
Hvala svima koji su probali da me vole
Thank you to everyone who tried to love me
On ne zna za ljubav, ali zato zna za
He doesn't know about love, but he knows about
Smrt, smrt, smrt, smrt, smrt
Death, death, death, death, death
Ona ne zna za ljubav, ali zato zna za
She doesn't know about love, but she knows about
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Twerking, twerking, twerking, twerking, twerking
O da li znaš šta je sreća, sreća?
Oh do you know what happiness is, happiness?
Da li znaš šta je sreća, sreća?
Do you know what happiness is, happiness?

Writer(s): Aleksandar Lazić, David Dmg Jovanovic

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