Sale Tru feat. Ivana Zečević - Andjeo I Demon - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sale Tru feat. Ivana Zečević - Andjeo I Demon

Andjeo I Demon
Angel and Demon
Najlepši sam anđeo, najružniji demon
I'm the most beautiful angel, the ugliest demon
Ja imam srce nekog ko je proveo vek pod zemljom
I have the heart of someone who has spent a century underground
I treb'o sam da vidim da sam nevolja, a nisam
And I should have seen that I'm a nuisance, but I'm not
Svejedno, malo bola dobro dođe kad je kiša
Anyway, a little pain comes in handy when it rains
Dela su mi prljava, zar mi je duša čista?
My deeds are dirty, but is my soul pure?
Iako sve znaš, pravi se da ne znaš ništa
Even though you know everything, pretend you don't know anything
Mi nosimo bol kao da je sreća, to je dobro
We wear pain as if it were happiness, that's good
Ponekad svet miriše na cvet ali je govno
Sometimes the world smells like flowers but is shit
I popravi mi polomljena krila
And fix my broken wings
Samo da bi opet bila
Just so I could be again
Deo debila koji sam ih skida
Part of the asshole that I take them off
I znaj da videćeš zlo kad budeš tražila dobro
And know that you will see evil when you seek good
Kada želiš malo onda će ti zrno biti mnogo
When you want a little then the grain will be a lot
Pruži mi ruke, tvoje suze nisu uspeh
Give me your hands, your tears are not a success
Al' moje srce voli kada malo tvoga uzme
But my heart loves when it takes a bit of yours
Ja imam osmeh veran mesecu koji ga obasjava
I have a smile that is faithful to the moon that illuminates it
A iznutra sam truo k'o smrt - ja se raspadam!
But inside I'm worn out like death - I'm falling apart!
Ja sam tvoj ujed k'o malih deset pirana
I am your bite like a small ten piranhas
I post'o sam ove kurve iz pakla, a k'o iz raja
And I became these whores from hell, but like from heaven
Budi tiha, ćuti kad ti uzimam a ne dam ništa
Be quiet, be quiet when I take from you and give nothing
Jer ja sam tvoj anđeo ubica
Because I'm your angel killer
I ja se igram sa srcem kao da je staklo
And I play with my heart like it's glass
A kad me pitaš "Zašto?", odgovaram "Nemam razlog"
And when you ask me "Why?", I reply "I have no reason"
A imam - plašim se svega što bi mi bila
But I do - I'm afraid of everything you would be to me
I tako te povređujem bez bilo kakvog cilja
And that's how I hurt you without any purpose
Jer tvoj sam heroj koji te izdaje za tren
Because I'm your hero who betrays you for a moment
A tvoje suze dišu sve što im dam kad kažem ne
And your tears breathe everything I give them when I say no
Bio sam štit i tvoj jastuk
I was a shield and your pillow
Kad sam te izd'o shvatio sam da je hladno i u paklu
When I betrayed you, I realized that it is cold even in hell
I vreme je da uzmem svoje srce jer me zove
And it's time for me to take my heart because it's calling me
Uz ukus smrti kad anđeli pređu u demone
With the taste of death when angels turn into demons
Jer ja sam samo tvoj najlepši anđeo
Because I'm just your most beautiful angel
Jer ja sam samo tvoj najružniji deo
Because I'm just your ugliest part
Jer ja sam samo i crno i belo
Because I'm just black and white
Jer ja sam i zemlja i nebo
Because I'm both earth and heaven
Ja sam samo tvoj, tvoj najlepši anđeo
I'm just yours, your most beautiful angel

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