Sale Tru feat. Kurtoazija - Ja Te Hvalim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sale Tru feat. Kurtoazija - Ja Te Hvalim

Ja Te Hvalim
I Praise You
A ja sam fur'o s tobom, ali sa da dobro znam
And I'm angry with you, but I really know well
Da zbog toga treba da me stvarno bude blam!
That because of that, I should really be ashamed!
Od tada karam druge, ne cujem se vise s' tobom
Since then, I've been driving others, I don't hear from you anymore
I cak te hvalim, a odavno si mi rekla zbogom!
And I even praise you, although you said goodbye to me a long time ago!
A ispala si govno, A ispala si fuksa
But you turned out to be shit, you turned out to be a bitch
I spavala si snjim i brisala mu spermu s duksa!
And you slept with him and wiped his sperm off the shower!
Ima da bruka puca, ima da znaju ljudi
The shame will erupt, people will know
Da imala si papilome a i male grudi!
That you had papillomas and small breasts!
Ima da Bog ti sudi, ja nemam preca posla
God will judge you, I don't have a more important job
Za tri zivota veruj mi da mi te je dosta!
For three lives, believe me, I'm tired of you!
Ta ljubav me je prosla, sad prosto sam gorstak!
That love has passed me by, now I'm just a bitter old man!
Ja te hvalim a na gajbi karao te ortak!
I praise you, but I fucked you on the truck, my friend!
Kad skuvas kafu, srolas buksnu odmah posle sexa!
When you make coffee, you roll up your panties right after sex!
Samo si za to ekstra, mada te vise ne znam
You're only extra for that, although I don't know you anymore
Al' imam prava na tvoj racun dobro da se zazam!
But I have the right to have a good laugh at your expense!
A ja te hvalim kako nisi kurva
And I praise you, how you're not a whore
A ja te hvalim iako si mu pusila tad!
And I praise you, even though you were sending him kisses then!
A ja te hvalim ko da si mi bila prva
And I praise you, as if you were my first
A ja te hvalim sad, kada ovo peva ceo grad?
And I praise you now, when the whole city sings this?
I dalje mi je stalo, i ne bih te kar'o
I still care, and I wouldn't fuck you
Dok te tvoji ljudi pljuju i tvoji ljudi kunu
While your people spit on you and your people curse you
A varala si me i karala si me
But you cheated on me and cursed at me
U mozak godinama
In my brain for years
Sada necu da te vidim, jer iskreno se stidim
Now I don't want to see you, because I'm honestly ashamed
I necu da ti budem hrana!
And I don't want to be your food!
Na druge si se lozila, meni si se kurcila
You leaned on others, you were a whore with me
Pljuvala me svima, nasa veza ti se smucila
You spat on me with everyone, our relationship seemed to disgust you
A reci da nije? (hej) reci da nije?
But tell me it's not? (hey) tell me it's not?
Hteo sam zbog tebe da se kurcim i bijem
Because of you, I wanted to kill and fight
Smrcem i pijem, suze da lijem!
Smoke and drink, shed tears!
Upadam iz sranja i bezim od 'rije'!
I fall out of shit and run from the police!
Ajde reci da nije, reci da nije?
Come on, say it's not, say it's not?
Ja te hvalim kod tih kurvi koje karam kao prije!
I praise you with those whores that I fuck like before!
Ti nisi svesna koliko je mene sada blam
You're not aware of how much I'm ashamed now
Pisem o tebi, hvalim te, dizem cenu znam
I write about you, praise you, raise the price, I know
Da sutra bice novo. Nikada ispocetka
That tomorrow will be new. Never again from the beginning
Hvalim te da jebes se kao neudata tetka!
I praise you for fucking like an unmarried aunt!
Svakoga petka po gradu zujis kao metak
Every Friday you buzz around town like a bullet
Ti si korov u buketu cvecc i sad i nekad
You're a weed in a bouquet of flowers, both now and then
Kazem nisi izuzetak, sljokica ti zapela jos od jesenas!
I'm saying you're not an exception, you've been crazy since autumn!
A neki konj se pita da li si mu verna?!
And some horse wonders if you're faithful to him?!
Ti nemas problema kad u pitanju je sperma
You have no problems when it comes to cum
Hvalim tvoju rupu, tvoja usta, tvoja debra
I praise your hole, your mouth, your breasts
Ti si najlepsa u stadu ovaca raznih
You're the best in a herd of various sheep
Seti se toga svaki put pre nego sto zaspis
Remember that every time before you fall asleep
Na ovaj voz odavno kasnis cak i kada si vrela
You're late for this train a long time ago, even when you're hot
Zbog kurcozelje narav tvoja je smela
Because of your lust, your nature is bold
Vise njih si htela, u isto vreme sve dala
You wanted more of them, you gave everything at the same time
Sad hvalim te ko da si andjeo, demonu reci mi hvala!
Now I praise you like you're an angel, tell the demon thank you!
Sale Tru
Sale Tru
Ona me laze samo misli da ja ne znam, ja sve znam!
She lies to me, just thinks I don't know, I know everything!
Ali ipak sreca je u malim stvarima i tako u krug.
But still, happiness is in small things, and so around and around.
Jer ja sam sto bi rek'o parkiran'
Because I'm parked, so to speak
I laz je uzvracena lepsom jer je ljubav kad ti neko parira!
And a lie is repaid with a favor, because love is when someone equals you!
I tako gore ulicna svetla
And so the street lights are burning
A tebe bi se cak i rodjena keva odrekla!
And even your own bitch would disown you!
Ipak te hvalim a tebi svasta fali
And yet I praise you, but you lack everything
Znam da si cimala malog kad si mi rekla da te cim'o mali!
I know you were sucking the little one when you told me the little one was sucking you!
Da li si htela pise ti na sred cela
Whether you wanted it is written on the middle of your forehead
Sada si sreca bela, pa si smrt popijena!
Now you're a white fortune, so you're a drunk death!
Prvo budes hladna pa si posle vrela
First you're cold, then you're hot
Kazes mi da znas, pa mi posle kazes: ne znam!
You tell me you know, then you tell me later: I don't know!
I to je slatko, komplikovano je s tobom lako!
And that's sweet, it's complicated, it's easy with you!
Dok mi grebes srce picke vole glatko
While you scratch my heart, the pussies love it smoothly
Opet te hvalim, a u kurac
Again I praise you, to hell with it

Writer(s): Aleksandar Lazic, Nemanja Djeric, Petar Sekulic, Jovan Z Jankovic

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