Sale Tru - Istina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Istina - Sale Trutraduction en anglais

Posto danas i gluv i slep
I stand here today, both deaf and blind
Misle da cuje i vide sta je pravi rep
Thinking I'm seeing and hearing things that are real
Vreme je da mi tebe nateramo
It's time for us to force you
Da stvarno procujes i da progledas
To really search and see clearly
Thug life kurvo
Thug life, bitch
Bola je puno, ruka na srce i ja sam se gudro
It hurt a lot, to be honest, I was naive
Mnogi su mrtvi a da nisu ni ziveli dugo
Many are dead, without ever really living
A kada budem umro pusti me i mozda cujes
But when I die, let me go and maybe you'll hear
Ono sto si do tada sluso a nisi cuo
What you've been listening to this whole time, but haven't heard
Ponekad jedan smesak znaci vise i od jela
Sometimes, one smile means more than any food
I da danas umrem mene ceka keva
And if I die today, a hottie is waiting for me
Ispred neba, a pare nisu sreca
In front of heaven, and money isn't happiness
Da li ce imati moje oci moja deca
Will my children have my eyes
I ko ce mi biti zena
And who will be my wife
Za uspeh potrebna je vera
Success requires faith
Nikad nemoj da se menjas
Never change yourself
Zbog nekog ko te ni ne zna
For someone who doesn't even know you
Koliko god bio inteligentan
No matter how intelligent you are
Bice pitanja na koja odgovor nemas
There will be questions you can't answer
A zivot nije samo jedan
And life isn't just one
Ko te stvarno voli nece hteti da te menja
Those who truly love you won't want to change you
Ipak isto tako zivot promeni coveka
Yet, life changes a person just the same
Svejedno sve ce biti dobro
Either way, everything will be alright
Ljubav je pred tobom svuda
Love is all around you
Znaj da nista ne boli duboko
Know that nothing hurts deeper
Ko mamina suza
Than a mother's tears
Video sam smrt sa 24
I've seen death at 24
Osetio sam zivot
I've felt life
Kad sam pado ja sam mislio da letim
When I fell, I thought I was flying
Ne razumem zasto mrze kad smo srecni
I don't understand why they hate when we're happy
I ko bi reko da od larve
And who would've thought that from a larva
Jednog dana bice leptir
One day a butterfly would emerge
Bog ne voli ruzne, kad se u mamu kunem
God doesn't love the ugly, I swear on my mother
Za to cu i da umrem
That's why I'll die for it
Ja sam uvek znao sta zelim da budem
I've always known what I wanted to be
Velike kolicine vutre umrtve bol
Large amounts of vultures kill the pain
Retko spavam al sam sve, samo ne zlo
I rarely sleep, but I'm everything but evil
I to je to ili pocetak toga
And that's it, or the beginning of it
Ljudi vole da misle da su jaci od samog bola
People like to think they're stronger than pain itself
Pa posle metka u stomak
So after a bullet in the stomach
Mole vec znas koga
They pray to you-know-who
Drugare pojo tvorza, a neke druge sloboda
My friend, sing about the creator, but some others about freedom
Moji drugovi su uvek samo pucali i krali
My friends have always only shot and stolen
Ipak kada god bih bio gladan
Yet whenever I was hungry
Oni bi mi dali
They would give to me
Jer to su nama samo svakodnevne stvari
Because those are just daily things for us
Sa mislima na pare i sa parama u glavi
With thoughts of money and money on our minds
Opet se bodu ispred zgrade moje ribe,
We again deal in front of my crib,
Nema veze to je blesavo, jos jedan mrtav diler
Whatever, that's stupid, another dead dealer
Dobro se vraca dobrim
What goes around comes around
Losi ce uvek pljuvati bolje
The bad ones will always spit better
Ko da ce oni od toga biti bolji
As if that would make them better
A sta je bolje da budem pored drolje
And what's better, to be with a slut
Ili pored ljudi koji lazu kad kazu da me vole
Or with people who lie when they say they love me
Ja ipak jurim ljubav oduvek
Nevertheless, I've been chasing love forever
I nema potrebe da trosim suze
And there's no need for me to waste tears
Osim da procvetaju ruze
Except for roses to bloom
Lepo je kad imas nekog
It's nice when you have someone
Jedva cekam da joj kupim nesto
I can't wait to buy her something
Za sada je dovoljna ljubav
For now, love is enough
E to je geto
That's the ghetto
A pricaju o meni ko da me znaju odavno
And they talk about me like they've known me for ages
To sto sam ti rekao cao ne znaci da se znamo
Just because I said hi doesn't mean we know each other
Bassivity DJ Funk dve hiljade trtim, kurvo
Bassivity DJ Funk two thousand one, bitch
Sale tru jos jednom za to tvoje ravno dupe
Sale Tru once more, for that flat ass of yours

Writer(s): rr

Sale Tru - Istina
date de sortie

1 Istina

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