Sam Bush - Laps In Seven - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sam Bush - Laps In Seven

Laps In Seven
Laps In Seven
25يناير زكرايات ماضي اليم
25th January, memories of a painful past
سبتوا البلاد وجريتوا وهربتولنا
You cursed the country and ran away, and made us run
The prisoners
وديه بصمه عار عليكوا
And this is a mark of shame upon you
مانسوبا لتاريخ حاقير
Relating to a despicable history
عمر ما السلطه هاتحميكوا من يوم الدين
No authority can protect you on the Day of Judgment
ظالمتونا وحبستونا ولفقتولنا
You wronged us, imprisoned us, and fabricated stories against us
قواضي كتير
Many judges
جبنا لكم الحرية وطالبناكم بالتغير
We brought you freedom and asked you for change
بقالنا خمس سنين
We've been waiting for five years
والموضوع ده يرضى مين
And who is satisfied with this situation?
ماتحاولوا تفهامونا
You did not try to understand us
ولا وجودنا عليكوا خاطير
And our existence means nothing to you
كاميرتكوا بتصورنا
Your cameras are filming us
والإعلام في أدين طايزين
And the media is flying in your face
صحافه اعدماتني
Your newspapers have condemned me to death
وقالوا علينا مدمين
And they said that we are addicts
قالوا فكوا المجموعات
They said, "Disband the groups,
لتجمع للمجرمين
So there is no gathering of criminals."
إعلام كله فساد
Your media is corrupt
ومحتاج ثورت تطهير
And it needs a purifying revolution
قولنا قدرات عقليه
We are told that we have mental illnesses
عايزين جمهور بفلوسكوا
You want supporters with your money
والانتماء يطير
And belonging flies away
25 يناير قلناها بأعلى صوت
On 25th January, we proclaimed it out loud
روح الأسر تنادي
The spirits of the prisoners are calling out
حريه لحد الموت
Freedom until death
موقومه لجان شعبية
People's committees have been established
ده من زمان الجدود
That has been the tradition since our forefathers
يا اوسخ من اليهود
You are more vile than the Jews
راح زمن السكوت
The time of silence is gone
افتاحولنا الحدود
Open the borders for us
خلوا الفرسان تفوت
Let the brave men enter
نمشي طار القيود
We will escape from our chains
ونحصل شعب اليهود
And we will become the people of the Jews
الخاين للعهود
The covenant breakers
على مر العصور
Throughout the ages
وفلسطين هاتعود
And Palestine will return
وهايجي اليوم الموعود
And the promised day will come

Writer(s): Sam Bush, Byron House, Scott Vestal

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