Sam Sam - Chupe Chupe Chuperman - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sam Sam - Chupe Chupe Chuperman

Chupe Chupe Chuperman
Chupe Chupe Superman
Ahora que estoy encerrado
Now that I'm locked up
Me pongo a pensar
I start to think
Las loqueras que hice
The crazy things I did
Por creerme Chuperman.
For believing I was Superman.
Me ponía bien choro
I acted tough
En la calle sin carnal
On the street without my homies
Me valía gorro
I didn't care
Agandallar al personal.
About ripping people off.
Tomando chelas tomando alcohol
Drinking beers, drinking alcohol
Hice desmadres en el barrio
I caused chaos in the neighborhood
Y con la banda me puse bien
And with the gang, I got really messed up
Planee atracos como un rey.
I planned robberies like a king.
Tomando chelas tomando alcohol
Drinking beers, drinking alcohol
Vague en el tiempo de mi destrucción
I wandered in the time of my destruction
Y con la banda robe a placer
And with the gang, I stole at will
Pues en mis manos tuve el poder.
Because I had the power in my hands.
Y la banda me traiciona y me deja perder
And the gang betrays me and lets me lose
Mis padres ya sin lana ya no saben que hacer
My parents are broke, they don't know what to do
Y poco a poco voy cayendo en el olvido
And little by little, I'm falling into oblivion
Ese olvido del que no volveré.
That oblivion from which I will not return.
Era odiado por la gente del barrio
I was hated by the people in the neighborhood
Me temían tanto por ser malo
They feared me so much for being bad
Tomaba mucho en la primera y en la veinte
I drank a lot on First and Twentieth
Ya medio briago atracaba en Insurgentes.
Half drunk, I robbed on Insurgentes.
Era un temible atracador de mujeres
I was a fearsome mugger of women
Bancos, escuelas y centros comerciales
Banks, schools, and shopping malls
Era muy temido por la poli del Edo. Mex.
I was very feared by the Edo. Mex. police
Con la cual siempre me agarraba a balazos.
With whom I always got into shootouts.
No respetaba clases sociales
I didn't respect social classes
Ni me importaba la estúpida gente
Nor did I care about stupid people
Tomaba mucho tequila y cerveza
I drank a lot of tequila and beer
Planeaba atracos como un rey.
I planned robberies like a king.
Pero tenía que llegar ese maldito día
But that damn day had to come
En que este rey el poder perdería
When this king would lose his power
Y hoy tras las rejas sólo mil problemas hay
And today behind bars, there are only a thousand problems
Muchas madrizas que yo tengo que aguantar
Many beatings that I have to endure
Muchas demandas y careos que caray
Many lawsuits and confrontations, damn it
Muchas madrizas que yo tengo que aguantar
Many beatings that I have to endure
Las loqueras que hice
The crazy things I did
Por creerme Chuperman.
For believing I was Superman.
Me ponía bien loco
I went crazy
En la calle sin carnal
On the street without my homies
Me valía gorro
I didn't care
Agandallar al personal.
About ripping people off.
Tomando chelas tomando alcohol
Drinking beers, drinking alcohol
Hice desmadres en el barrio
I caused chaos in the neighborhood
Y con la banda me puse bien
And with the gang, I got really messed up
Planee atracos como un rey:
I planned robberies like a king:
Canten sirenas por mi aprensión
Sing sirens for my apprehension
El Chuperhombre ya se acabó
The Chuperman is over
Tomando chelas fui yo el rey
Drinking beers, I was the king
Ahora encerrado soy puro buey.
Now locked up, I'm just a fool.
Y la banda me traiciona y me deja perder
And the gang betrays me and lets me lose
Y mis padres ya sin lana ya no saben que hacer
And my parents are broke, they don't know what to do
Y poco a poco voy cayendo en el olvido
And little by little, I'm falling into oblivion
Ese olvido del que no volveré.
That oblivion from which I will not return.
Y ya tenía que llegar
And it had to come
Ese maldito día
That damn day
En que este rey el poder perdería
When this king would lose his power
Y hoy tras las rejas solo mil problemas hay.
And today behind bars, there are only a thousand problems.
Muchas madrizas que yo tengo que aguantar
Many beatings that I have to endure
Muchas demandas y careos que caray
Many lawsuits and confrontations, damn it
Muchas madrizas que yo tengo que aguantar.
Many beatings that I have to endure.

Writer(s): Serafín Espinal Espinal

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