Sami Yusuf - Allahu (Live) - traduction des paroles en français

Paroles et traduction Sami Yusuf - Allahu (Live)

Allahu (Live)
Allahu (Live)
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
Truly He is the One
C'est vraiment Lui le Seul
He has no father or son
Il n'a ni père ni fils
(Truly He is the One)
(C'est vraiment Lui le Seul)
(He has no father or son)
(Il n'a ni père ni fils)
Everything in creation was by Him begun
Toute la création a commencé par Lui
(Everything in creation was by Him begun)
(Toute la création a commencé par Lui)
With His infinite power anything could be done
Avec Son pouvoir infini, tout est possible
(With His infinite power anything could be done)
(Avec Son pouvoir infini, tout est possible)
Ask Allah for His Pardon
Demande pardon à Allah
(Ask Allah for His Pardon)
(Demande pardon à Allah)
And you'll enter the Garden
Et tu entreras au Paradis
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
Before Him there were none
Avant Lui, il n'y avait rien
Of partners He has none
Il n'a aucun associé
(Before Him there were none)
(Avant Lui, il n'y avait rien)
(Of partners He has none)
(Il n'a aucun associé)
He knows what is apparent and what is hidden
Il sait ce qui est apparent et ce qui est caché
(He knows what is apparent and what is hidden)
(Il sait ce qui est apparent et ce qui est caché)
All the fate of creation has already been written
Le destin de toute la création a déjà été écrit
(All the fate of creation has already been written)
(Le destin de toute la création a déjà été écrit)
His Will is always done
Sa Volonté est toujours faite
(His Will is always done)
(Sa Volonté est toujours faite)
And can never be undone
Et ne peut jamais être défait
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله الله الله الله...
الله الله الله الله الله الله...
الله الله الله الله الله الله
الله الله الله الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله
الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
From amongst all humans
Parmi tous les humains
Muhammad was chosen
Muhammad a été choisi
(From amongst all humans)
(Parmi tous les humains)
(Muhammad was chosen)
(Muhammad a été choisi)
He was illiterate and he was an orphan
Il était illettré et il était orphelin
(He was illiterate and he was an orphan)
(Il était illettré et il était orphelin)
Yet Allah sent him to those who were pagans
Mais Allah l'a envoyé à ceux qui étaient païens
(Yet Allah sent him to those who were pagans)
(Mais Allah l'a envoyé à ceux qui étaient païens)
O Allah let us drink
Oh Allah, fais-nous boire
(O Allah let us drink)
(Oh Allah, fais-nous boire)
From his hand in the fountain
De sa main à la fontaine
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
Ya Allah You're the Sovereign
Ya Allah, Tu es le Souverain
You're the Sultan of Sultans
Tu es le Sultan des Sultans
(Ya Allah You're the Sovereign)
(Ya Allah, Tu es le Souverain)
(You're the Sultan of Sultans)
(Tu es le Sultan des Sultans)
Please protect me from Shaytan and all of his treason
S'il te plaît, protège-moi de Shaytan et de toutes ses trahisons
(Please protect me from Shaytan and all of his treason)
(S'il te plaît, protège-moi de Shaytan et de toutes ses trahisons)
Let him not with his whispers my iman ever weaken
Ne laisse pas ses murmures affaiblir ma foi
(Let him not with his whispers my iman ever weaken)
(Ne laisse pas ses murmures affaiblir ma foi)
My only wish in this life
Mon seul souhait dans cette vie
(My only wish in this life)
(Mon seul souhait dans cette vie)
Is to attain Your Pardon
C'est d'obtenir Ton Pardon
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله
الله الله الله


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