وكلي محتاج أنت لك الغنى ومثلي من يخطئ ومثلك من يعفو
I am completely in need, You are the Rich One, and like me who makes mistakes, and like You who forgives
أنت الذي أبدى الوداد تكرماً ومثلك من يرعى ومثلي من يجفو
You are the One who initiated love as a favor, and like You who cares, and like me who neglects
لا إله إلا الله
There is no deity but God
وما طاب عيش لم تكن فيه واصلاً ولم يصف لا والله أنى له يصفو
And life was not pleasant when You were not connected, and it did not purify, no by God, how can it be pure
لا إله إلا الله
There is no deity but God
يارباه أتيتك لا إله غيرك من لي سواك أتيت اليك فاقبلني يا الله يارحمن فاقبلني يا الله
Oh Lord, I have come to You, there is no deity but You, who do I have besides You? I have come to You, so accept me, oh God, oh Merciful One, accept me, oh God
إنني بحماك فأحبني برضاك داوني بدواك لا أريد سواك
Indeed, I am under Your protection, so love me with Your pleasure, heal me with Your remedy, I want nothing but You
قد أتيت إليك فالأمان لديك والعيال عليك إنني بحماك الله يا الله
I have come to You, so safety is with You, and the dependents are upon You, I am under Your protection, oh God, oh God
لا إله إلا الله
There is no deity but God
الله يا الله
Oh God, oh God
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