Sanjosex - Bob Dylan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sanjosex - Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Et vull donar les gràcies per les cançons
I want to thank you for the songs
Que quan era petit jo cantava
That I used to sing as a young boy
Assegut a darrera el Renault 12
Sitting in the back of my parents' car
Escoltant les melodies sense saber què deien
Listening to the melodies without knowing what they meant
Jo juraria que a mi em van fer
I could swear that I was made
Amb la música de fons del Desire
With the music of Desire playing in the background
I no sóc l'únic, ja ho se
And I'm not the only one, I know
Però m'és igual vull agrair-te
But that doesn't matter, I want to thank you
Que un dia et posessis a escriure
For sitting down to write one day
Reinventant-te constantment
Constantly reinventing yourself
Buscaves noves formes d'emocionar-nos
You searched for new ways to move us
I tot això ho has acabat patint
And you've suffered for it
Però tu què esperaves? Ets només un home
But what did you expect? You're only human
M'imaginava tocant amb tu
I imagined playing with you
Que potser ens coneixíem i m'ensenyaves
Maybe we knew each other and you taught me
Eren somnis de nen petit
They were the dreams of a young boy
Quan encara no sabia
When I didn't yet know
Ni què em trobaria
What I would find
Vas ser el mag de les emocions
You were the magician of emotions
Ple de contradiccions i dubtes
Full of contradictions and doubts
Va ser el blanc de les raons
You were the target of criticism
Aquesta societat no vol rebel·lions
This society doesn't want rebellion
Ets tan fàcil de criticar
It's so easy to criticize you
Però tu has sigut més llest que una fura
But you've been smarter than a ferret
Amagant-te o mostrant-te
Hiding or showing yourself
O canviant el que volies, segons convenia
Or changing what you wanted, as it suited you
T'agraeixo aquests acords tan copiats i tan bonics
I thank you for these chords so often copied and so beautiful
T'agraeixo les cançons que m'han arribat a dins
I thank you for the songs that have touched me deep inside
T'agraeixo aquestes veus que tothom ja ha cantat
I thank you for these voices that everyone has sung
T'agraeixo tot l'esforç per canviar la societat
I thank you for all your efforts to change society

Writer(s): Carles Sanjose Bosch

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