Santa RM feat. Iluminatik & Isusko - Fast Mortem - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Santa RM feat. Iluminatik & Isusko - Fast Mortem

Fast Mortem
Fast Mortem
Hay quien pensó que estaba muerto
Some thought I was dead,
Más volví como el karma,
But I came back like karma,
cosas se hacen mejor
Things are done better
cuando Se suda, se llora y se sangra
when you sweat, cry and bleed.
Hay quien me dijo "Santa tu ya no estás a la moda"
Some told me "Santa, you're not in style anymore"
Jamás quise ser una moda pendejo
I never wanted to be a trend, dumbass,
si a ti no te gusta te largas ahora
if you don't like it, get out now.
Hay quien vino a decirme hermano y a estrechar mi mano,
Some came to call me brother and shake my hand,
yo fui su maestro, me dieron manzanas,
I was their teacher, they gave me apples,
cuando las mordí me salieron gusanos
when I bit into them, worms came out.
Y ahora que dices, dime que mierda me exiges
And now what do you say, tell me what the fuck you demand,
hay quien tiene millones de reproducciones
some have millions of views
pero ellos no tienen mis cicatrices
but they don't have my scars.
Yo no los culpo a ellos, ellos supieron jugar sus piezas
I don't blame them, they knew how to play their pieces
Te digo a ti, que me apuntas a mi
I'm telling you, the one pointing at me,
Que no tienes ni puta idea en la cabeza
That you don't have a fucking clue in your head.
Yo no te debo nada, jamás te dije que me escucharas
I don't owe you anything, I never told you to listen to me,
Y ahora que escribo lo que se me antoja
And now that I write what I want,
tu quieres meter tu maldita cuchara
you want to put your damn spoon in it.
Muérete perro y ahogate puto
Die dog and drown motherfucker,
que no necesito tu puta opinión
I don't need your fucking opinion.
Me dices que no me respetas, tu dime respeto,
You tell me you don't respect me, you tell me respect,
quien mierda te pidió tu opinión
who the fuck asked for your opinion.
Quien mierda eres tú, que has hecho
Who the fuck are you, what have you done,
Que esperas imbécil tu dime
What do you expect imbecile, tell me.
No me hables de hardcore que cuando toco el micro gime
Don't talk to me about hardcore when I touch the mic it moans.
Fast Mortem
Fast Mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
En vida pierden soporte, bienvenidos a mi deporte
In life they lose support, welcome to my sport
Fast Mortem
Fast Mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras, flow, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars, flow, metrics, bars
Caras partidas con un flow tenaz
Split faces with a tenacious flow
Con algo que no sale ni pagando cash
With something that doesn't come out even paying cash
Son yardigans, little baby cats
They are yardigans, little baby cats
Tu musica Para puro faltó de moral
Your music is for pure lack of morals
Quieren competirnos con la madre que decimos
They want to compete with us with the mother we say
Niños son y los batimos en esto de fluir ritmos
They are children and we beat them in this of flowing rhythms
Ventaja llevamos varios años bien adelantados en el tiempo del futuro les caímos
We have an advantage of several years well ahead in the time of the future we fell
Lírica del kimbo que vuela quijadas,
Lyrics of the kimbo that flies jaws,
la mierda esperada más que el ditox
the expected shit more than the ditox
Pa-pa tus tus gritos
Pa-pa your your screams
Yo co-co-cometiendo delitos a puro chamaco de high school
I co-co-committing crimes to pure high school kid
Yo lo moldeo como la plastilina de playskool
I mold it like playskool plasticine
Llegó el villano del redskull
The villain of the redskull has arrived
El que los pone a hacer "facefuck"
The one that makes them do "facefuck"
A mi no me culpe si le falta cromosoma
Don't blame me if he's missing a chromosome
raperos de broma salieron corriendo
joke rappers ran away
como puta pecadora en sodoma y gomorra
like a sinful whore in sodom and gomorrah
Les llegó la hora con tu porra así que corra
The time has come for them with your truncheon so run
Estilos tan planos como la visera de tu gorra
Styles as flat as the visor of your cap
No eres más rapero con nada ni nada ni Supra ni jordan
You're not more rapper with anything or anything or Supra or jordan
Los tengo pecho tierra amarrados, con una nota quedarán
I have them chest to the ground tied up, with one note they will remain
Como tony montana dejo a Sosa
As tony montana leaves Sosa
MC fallidos de flowers bandidos mal concebidos
Failed MCs of flowers bandits poorly conceived
Para mi tu eres el mas cómico
For me you are the most comical
El niño jugando al gótico
The boy playing gothic
Su música para mi es de andróginos
His music for me is of androgynous
y nada más bienvenido a mi zona de guerra mi colombines
and nothing more welcome to my war zone my columbines
es mi gansta paradise
it's my gansta paradise
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
En vida pierde el soporte bienvenidos a mi deporte
In life he loses support welcome to my sport
Fast Mortem
Fast Mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras, flow, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars, flow, metrics, bars
Lo han intentado pero no han podido
They have tried but they have not been able
Lo que deberían es no haber nacido
What they should have done is not been born
Su música dan ganas de arrancarse los oídos
Your music makes you want to rip your ears off
Su RAP es su camino sin retorno hacia el olvido
Your RAP is your way of no return to oblivion
Tu contra mi no tienes posibilidad
You against me you have no chance
Te mataré yo si no lo hace la curiosidad
I will kill you if curiosity doesn't
Me llaman bólido y sube la velocidad
They call me a bolide and the speed increases
Yo soy la ley, soy el rey de la oscuridad
I am the law, I am the king of darkness
Sólo puedes rifarte el número 2
You can only raffle number 2
Mínimo su ánimo y rimo para los que se creen algo Corrigelos
Minimum their spirit and rhyme for those who think they are something Correct them
Están más cerca del mono que de dios
They are closer to the monkey than to god
Mientras gimen les parto el himen
While they moan I break their hymen
No se si me entienden comento mi crimen,
I don't know if you understand me I comment on my crime,
les dejo que rimen quiero que se quemen
I let them rhyme I want them to burn
no seran yo ni tragando mi semen
they won't be me even swallowing my semen
Quita está cara de verga y preparate
Take that face off your dick and get ready
¿Quieres hacernos un favor? Muerete
Do you want to do us a favor? Die
No es Hip-Hop son golpes de karate
It's not Hip-Hop it's karate blows
Puedes ver en cada verso tu cadáver
You can see your corpse in every verse
En mi RAP nada es suficiente transformó bueno en excelente
In my RAP nothing is enough I transform good into excellent
Cualquiera que diga que es mejor que yo miente
Anyone who says they are better than me is lying
Pamplona, Nogales, aguas crack-lientes
Pamplona, Nogales, crack-lientes waters
Castigo divino onceava plaga
Divine punishment eleventh plague
Quieren ser como yo, todo se paga
They want to be like me, everything is paid
Como la puta que lo chupa y se lo traga,
Like the whore who sucks it and swallows it,
como el cerdo que come donde caga
like the pig that eats where it shits
Puñal lirical, llega tu final, soy ilimitado es un estado mental
Lyrical dagger, your end comes, I am unlimited it is a mental state
Yo no tengo igual, alimento el mal, tu no eres rival, sal de aquí carnal
I have no equal, I feed evil, you are no rival, get out of here carnal
Estas muerto
You are dead
Fast Mortem
Fast Mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
En vida pierde el soporte, bienvenidos a mi deporte
In life he loses support, welcome to my sport
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars
Fast mortem
Fast mortem
Líricas, métricas, barras, flow, métricas, barras
Lyrics, metrics, bars, flow, metrics, bars
Hey wanna be ¿te acuerdas de mí?
Hey wanna be, do you remember me?
Se que si porque fui tu papá hasta el fin
I know you do because I was your dad until the end
You are the fakest MC I ever seen
You are the fakest MC I ever seen
Y todo lo que digas lo sacaste de mi
And everything you say you got it from me
Sólo digo la verdad
I'm just telling the truth
Yo que no puedes soportar toda mi capacidad
I know you can't stand all my ability
Like a flashback vas para atrás
Like a flashback you go backwards
De verdad deveras revelarte para ser capaz
You really need to reveal yourself to be capable
Vuelvete loco te reto, luego has el intento de pasar a peso completo
Go crazy I dare you, then try to go to full weight
Luego recupera el aliento un momento
Then catch your breath for a moment
Y recuerda que siempre seré tu maestro
And remember that I will always be your teacher
Pues llevo más tiempo y para ser honesto
Well I've been around longer and to be honest
superó tu tempo y te resto por lento
I surpass your tempo and subtract you for being slow
y reviento tu cuento violento de akendo
and I burst your violent akendo story
leyendo una rima culera que tengo
reading a shitty rhyme I have
Dime Goodbye you better prepare to fly
Tell me Goodbye you better prepare to fly
i'm gonna make you cry
i'm gonna make you cry
Hip-Hop its mine you don't know what it is inside
Hip-Hop its mine you don't know what it is inside
Oh no one better than mine, JJ Fam
Oh no one better than mine, JJ Fam
Oh no one better than mine, iluminatik Fam
Oh no one better than mine, iluminatik Fam
Dime Goodbye you better prepare to fly
Dime Goodbye you better prepare to fly
i'm gonna make you cry
i'm gonna make you cry
Hip-Hop its mine you dont know what it is inside
Hip-Hop its mine you dont know what it is inside
Oh no one better than mine, JJ Fam
Oh no one better than mine, JJ Fam
Oh no one better than mine, Iluminatik Fam
Oh no one better than mine, Iluminatik Fam

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