Santa RM feat. Isusko & Katres - Déjame en Paz - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Santa RM feat. Isusko & Katres - Déjame en Paz

Déjame en Paz
Leave Me Alone
Sigo contando esta historia cuantas veces haga falta
I keep telling this story as many times as it takes
Por favor déjame en paz, ¿aún sigues buscándome?
Please leave me alone, are you still looking for me?
Da igual donde esté, da igual lo que haga
No matter where I am, no matter what I do
Sigues observándome, por favor déjame en paz
You keep watching me, please leave me alone
Ella es... tan inocente, tan real, tan insensata
She is... so innocent, so real, so foolish
Es una lucha a vida o muerte y joder, casi me mata
It's a life or death struggle and damn, she almost killed me
Me maltrata, trota por mi mente, desnuda me empotra
She mistreats me, trots through my mind, naked she pushes me
Contra la pared, le da igual que haya otra
Against the wall, she doesn't care if there's someone else
Ella quiere ser mi mundo, mi epicentro
She wants to be my world, my epicenter
Da igual si me escondo, donde voy siempre la encuentro
It doesn't matter if I hide, wherever I go I always find her
Y no será feliz hasta que seamos cenizas
And she won't be happy until we are ashes
De un fuego en un juego de pasión enfermiza
Of a fire in a game of sick passion
Lo intenté mil veces y no conseguí pararla
I tried a thousand times and I couldn't stop her
Me conoce mejor que yo mismo, no puedo engañarla
She knows me better than I know myself, I can't fool her
Porque ella me enseñó a mentir sereno y embriagado
Because she taught me to lie calmly and intoxicated
Ahogado día y noche, recordándome el pasado
Drowned day and night, reminding me of the past
Infectando mi cerebro con palabras que me envuelven
Infecting my brain with words that envelop me
Me ha dejado tantas veces como vino y siempre vuelve
She has left me as many times as she came and she always comes back
Esta es mi historia, aunque pudisteis ser vosotros
This is my story, although it could have been yours
que el día que me posea irá a buscarse a otro
I know that the day she possesses me she will go looking for another
Dice que no puede vivir sin mí, que me ama
She says she can't live without me, that she loves me
Obsesionada conmigo, metida en mi cama
Obsessed with me, tucked into my bed
Y otra noche sin dormir, está llorándole a la almohada
And another sleepless night, she's crying into the pillow
Me hace sentir que sin ella yo no valgo nada
She makes me feel that without her I'm worthless
Y la verdad es que si no está, siento el frío
And the truth is that if she's not there, I feel the cold
Haz lo que diga (tú no serás de nadie si no eres mío)
Do as I say (you won't be anyone's if you're not mine)
Y la verdad es que no cómo explicarlo, es algo psíquico
And the truth is that I don't know how to explain it, it's something psychic
La única que amó mi mente y no mi físico
The only one who loved my mind and not my physique
Todo comenzó como una relación normal
It all started as a normal relationship
Todo iba bien, hasta que empezó a cambiar
Everything was going well, until it started to change
Llamaba cada hora, a cada minuto, cada segundo
She called every hour, every minute, every second
Siempre estaba conmigo y me hizo sentir el rey del mundo
She was always with me and made me feel like the king of the world
Le daba todo (todo) sacó lo mejor de
I gave her everything (everything) she brought out the best in me
Sólo entre mis labios me decía que era feliz
Only between my lips she told me she was happy
Culpable de mis insomnios, no me permitía dormir
Guilty of my insomnia, she wouldn't let me sleep
Decía (tómame, ámame) sin ella no podía vivir
She said (take me, love me) she couldn't live without her
Era mi droga (mi éxtasis), sólo la quería conmigo
She was my drug (my ecstasy), I only wanted her with me
Empecé a escuchar que estaba cambiando entre mis amigos
I started to hear that I was changing among my friends
Intenté tomar mi espacio, quise descansar
I tried to take my space, I wanted to rest
Pero volvió gritándome con la furia de un huracán
But she came back yelling at me with the fury of a hurricane
Y me tuvo ahí con ella, esclavizado
And she had me there with her, enslaved
Hasta dejarla satisfecha no me permitió alejarme de su lado
Until she was satisfied she didn't let me get away from her side
Eso no es normal, es una enfermedad
That's not normal, it's a disease
(¡sin mí, no eres nadie!) cada vez me exige más
(without me, you are nobody!) she demands more and more from me
Psicológicamente me hizo sentir como basura
Psychologically she made me feel like trash
Que sin ella yo no valgo; y al borde de la locura
That without her I'm worthless; and on the verge of madness
Varia veces dentro de mi habitación
Several times inside my room
Quise ignorarla y terminamos juntos bailando nuestra canción
I wanted to ignore her and we ended up dancing our song together
que me usaba para conseguirse a otros
I know she used me to get others
No le bastaba, ella llegó cuando tenía el corazón roto
It wasn't enough for her, she came when I had a broken heart
Llega y se va, vuelve y se va de nuevo
She comes and goes, she comes back and leaves again
Déjame en paz, me estoy volviendo loco ¡te lo ruego!
Leave me alone, I'm going crazy, I beg you!
Y así se fue sin aceptar un No y chillando
And so she left without accepting a No and screaming
Que sin todo cambiaba, y que al final me acabará cambiando
That without me everything would change, and that in the end she would end up changing me
Salió y bajó a las escaleras, no soy un portazo
She went out and down the stairs, I'm not a door slam
Me gritaba, yo apartaba la mirada por si acaso
She was yelling at me, I looked away just in case
Que volvería, estaba claro
That she would come back, it was clear
Siempre hace lo mismo y tengo callo
She always does the same thing and I have a callus
Llega, monta un pollo por mi polla
She arrives, raises a fuss over my cock
Y cierra el follón entre llantos
And closes the mess between sobs
¿Y yo qué hago? Si tampoco se hacer daño
And what do I do? I don't know how to hurt either
Pero me quiere tan cerca que me termina aficionando
But she loves me so close that she ends up making me fond
Si no se puede vivir así; yo contigo y sin
If you can't live like this; me with you and you without me
Me diste la libertad que quise y me quise ir
You gave me the freedom I wanted and I wanted to leave
Ahora que me llamas, me escribes, es porque te sientes sola
Now that you call me, you write me, it's because you feel alone
Me levantas de la cama sin temblar, da igual la hora
You lift me out of bed without trembling, no matter the time
Y ahora solo contra el mundo; te necesito y no estás
And now alone against the world; I need you and you're not here
Me vuelvo loco y duermo poco, te di todo y quieres más
I go crazy and sleep little, I gave you everything and you want more
Y yo de ti, tu presencia es como un bucle
And I from you, your presence is like a loop
Casi rosa lo enfermizo, necesito que me toques
It almost seems unhealthy, I need you to touch me
Sólo entonces estoy lúcido
Only then am I lucid
Si no estoy torpe y comiéndome el tarro
If I'm not clumsy and eating my head
Que andarás por ahí con otro y con otro
That you'll be out there with another and another
Y si es así, yo ya no valgo de nada
And if so, I'm already worthless
Me di cuenta cuando pasé de ti
I realized when I ignored you
Y pasó lo que yo no me esperaba
And what I didn't expect happened
Me sentaba y lo intentaba, lo escribía y no encajaba
I sat down and tried, I wrote it and it didn't fit
Pasaba horas matando el tiempo, pero era yo el que sangraba
I spent hours killing time, but I was the one bleeding
Y desde aquí se ve todo color gris
And from here everything looks gray
No valoré lo que tenía hasta que no te perdí
I didn't appreciate what I had until I lost you
Hasta que no te perdí
Until I lost you
Ahora todo me da igual
Now I don't care about anything
No sigas buscándome
Don't keep looking for me
Por favor déjame en paz
Please leave me alone
Cierra los ojos al tumbarse, como una muñeca
She closes her eyes when she lies down, like a doll
Ojalá que llore hasta quedarse seca
I hope she cries until she runs dry
A veces viene, a veces va, a ella no le importa nada
Sometimes she comes, sometimes she goes, she doesn't care about anything
Tiene ojos de gato para verte hasta con la luz apagada
She has cat eyes to see you even with the lights off
Dulce y peligrosa, preciosa, es una tentación
Sweet and dangerous, beautiful, she is a temptation
Quizá piense en ti; no tiene sitio en su corazón
She may think of you; she has no room in her heart
Como un golpe de pecho que te corta la respiración
Like a blow to the chest that cuts off your breath
Llámala como quieras, da igual, es pura inspiración
Call her what you want, it doesn't matter, she is pure inspiration

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