Esse amor que aquece o peito ao ponto de quase queimar, esse amor inevitável,
This love that warms the chest to almost burning point, this inevitable love,
Doce desespero. Ess amor que transforma corpo e alma,
Sweet despair. This love that transforms body and soul,
Esse amor
- diante d\'Ele tudo é suspiro, tudo é minimo, tudo é grao.
This love
- before you everything's a sigh, everything's minimal, everything's a grain.
That love which warms the chest to almost burning point.
This love that warms the chest to almost burning point.
That inevitable love, sweet despair. That love which changes body and soul. That love
- before Him everything\'s a sigh, everything\'s minimal, everything\'s a grain.
That inevitable love, sweet despair. That love which changes body and soul. That love
- before you everything's a sigh, everything's minimal, everything's a grain.
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