Sassja - Beton - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sassja - Beton

Lagano dribling, vers par finti
Fancy dribbling, fake passes
Iz mjesta zakucam jer ste presitni
I'm slamming it home from downtown 'cause you're too salty
Mikroskop uzmem i ništa ne vidim ba
I grab my microscope and I can't see anything
Jes' to ti il' je slina na bini?!
Is that you or is it drool on the stage?!
Varim po beatu gle kako se dimi prezarazan dim
I'm flowing on the beat, watch how the smoky haze fills the air
Gle kako se širi ispred si misliš al' to ti se čini
See how it spreads, you think you see it, but it's just an illusion
Ispred si jedino kad sam na bini
You're only in front when I'm on stage
S nama si ako si brat i nemoj se truditi u kraj nam stat
You're with us if you're a brother, don't bother trying to stop us
Napravi pauzu uzmi Kit-Kat jer najveći vrh ti je na kući sprat
Take a break, grab a Kit-Kat, 'cause the only high point you have is the top floor of your house
Zašto se reperi prave pametni kad rad im je sav karijera rahmetli
Why do rappers act so smart when their whole career is a blessing?
U spotu im pare u spotu im Bentley
They have money in their videos, they have Bentleys in their videos
Realnije izgledam ja na metli.
I look more real on a broom.
Ma šta je, ko diro?
What's up, who's messing?
Ne uhvatiš flow lad ti skoči u krilo
You can't catch the flow, go jump in her lap
Vještina te neće da je vodiš u kino ba
Skill doesn't want you to take her to the movies
Ljudi se smore da častiš ih speedom Koncert ti tako,
People are dying to give you speed, concert for you,
Lako mi zato lomimo na svakom
That's why it's easy for us to break it down at every
Oncertu s krunom vladarimo majkom
Oncert with the crown, we rule with our mother
Zato kad staneš pred nas, naklon
So when you stand before us, bow down
Studio, mikrofon, bina
Studio, microphone, stage
Intervju, novine, radio
Interview, newspaper, radio
Aplauz, ljubav publika ne
Applause, love the audience
Obišli sve, nismo vidjeli te
We've been everywhere, we haven't seen you
Halo, pa đesi?
Hello, what's up?
Za šankom gustiraš Pepsi
You're hanging out at the bar, drinking Pepsi
Prdrži krunu mi
Hold my crown for me
Moram majk i zvuk podesit
I have to adjust the mic and sound
Fmjam država sve ća da preuzme
DJ, the government wants to take over everything
Ljubav ko daje, braća ste tu ste
Love gives, brothers are here with you
A ako je Bog iz Detroita
And if God is from Detroit
Onda je Boginja sigurno iz Tuzle
Then the Goddess is definitely from Tuzla
Na stolicu, na ljestve, popneš se na prste
On the table, on the stairs, you climb on your toes
Tako jedva dokučiš patike nam
That's how you barely reach our sneakers
Visoko smo znam
I know we're high
Visoko na tronu
High on the throne
Selfie hvatamo dronom
We take selfies with a drone
Cure perdono, eto vam scena pa vladajte dobro
Sorry ladies, here's the stage, go rule it
Ista je odron, izvan sam solo, eto vam album tečaj pro bono.
It's the same landslide, I'm solo, here's your album for free.
Ne može sceni toj pomoć' ni Dejton
Dayton can't help that scene
Išli bi na vrh pa guraju hejtom
They'd go to the top and push with hate
Jedni za druge i tako svi redom
One for the other and so on
Jedva u prvoj a išli bi petom
Barely in first and they want to go fifth
Svakoga dana u svakom pogledu
Every day, in every way
Trudiš se više ostati u trendu
You try harder to stay in fashion
Svakoga sata u svakom pogledu
Every hour, in every way
Izrastam ipak u veću legendu
I'm growing into a bigger legend

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Sanela Sassja, Rok KovaäŒ

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